Chapter 1

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"But mum!"

"Your going that's final"

"Mum! I don't want to go to a new school"

"To bad I already enrolled you so pack up your things and we will leave"

I hurried up the stairs my feet banging against them loudly angry at my mum for making me go to this boarding school

As i got to my room I got out the blue suitcase that laid under my bed

I ran down the stairs almost falling ass over head as I ran with my suitcase

"You look eager" mum said whilst making scrambled eggs for breakfast

"No" i said breathing slowly

"We will leave right after we eat breakfast"

"Okay" I said with a grunt

Mum and I ate our breakfast I was wearing my championship football singlet

Football was my thing I was never a girly girl never wanted to put make up on or wear a dress

I was friends with the guys or as I would be called 'one of the guys' it's normal I don't hang out or act like a complete girl

As my mum and I walked to the car she gave me a cheesy smile and ducked down under the car to get in

As we drove I put my head against the window and watched as the sun sky drifted away from me as I fell asleep

I woke up to shaking my mum was shaking my shoulders

"Jessica were here"

i looked up my eyes widening at the view

"Mum it's..." My voice trailed off

"I know I know it takes your breath away get out of the car"

I had gotten my suitcase from the boot of the car and was wheeling it towards the huge school following behind mum

Mum opened the door and as what I've seen so far this place is amazing

She had taken me to the principals office to receive my room keys and details about the school

I walked through the corridor of the halls headed to room 44 as I opened the door I looked around and saw that I had a roommate

Her name was Lucy and wasn't a huge fan of being a girly girl either

We watched tv for a few hours and I heard a knock on the door I went to open it and Lucy started

"It's the guys step back they will barge in anytime soon"

I toke a step back and for sure a group of guys standing infront of me

I shouted back to Lucy "can they come in?"

"Of course this is my football team"

"Wait you have a football team?!"


I pounded my fists in the air and weakly smiled as the guys watched me cheer

Lucy and I had the same classes together so she showed me were everything was and everything

I was with some of the guys to I had gotten to know them and I was planning to join the team as there were in need of another player

As lunch came around I followed Lucy as the crowd got big Lucy was pushing people out of the way while yelling

"Get out of my way!" Lucy yelled

I followed trying not to be seen by anyone

As we got to our table we sat with the guys

"Joining the team?" Weasly said

"What do you think"

"Well I don't know yet"

"As far as I know it yeah" my voice dropped off

"Now we have enough players to play against bridgewood" said Reece

"You think we will win?" asked Weasly

"You ask a lot of questions" I chuckled with a weak smile creeping its way to my face

As the day was nearly over myself,Lucy and the boys walked towards the football fields

It was time to see if I have got what it takes to make the team





Teaser:will Jessica make the team? Comment what you think

Hope your liking it so far

Update coming soon

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