Chapter 29

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That day at school I felt my head floating with questions my stomach filled with butterflies I was scared for the first time in a long time I was scared

As I walked into school I felt the presence of someone near me I turned my head to my left to see Teresa "hey" she said simply "hey" I replied and turned my head forward again "I heard you and Natt are friends again" Teresa stated and I nodded my head "so what about you and Wesley?" She asked me i hesitated at first scratching the back of my neck "I'm not sure" I said almost nervously "how are you not sure?" "I'm just not sure" i said simply my eyes scanning the area for the guys but I didn't see them anywhere they were probably down at the fields


I sat in the cafeteria with the guys today of course it was kind of awkward but we needed to get used to be friends again "so Jess" Ryan started "ready for next weeks game?" "Sure am" I replied confidently and then sat up straighter feeling the confidence build up in me "were all friends right?" I asked looking around the table but mostly at Wesley they all called out yes but Wesley just looked at me a slight smile clearly a good sign he nodded and said yes I smiled a large weight lifted off of her shoulders her stomach that was once in knots now back to normal even though Wes and I are not dating but were friends again and that's all that mattered right now "so guys my house this afternoon?" I asked smirking lightly and I heard then cheer we all defiantly needed to bond together not as a team but as friends


After school today the guys and I were sitting in the cool basement it had been so long since we had all been in here Rachel entered and ran down the stairs throwing herself into Jacks reach embracing him then she started kissing him "get it in there jack" I heard Jamie call out to them and Rachel turned to see Jamie looking him dead in the eye giving him a death stare it was kind if scary but being her sister you get used to it that's when my phone rang and it was a no caller ID I answered it and held the phone to my ear "hello?" I said threw the phone "hey Jess!" "Um who are you?" I replied confused "it's Leo you know you used to play fo-" I cut him off "why are you calling?" I asked "I just wanted the team to get back together you know" I turned to the guys "actually I have a better idea" I said

"Guys it's time for a road trip" I said and the guys looked at me "what do you mean?" Dainel asked "Oh you know meeting up with my old team back at there place" Jamie stood up "I agree to meet up with them!" Jamie said excitedly "why are you so excited to meet them?" I asked "well you know it's your old team" he said and I got it now "so what do we need for this road trip?" Jamie asked "firstly we need to run it by my mum" "oh yeah" he said kinda disappointed we all ran towards the lounge room to see mum about to take a bite of her sandwich "mum" I said "jess" she relied "we need to ask you something" "go on then" "we need to ask if we can go on a road trip" she hesitated "to where?" "to meet up with my d team" "no way!" She exclaimed loudly "c'mon mum we all really want to" "Jess it's to far" "but mum!" I said and gave her a desperate look from my eyes "please mum please" she crossed her arms tightly gritting her teeth "fine but be safe guys" she said and I nodded and ran downstairs quickly packing my clothes into a bag grabbing my wallet the guys walked down "that was fast" I tied up my hair "yeah now let's go to Weaslys to get the van" I said and we all ran towards our cars







Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated lately I feel really bad but here it is I hope you like it

Teaser: what do you think is going to happen with the two teams? Comment below what you think

Please comment what you think and your opinions on the story

And if I was going to do a chapter on someone else POV who would you want it to be Wesley, Rachel or Jamie?

Thank you for all the support my fabulous readers! 🐛

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