Chapter 20

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(Here's Kelly is she anything you imagined?)
The day after the whole public humiliation thing with Kelly everyone had posted a picture of her after Jacks little ceremony of a ripoff of the hunger games but I had to admit it was pretty funny, so at lunch when I sat with the guys I started to talk about how everyone posted that picture of Kelly because if Jamie "what picture?" Reece asked, Jamie held up his phone a picture of Kelly on the screen wearing the plum outfit Reece broke in a laughing hysteria whilst I was just watching as he laughed hard, I turned my head looking towards Wesley and he softly smiled sand laughed probably thinking of Kelly "that plans of Jamie was genius" Weasly stated "I know I know" he said taking a bow "thank you thank you" he said starting to do the queens wave as I went to pull Down his hand and he says to me "don't touch me I'm famous" I laughed and just sat back down

In fourth period today Wesley,Trent and I were talking about district and how we might win because we wanted to make it to state and win "you three at the back" miss gray spoke "shh" we just nodded our heads and talked quietly among ourselves, on Thursday Jamie and I walked towards the classroom were we had gotten dentition my head slightly hanging low "what's wrong?" Jamie asked "oh nothing" I said and softly smiled at him, when we walked Into the class there were a few other kids in there as well but that didn't really bother me right now so we took a seat and we were quiet the whole time, after our detition was over we rushed out of the classroom and I sighed with relief "I'm glad that's over" I said to Jamie "me too" he agreed


On the weekend at home I slept in for a while until I heard Rachel telling me to wake up

"Hey wake up!" She said
"Why?" I protested "the guys are here" I looked at her my eyes half open "why?" I asked again "I don't know they want you" she said

I heard banging on my door and I jolted up into a siting position "wake up Jess!" I heard Natt yell "I'm up!" I shouted back "get dressed" Rachel said and walked back to the guys, I out on my shorts on and a singlet grabbing a brush and opening my door the guys were there "nice hair" Jamie laughed "shut up" I said and pushed past them started to brush my long blonde hair then doing it up in a pony tail "so what are you guys doing here?" I asked "you know just came here to chill with you there's nothing really to do" "why my place?" I asked "thats a good question" Wesley stated "we should go to someone else's house" I said "but who's?" The guys looked around at each other "mine?" Wesley asked "yes!" Jamie said excitedly "then let's go" he said and we walked past the kitchen and mum asked were we were going "were going to Wesley's" jack shouted out "oh okay then" mum said "have fun" we walked outside and got into the van, we drove, "so what's your place like?" I asked him "wel-" he said but Jamie cut in "huge" he said "huge aye?" "Yep" Jamie said and nodded


Jamie was right the house was huge! Even the backyard i tell you! my eyes were lit up like a Christmas tree "woah" I said "i know" Reece said "it really is huge" I said "I told you" Jamie answered

We walked into the front door and it was as perfect as it was on the outside this place is breathtaking, as we walked throughout the house I met a few of there family members his dad his mum and his younger brother and sister his brother looked about 15 maybe and his sister looked 12 she wasn't sure but Wesley was the eldest she knew that, Wesley introduced is to them his brothers name was Jordan and his sisters name was Violet I heard Violet whisper "is that Wes's girlfriend?" She asked Jordan "I think so" he answered I just slightly chuckled and looked to them "are you his Girlfriend?" Violet asked me "yeah I guess" I answered and she raised her eyebrow crossing her arms "so your the great Jessica Miller quaterback of North-side" she paused "your her" she finally finished "um yeah I am" I Said "well it's nice to meet you Jessica" Jordan butted in "call me jess" I stated and softly smiled at them both "lets go" Wesley said to the guys and herself "so your family's nice" I told Wesley "if only you were the brother" he said "there a nightmare I tell you" I chuckled "come on they can't be that bad" "yes they can be even ask Jamie" I turned to Jamie "Jamie?" "It's true there crazy together Jordan comes up with the plans and Violet helps make it happen Violets got a dark gift" I furrowed my eyebrows "like how?" Jamie scratched the back of her neck about to answer but Wesley answered first "so one time we had an argument about god knows what and when I got home I went to turn the fan on in my room and they had put flour on the top of it so when you turn it on your coveted in flour in seconds" he paused slightly "it took me days to get it put of my hair" I laughed and spoke "that's pretty good so Jordan comes up with all these devious plans and Violet has her dark gift she can make anything happen I mean anything" he said jamie started to speak "hey guys remember when we came over once and Violet and Jordan had collected the garden gnomes from the neighborhood and super glued them to the garage floor?" The guys laughed "yes that was legendary but we couldn't go down to the garage to play video games that sucked "that was the whole point of the plan "Violet said as she walked through the hallway "your siblings are crazy" I said and Wesley shrugged "I know" I smiled "I like that why aren't you like that?" I asked and he smiled brightly "I was, you could say I was a one of them once" "oh really?" I asked "yep sure was" I heard Violet shout "he was!" She said and walked back down the hallway "I still remember when you 'pretended' to bake brownies and you mopped the floor and while it was still wet call out to us saying that the brownies were ready Jordan and I rushed down the hallway only to end up slipping over landing on our faces it was that slippery" he smiled putting his hands in his hips "agh those were the days" he said and looked over at me and I was just staring up at him wondering how Wesley could be like that he's so serious and quiet it's like he would be we do anything like that but I guess I was wrong "so you were a trouble maker" I said and smiled laughing at up "yes I am I have tricks up my sleeve" he said and smirked "let's go to the garage "it still has the smell of super glue doesn't it boys?" Weasly asked "sure does" Natt said


I woke up and checked my phone it was 3:00 am in the morning and my eyes were still adjusting to the light of my phone and when I did I had a few messages one was sent at 12:00 am like exactly at 12 it said

"Good morning beautiful" with a few live hearts and smiley faces Wesley never did that I wonder why he did it another one from Jack saying "you awake?" Sent at 2:34 am what's with everyone sending me messages in the morning and one more from Ben "hey sorry about what happened at the party it ain't happen again" I was pleased from this text but it was the one that woke me up but I texted back anyway "it's okay" I texted back and sent a thumbs up emoji I texted Jack back "yeah" and Wesley "why are you up so early?" But no replies so I sat my phone on my bed side table rolling over to go back to sleep when I heard my phone buzz against the wooden table really? I thought to myself and rolled back over Wesley had texted back "I can't sleep but I hope you have a good day" he texted and I texted back "thanks but I'm going back to sleep" I texted and sent the messages turning over again and closed my eyes lazily drifting back off to sleep finding myself falling deeper onto the sleep I needed


It was now 7:00 am and I was wide awake this time once again I checked my phone and one message back from Wesley he clearly dust get much sleep last night, I then stood up from my bed grabbing my headphones and my pair of running shirts and light singlet I plugged in my phone to my headphones and played the playlist I ran outside and started to run past the neighbor hood hair swaying against my shoulder blades as I ran the heat started to set in and I was glad I had out on loose clothing that wasn't as heavy sweat gleaming of the top of my brow as I had been running for a while now my playlist nearly to its end a i started jogging back home and as I got in the door I set down my phone and looked up to mum who threw me a water bottle filled with cool fresh water I gulped it down the water quenching my thirst, "good run?" Mum asked "yeah" I said taking a deep breath then drinking the water again "thanks mum" I said and held the drink bottle to her "no problem" she answered and smiled at me "so I heard you Weasly has siblings what are they like?" I said one sentence "you could say they have dark gifts" and mum looked at me confused so I told her everything







Hello everyone! I hope you liked the ideas I came up with for this chapter about how Wesley has siblings I had fun writing this chapter I hope you like it :)

Teaser: nothing really just a chapter getting to know Weasly a bit more

What's gonna happen to do think with everything that's going on districts etc?

I love you all thanks for all the support guys 💕

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