Chapter 35

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The only thought running through my head was

We must win

We all ran towards the opposite team the adrenalin rushing through my hot blood was crazy my skin felt as if it was on fire and I couldn't help but smile softly as I continued to run

I ran forward heading towards the end of the field were I was supposed to catch the ball but I got taken out by one of the bigger bulkier guys feeling the tackle rush through my body painfully and I hit the ground my head crashing towards the ground but I quickly got back up and positioned myself again ready to catch the ball next time around, as I caught the ball perfect rly in my arms I hung onto the ball with a death grip and ran as fast as I could weaving in and out of the opposite players my legs stepping and my arms swinging I felt my body tense up as I approached the try line and I turned my head for a spilt second and then back toward the front to only see someone about to tackle me but I thought quickly and let the ball fly through my fingers and into Chester's arms where he could score and I stood there watching as Chester made the first score, our team cheered and whistled in excitement

Into the sen ind half of the match I felt sweat drip down from my head and legs shaking from running fastly, the score was still the same, only Chester had scored and I was completely fine with that all as needed now was defense so we really had to step up our game and make sure they didn't make it past us

As the other team approached us I saw a green jersey approaching me and It wasn't usually my place to tackle someone but if I didn't this guy was going to get past me and I couldn't let that happen so I dived towards him feeling my arms wrap around the other player pulling him as hard as I can down to the ground and he hit the ground with a thump and I rested heavily thank god I thought to myself and stood back up and brushed off a bit of dirt and continued to play my heart feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest and my head starting to hurt a little, even though I was hurting like crazy I had to go on

It was coming down to the last few minutes of the game and they hasn't scored so we had this in the bag as long as they don't score we will be good and our team will be crazy excited about it and we were going to win we just knew it

As the clock ticked down people from the audience starting counting down the time from 5 to 1 they stopped and the familiar sound of the hooter rang and I yelled and threw my hands into the air cheering like crazy that we had just won regionals. I huddled up with the guys and we all jumped around in a circle together shouting loudly with excitement I looked over at everybody who looked as happy as me to be here and the fact that we won

We actually won I thought to myself smiling brightly

As the crowd had died down and there were only a few people left including out school and people watching and my family our team got together and we talked "guys that was great" Coach said and I smiled "and if it wasn't for Mileer over here we probably wouldn't of won. That tackle was great and saved us you did a really good job" he said and I nodded my head letting a smile creep across my face "thank you" I said and then looked over at Wesley and Jamie who were chatting amongst themselves almost secretively






hello everyone! Firstly I would like to say I'm SO sorry for not updating in a million years and that this chapter is short but...



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