Chapter 32

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"So your not joining the team?" Rachel asked and I shook my head "no" I replied with a slight grin "why are you smiling?" She asked curiously" "no reason" I replied "so what are you doing today?" "I don't know" I said and my phone started to ring it was a no caller ID I answered "hello?" "Hey it's leo" "what do you want?" "To meet up" he said his voice trailing off "no I cant" "why not" "because were just not okay?" "But je-" I cut him off hanging up the phone "who was that?" Rachel asked "just leo" I said rolling my eyes sighing "why did he call you? "He wanted to meet up" Rachel didn't look surprised "why aren't you shocked or suprised?" "Well it's pretty obvious he still likes you" I paused for a moment "well I don't like him" I stated and strutted off towards the kitchen grabbing a cold bottle of water from the fridge and a packet or Chicken flavored chips running towards my room in my pajamas today was Saturday two days off school which was great but the guys kept pestering me about going to hang out with them but today was a day I wanted to sit in bed all day and watch Netflix with chocolate or something like that it was my type of scenery

I sat in bed my computer laying on the top of my pillow whilst I watched teen wolf on netflix I was 6 episodes in when I got a text from Wesley saying "what you doing?" So I decided to ignore him and continue my episode a few minutes later I got another text from him saying "you there?" I ignored him again "Jess?" He texted I went into iMessage and started to text him "I'm watching Netflix right now" I said and locked my phone sitting it on the bed side table next to me he texted me back straight away "is it that important you ignored me?" "Yes it is my netflix is life" I texted back sending it through I started to watch it again I got another text and I groaned "leave me alone!" I said starring at my phone holding my eyes "Jess are you okay?" She asked and I paused my computer looking towards her "Wesley won't stop texting me while I'm watching Netflix" I said "then ignore him more" she said and walked back out if my room and I turned unpausing my computer then looking at my phone he texted saying "but I thought I was life" and I toke the phone texting him "not when Dylan O'brien is involved" I replied and turned off my phone and turning my head to the computer screen watching my episode then when I thought I was completely alone all by myself getting comfy mum walked in and I threw my hands up into the air "really?" "Yes" "what do you want?" I tried asking nicely "to see if you want lunch" "I'm good" I said and she left closing the door behind her i settled back into my spot getting comfortable once again then the sound of my phone ringing it was Jamie I picked it up "what do you want?!" I said almost telling through the phone "nothing really just that me and the guys are all hanging out and your not joining us" he said almost confused "I'm just staying home today okay?" I said sighing my shoulders slightly dropping "alright then but what are you doing?" He asked "watching Netflix" I answered and he chuckled softly "what?" I said "I never could see you watching Netflix" he said and I simply laughed softly hanging up


It was now Sunday around 6:00 am and mum was hurrying me towards the kitchen I wasn't sure why but I did it anyways I walked out there yawning stretching my arms "why was I woken up this early?" I asked my eyes blinking open to the light if the sun "it's an important day that's what it is" "what's on?" I asked curiously "your sister..." She said her voice trailing off "omg I haven't even gotten her a birthday present" that's when mum smiled slightly "don't worry about that" "but I ne-" mum cut me off "follow me she started walking towards the back door opening it she walked outside and so did I the cold air blistering my skin and I shivered mum stood still for a moment and I looked at her "what are we doing?" I asked almost annoyed mum whistled and a black and white husky dog appeared from around the corner it's ears perked and excited my mouth dropped in surprise "you got her a dog?!" I exclaimed loudly "shh you'll wake her up" "when did you get her?" I asked "I bought her a few days ago but I got the owner to drop her off early this morning "she's beautiful" I aid and groomed her soft fur "what's her name?" "Arizona" mum relied smiling as I petted Arizona and looked back at mum "how are you gonna like give her the dog?" I asked grinning "I'm not sure yet" mum said shrugging her shoulders then walking back inside towards the kitchen Rachel sat at one of the dining tables scaring the living day lights out of me "what were you two doing outside?" Mum hesitated before answering "nothing" she replied "happy birthday!" She said and started to hug her and Rachel allowed her arms to hug her back when mum pulled away Rachel looked at her suspicious "so where my present?" She asked "its outside" "outside?" She said tilting her head in confusion "yeah follow us" mum said and we started walking back out towards the back door as we all stood outside Rachel seemed to notice Arizona after like 30 seconds "oh my god thank you, thank you, thank you!" Rachel said and she looked so excited jumping around the place she returned to the gaze of Arizona and smiled briefly "what's her name?" She asked curiously "Arizona" I replied "that's pretty cool" she said and smiled at mum then at me "this is the best gift ever" she said excitedly

"So what are we doing for her birthday?" I asked through the phone jack,Wesley,Jamie and Ryan "a party?" Jack suggested "sounds good" ryan stated and they agreed "who are we inviting exactly?" I asked "hmm" Wesley said "maybe everyone?" Ryan suggested "yeah except for Kelly and her gang" I said scowling "agreed" Wesley said "well I'll start posting about it talk to you soon" I hung up and logged into Facebook starting tinpot about it I blocked all the cheerleaders from seeing it so they wouldn't see it but knowing Kelly she would find out some how, a while after I posted about it teresa texted me "Im so excited for the party can't wait to see you" I ignored the text and shoved my phone back into my pocket the guys had promised to come earlier so we could get ready and jack was gonna district her for about an hour while we set everything up, an hour the guys cane over with all the party supplies we all started to set everything up a large banner saying "happy 16 birthday" food on the table the music was low at the moment whilst mum starred at us from the kitchen "Hm I know I'm defiantly not gonna be staying here for long" she said and she chuckled softly she started walking down towards the basement with a large bottle of water and a few snack with her she was defiantly not coming back for a while "so when should people start showing up?" Ben asked "soon" as soon as I said it a few minutes teresa showed up in grey skinny jeans with a white tank top her hair hanging loosely onto her shoulders make up applied to her face lightly whilst I was wearing my black ripped skinny jeans with a plain shirt saying "lets travel" with a pair of black combat boots that reached towards the start of my calve my blonde hair tied into a knot I travelled towards her saying hi quickly I looked outside I saw cars pulling up people walking towards the driveway I grinned slightly my eyes scanning the area as more people came towards the driveway I backed away and then a group of people waltzed in laughing and talking and before I knew it my house was filled with people and their friends, someone had turned up the music to "uptown funk" people dancing or singing alone laughing or eating or couples sitting together that's when I looked outside and jacks car pulled into the driveway Rachel heading down towards the house she started jogging towards the house she looked confused and I backed away from the window again she ran into almost falling over but she stood there wide eyes jack running behind her she looked very surprised "happy birthday" I said smiling brightly "you did this for me?" She said happily "of course I did" I said and she embraced me into a right hug "thank you" "it's okay" I said looking towards her neck I saw a golden necklace with a small golden heart I smiled then looked back up at jack and he smiled slightly looking down towards his feet "this really has been the best birthday"


A few hours into the party some people had left others had posted about it that's when I walked back towards the kitchen looking towards the door I saw Kelly and a few of her friends standing there I strutted towards her angrily "what are you doing here?" I snapped crossing my arms "I came for the party" "how did you even know about it" "well a lot of people post about these kind of things" she finished and I opened my door punting outside "well it wasn't good seeing you now get out" "but I thought if say happy birthday to Rachel" she said putting her hands on her hips "I don't care what came here for I want you out of my house right now" I said starting to raise my voice people started to stare and I ignored the the judging and watchful eyes of others "I don't want you in my house now leave" Rachel walked into the room "go away Kelly" Rachel stated holding her head up high and she rolled her eyes turning on her feel she left did she always have to ruin everything?







Hello everybody! I hope this chapter was long enough to make up for the short ones

Teaser: nothing really

I hope you guys are enjoying it but I though this was more of a fill in chapter but I liked it

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Thank you my awesome readers! 🐉

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