Chapter 6

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It was the Friday night game day my heart was pounding and aching I couldn't contain myself and I needed to talk to someone It was early in the morning

So I woke up Lucy


"We need to talk about tonight"

"Your already stressing it's 2:00 am in the morning"

"You want me to stay we need to talk"

"Fine" she muttered and rolled her eyes


"What kind of play are we going for?"

"Something powerful something they wouldn't expect"

We both blurted out the same play

"The touchdown!"

The touchdown was a play we had made up last week while practicing

We would receive the kick off I would get the ball run it as far as I could and if pass it off to Jamie Jamie passes it down the line to jack and Jack runs the line

and passes it back through the middle and scores from their

It was the best we had and we were going with it

The guys Lucy and I walked to our separate classes

As I went to walk with Lucy I felt arms around my waist I turned and weasly had me wrapped me in my arms he bent down time and kissed my forehead

"Kiss me like you wanna be loved" I said

I stood on my tippy toes and brushed my lips against his his lips were so warm and it felt good he held me close and I felt his hand run through my hair I pulled back

"I think I love you"

"I know" he answered with a bright smile

"to be countuined?"

"Of course"

I walked back to Lucy

She palmed my face

"You two getting all mushy"

I chuckled

"Yeah I guess"

"What if we don't win?"

"But we are" I smirked and we walked into class

"Your late" said the old man that taught us science

"Sorry sir"

"Not an excuse"

"Well your not gettin one" Lucy snapped her fingers at him

I covered my mouth and laughed as everyone else did

"Outside Lucy" said the teacher

I hit her shoulder while laughing


Lucy left the classroom and I was left alone

I plugged in my headphones and listened to my music and drew on my arm

It was half way through the day and Wesley and myself were around each other most of the day

Wesley put his arm around my shoulder and I giggled a little as he pulled me closer

Everyone starring at us

"People are starring"

"There just jealous of us" he laughed

"Sure they are" I wasn't with it

"I really do love you"

"I know and I love you too"

"Your new to this aren't you?"

"Well most of the guys at my old school were jerks expect the team"

"Betraying us" he joked around

"Just kidding so you've never had a boyfriend"

"Never and I never planned on it"

"Well I'm your first and I intend to be your last"

I smiled

"My only love"

"The only love"

I hugged him my arms stretching around his neck and looking up at him and giggling

"I don't wanna go" I said as the bell rang

He walked as he dragged me through the corridor I was holding onto his hand he pulled me to my class

"You have arrived at your destination" he said like a GPS

I walked in the last class of the day then it's time for the game

I felt a shover run down my bag and I panicked

This is like a life or death situation like its either home or school I thought to myself

An hour was almost up I was tapping my pen so fast watching the clock as minutes passed by I finally heard the bell ring I ran out of the class not get ready

I ran to my room and got my gear out my shirts,pants and helmet

Once I was ready I ran to the field and saw the team all but Lucy

I went up to guys and they were huddled in a circle

"Where's lucy?!"

"We don't know" jack said

"We should find her" Natt said

I ran all the wag back to my room I saw Lucy sitting on the bed looked down

"Lucy get ready!"

"I let you down"


"I'm not a allowed to play tonight"

"What the fuck!" I shouted

"Get someone to fill in"

"No you need to be there when we win and when I get to stay"

"Just go!"

"I'm not leaving without you"

I pulled her up and handed her her gear "get ready right now your playing no matter what people say"





It's getting exciting!

Teaser: oh no Lucy can't play! will they end up playing or not what do you think about Jessica and weasly I like it comment what you think

Hope your liking it

Update coming soon

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