Chapter 19

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(Here's Rachel is she anything you imagined?)
Monday was a great day I had people slapping me on the back telling me good job and that I did awesome which I liked I mean who didn't like getting praise? But I had more serious things to worry about like what Kelly's humiliation would be the deal was that if it wasn't bad or break school rules we could have the best and of course I agreed to it so when we were at practice I asked the guys what we should do to her but not many people thought of good ideas expect for a few mentioned I quiet liked

"Maybe we should make her wear no make up for a day" suggested Jamie "or we could make her wear Jess's clothes" said Trent and he laughed so I smacked him upside the head even though it was joke "I'm serious this has gotta be funny yet entertaining" I said "well then I should come up with the idea since you want it to be funny" Jamie said "shut up Jane " Wesley said and laughed Jane was like Jamie's nickname ever since he put on my clothes so now he's Jane the girl "okay then" he said coldly yet laughed "I'm still the funny one" he said "yep" I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes jokingly "so anyone got any more ideas?"

"We could make her unpopular for a day make her hang around all those nerdy kids" Reece said

That was alright but we needed more

"We should make her wear one of those big outfits that you put on your body and there shaped like fruits!" Jamie said "she could be like grapes or a pineapple" he added "or a lemon because no one likes her" Natt said laughing but this was serious that is what we were gonna make her do wear the outfit for a full day but what fruit?

The guys and I came up with a pretty good fruit and she was gonna be a plum because plums are cool get look horrible to eat well this is what I thought others thought differently so when it was lunch time the guts and I walked over to their table and told them about it

"Really I've gotta wear a plum outfit?" She said looking disappointed that it wasn't what shed expected I think she expected something lame but this this was good and genius of Jamie and just as I went to speak Jamie jumped up on the table and stood between a tray of food and spoke loudly in a British accent "I here by declare this young lady" he pointed at Kelly "to dress like a plum for a full day at school and she must not whine or complain she has to do it yes go ahead laugh this cones curtesy of yours truly" he was cut off by Wesley "you mean curtesy of Jane?" He said holding up the picture on his phone of Jamie in my clothes and everyone burst into laughter
"Way to steal my thunder" he said "and the sizzle-" Wesley cut him off "I toke the sizzle of your steak too" he winked and chuckled but Jamie stood on the table "now the whole cafeteria of North-side must obey my rules and take photos of Kelly on this day so we can all post it on Facebook and make it go viral" he said in his British accent smiling sheepishly "your welcome ma lady" he said and bowed to Kelly "get up you idiot" I said pulling him away but he just laughed and smiled "nice speech was that like for the queen?" Trent said "yes yes it was" Jamie said and picked a grape and took a small bite out of it poshly god he could make anyone smile when sky's were grey


Okay so everyone has been tagging me in photos all day on Facebook so I locked in my password on my phone and tapped into Facebook and there were 10 tags saying stuff like "have you heard about Kelly" and stuff like yeah "@jessicamiller is making her do it from that bet" I just turned my phone off and went to my next class

In that class people were whispering to me about Kelly and how Jamie's idea was perfect "don't you mean Jane?" I said laughing and the class followed whilst Jamie picked up a meter ruler and stood on his desk "you miss Jessica Miller I band you from saying anything about this Jane business or I shall have my men take away your position as qauterback" of course he was joking but the class was like "ohhh" and I grabbed a meter ruler and stood on my desk "Jamie carpenter I demand a fight to the battle with these meter rulers! First one to fall off the desk wins" people started chanting our names then of course the teacher broke in "first off get off the tables and secondly no fight to the death" he said and me and Jamie exchanged clances and bowed our heads a smirk on my face and I jumped to the row of desks on the other side people picking up there books and moving back "c'mon Jane hit me with your best shot" I said ignoring the math teacher who's name I think was Mr Foxworth "get down right now!" He said almost shouting but Jamie ignored him too and before I knew it Jamie and I were fighting with meter rulers the sound of wood clanging against each other "you shall never win!" I said raising my left eyebrow as we both got close and he whispered in my ear "you will not win nor will you fail" he said and swirled his ruler into a circling motion poking me softly on my waist and I jumped over someone tall his head ducking and I crash landed into the old crusty carpet that didn't even feel like a carpet anymore "and Jamie wins!" Said a girl flirtingly smiled at him twisting her hair ugh I hate those kind of girls I thought to myself hd walked over to me and gave me a hand up "thanks" I said the quote he had said to me 'you will not win nor will you fail' was that just said like in the moment or was it something deep and meant something important either way I didn't know, Jamie and I ended getting two weeks of detention on Thursday for two weeks which wasn't long, other than that the fight to the death became pretty popular and it just so happens someone toke a picture and posted it tagging us in it "@jessicamiller & @jackpalmer you will not win nor will you fail" someone must of overheard jack and I looked at the user who posted it and it was the guy who I had jumped over and there it was someone had commented "omg this is so cute! They should totally be together" And I snapped I started to type and I do say so myself it could be a bloodly essay"

"We are not a thing! We won't go out don't come up with one of those stupid ship names and make everyone tell us to be in love that's stupid and I've already got a boyfriend, Wesley, who I love with all my heart so go away and don't comment something like this again it makes me angry to know that everyone knows I've got a boyfriend and people want me with someone else that's ridiculous and you know it and Jamie is my friend not my new lover or anything he's like a brother not my boyfriend so don't comment anything like that again you here me?" I posted the comment tagging the girl who said it and I knew I shouldn't of done it but I did and I was angry yet annoyed so I just tried to brush it off but it was hard to when someone made me mad in the start Im just gonna try and forget I thought to myself

At lunch me and Wesley sat together he looked over at me and smiled "how are you?" He asked "kind of annoyed" I answered "why?" He asked "long story short someone said me and Janie should be together" his eyes lit up and his eyes were like a kids on Christmas Day seeing all those presents under the tree "what?!" He said and I pulled out my phone going into the photo letting him read the comments and just as he finished he almost looked as of he was ready to go and tell someone off but he didn't "I'm glad you stood up to that person" he said "yeah m-" I was cut off by our lips crashing together his bands running through my hair and his lips were warm and that's all I could really say after he pulled away he started "I love you don't ever try and leave me for someone else" I felt his hands touch mine and our fingers laced together "I promise I wont" I said and smiled softly at him, he really did love me not like anyone else because I guess I've never been in love before but this felt real this felt like I was flying soaring so high I could touch the sky he really was my favourite and always will be


Okay so since it was the start of a new week which meant Kelly had to were the plum outfit we got her and everyone and I mean everyone was waiting for her to come outside and sure enough she did and the whole of North-side was cracking up laughter filling everyone's ears laughter filling the entire school it wouldn't be so funny if it was just some kid but this was Kelly Chang head cheerleader! And that was it it was harloius Jamie had really outdone himself this time "once the laughter died down Jamie stood at the front of the school and he started "everybody of North-side must now take out there phones!" Jamie said loudly taking out his phone and holding it up everyone copied him if course "and take a picture he said turning around taking a picture of Kelly everyone copied "and post it On Facebook tagging her!" He said and everyone did exactly as asked and once as most of the school posted the pictures Jamie held up his phone and everyone else did everyone facing Kelly there phones in the air like Katniss when she volunteered for her sister "you shall not win nor will you fail" he said and whistled I found myself laughing so hard this was so damn funny I had to break the silence with my laughter







Okay guys I have to say this would have to be my favourite chapter by far! Don't you agree!

Teaser: so people are aaying stuff about Jamie and Jess? What do you think will happen comment what you think will happen

Remember your all amazing and I love all my readers 💕

One of the guysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora