Chapter 30

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The guys and I all drove towards my old place where I used to live I was driving if course since I was the only one who knew where to go "how much longer?" Chester asked " a few more hours" I answered and turned on the radio and the song "see you again" came on the image of Lucy popping into my head but I shook it off I couldn't think of her or I would break down I heard the guys singing along to the radio then "all about that bass" came on and Jamie started to sing loudly shimmering his shoulders along with it also giving us jazz hands "Jamie you can't sing it dance" Natt protested "just because your jealous" he said snapping his finger turning his head I turned to see Wesley sitting in the passenger seat and he smiled at me but I returned my gaze to the road it would take a lot more then a smile to win me back i thought to myself "c'mon Jess sing along" Rachel stated they were now singing wrecking ball and I couldn't help but sing it at the top of my love Wesley laughing he turned up the music turning down the window so the whole bloody world could hear me singing to Miley Cyrus "shake dat ass for me!" I heard Jamie shout and I couldn't help but laugh he always had to win she thought and smiled brightly her face lighting up her eyes widening excited this was good and for the first time in a long time she felt good


We pulled over and the Ryan yawned "what are we doing?" he asked tiredly "we arrived at the hotel were staying at" "oh yeah" he said and dizzily drifted off back to sleep "wake up guys!" I shouted but not loudly and they woke up groaning "what?!" Natt scowled "get your bags were going inside to were they have actual beds" I said and opened the car door walking towards the back of the van I opened the doors that led into the back bags tumbling at my feet I grabbed mine Rachel was out next then the guys followed quickly

After we had all signed in quickly Rachel and I ran towards our room and Rachel flopped onto the bed "this bed screams my name" he said hugging the blankets tightly not even bothering to get changed she fell asleep, i walked into the bathroom getting undressed I quickly got into the warmth of the shower the small water droplets dropping into my back then rolling off my back my hair now soaking with water it felt good to feel the wrath of the water it's warmth giving me comfort my eyes closing I almost fell asleep but I managed to stay awake and finish my shower, after I finished I got dressed into a pair of track pants and a singlet top I went back to my bed it was cold never slept in for a while but I could change that I thought to myself and wrapped myself inside of the blankets the pillow soft and the mattress was very comfy I found myself sleeping very quickly my eyes drifting off into a deep sleep


I woke up that morning Rachel was already awake and dressed I stood up and walked toward her yawning "good morning" she said "morning" I replied scratching the back of my neck "good sleep?" "The best" I answered and stretched my arms outward "I need to go and get changed now" I said heading towards the bathroom getting changed into a loose pair of shorts and a singlet top I raced back out tying my hair in the process Rachel was pouring a glass of orange juice "want some?" She asked smiling "sure" I answered and sat down at the table the next minute she handed me a glass if orange juice and I sipped at it the taste getting better with every sip I then gulped it down wiping my mouth "there's the Jessica miller I know" I chuckled and stood "shall we get going?" I asked her and she opened the door "lets go"

We walked towards the main lobby and there was half of the guys sitting or either standing I looked over at everyone "where's Chester?" I asked "he's coming" Reece answered "alright then he can meet us at the van" I said and we started to walk out of the building I heard cheaters voice yelling "don't leave without me!" He yelled and we all laughed "we wouldn't leave you" I laughed and got into the car "so where are meeting them" Wesley asked "the football fields" he looked towards me "what have you got planned Jess?" He asked looking at me with a funny looking stare "just a friendly game of football" "I feel lies upon me" he said and I laughed "you wish"

We drive towards the field seeing a group of boys throwing and kicking the ball on the field I took in a deep breath and opened the car door heading towards them I felt sort of nervous as soon as they noticed me they all ran towards me hugging me or either giving me hits on the back the team followed closely behind "oh guys this is my new team" I trod introduced them all "that's Reece, Ryan, Wesley, Natt, Chester, Daniel, Jack, Ben, Trent and Jamie and you all know Rachel" I said and they started introducing themselves leo started towards his team "I'm Leo sand this us my team, Riley, Xavier, Sam, Thomas, Elliot, Noah, Adam, Jeremy, Alex and Scott" "it's a pleasure to meet you all" Wesley said speaking for the team "you too" Leo answered "so why don't we play a match of footy?" I asked and we all cheered my old team against my new one hmm interesting" I said and we all ran into the Felid "you gotta coin?" I asked Leo and he took one from his pocket "heads or tails?" He said throwing the coin in the air "heads" I said and he flipped the coin over in his hand" "receive or kick off?" "Receive of course" I said and grinned and Leo took the ball the game had now started and Dainel was running with the ball getting hit by Scott as he was about to hit the ground he threw the ball into the air my hands at the ready to cath it Leo ran in and intercepted the ball quickly running as the ball hit his hands Leo could be a ninga he was that fast I mean he was the teams star player, it all depended on Chester to stop him but Leo ran with a stride strong and fast Chester was pushed out if the way they had now scored and I called the team into a huddle "okay guys I know this team Leo is ther star player they depend I'm him to get the try's so if we cut of their resources to him we've got this in the bag" I told them and they all nodded "let's go!" I shouted and we all stood into our positions then running Trent ran towards Leo then jack and they took him down quickly whilst I ran up the field dodging Xavier and Elliot now I was near the try line open for a perfect score I waited for ten to throw the ball and that's when I saw it spinning towards me and I jumped into the air catching it holding it tightly in my grasp I ran off wait rephrase that I flew off and ran towards the end of the field scoring a try I cheered and so did my team "you always could pick out the weaknesses and strengths of the other team" he said and I smiled


The game ended in a tie which was fine by me, "so Jess I've missed you" Leo started "yeah I know but I've moved on" I said back to him "oh c'mon jess" "no I'm not going to okay?" "Fine then who is your new lover then" "I don't have one" "Jess..." "Leo..." I said and stared at me "who is it?" He asked and I shook my head violently "no one I don't have anyone" "okay then well it seems your sisters getting pretty cosy with that jack guy up there" he stated and I agreed "she really does love him" I said "as much as I loved you?" He said and I looked his way sort if shocked






hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed chapter 30! I would just like to thank all my awesome supporters and readers through this awesome journey or ups and down but I'm sorry to say that OOTG will he ending after everything that's happening right now is over so that includes the soccer team, homecoming, regionals, state and it will be over then thank you though for everyone who has read it!

Teaser: not really much to tease about

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