Chapter 21

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(This is Daniel is he what you imaged?)
Tonight was my first game with Ben and I was pumped of course I hadn't gotten to play with him because of the bet but that didn't matter I hadn't trained for this game since last week neither has the team so I rounded them up and got them to get down to the football fields, finally we were all here and I was ready to start training then I heard coach Tanner start to tell at us from a distance "lets start with a warmup 2 laps of the full field I heard groans of annoyance but I didn't complain I just started jogging the team following me my hair whipping from side to side as I ran scraping my shower blades my legs taking me around the full field then the second lap "good job miller" I heard coach say "what's now?" I asked getting g my breath back "just some of the usual training passing the ball the plays you know all that "alright then" I said and as I went to join the team on the field I felt a hand wrap around the upper part of my arm slightly pulling me back I turned around and coach started "I'm expected you to take us to state this year" he says and I felt a sudden pang of warmth cross over my body yet such pressure that laid on my showers to take the team to state he let go of my Arm and I begs an to run off a big grin on my face that would of had to be the nicest thing he's ever said she thought, "so guys what do you wanna do?" I asked the team and whipped my forehead sweat starting to gleam of my head "how about a few plays first" suggested Wesley "and kicking" Chester interrupted "what about the fitness side of it?" Trent added then there was a loud commotion of talking and telling of what we were gonna be doing "guys shut up!" I felt my voice weaken from a shout to my normal tone again "let's just do some of plays first god damn" I said and started to walk over to the middle of the field getting ready I called out one of the plays and we were off there was weaving in and out of people dodging and lots of running which was good too since I hadn't ran in a while either, after we finished our work with the plays the boys myself including had started to really sweat my hair clung to my neck pasted with the sweat that dripped off my head "now were doing some tackling" I tssaid and gulped down my cool water quenching my thirst, after we had a drink break we got back on the field and started to line up in rows doing our tackling drills I then felt a shoot of pain traveling up my shoulder as I hadn't tackling on my stronger side I slightly groaned and pushed through the pain staring to flex my arm hoping it would get better, we had now finished our training and I ran off the field ripping off my helmet throwing it to the ground I was so tired but it hadn't affected me in any way well not yet she thought and started to drink again

As I walked towards the change rooms I staggered inside and bumped into Kelly "watch were your going" she snapped I rolled my eyes and pushed past her "oh I'm sorry I didn't hear you through all that makeup" I snapped back and walked into one of the change rooms taking off my football gear getting changed into my clothes I had brought for school a singlet and a pair of black skinny jeans as I walked out my bag hanging from my shoulder I was in the middle if tying my hair into a pony tail when I looked into the mirror and saw writing of lipstick on it it said "whore" and I dropped my hair letting it fling on my shoulders loosely and walked outside angrily the anger taking over myself I felt rage fill me up inside as I saw her walking with her friends and I ran up to her pulling back her shoulder and I started "is that what you call a sick joke?!" I yelled and she rolled her eyes "I don't know what your talking about" she was playing dumb "don't be stupid I know it was it" "know what was me?" She giggled and I gritted my teeth the rage built up inside me took over and I curled my fists into a ball and crunched down hard on them throwing them hardly at her face she fell back with a whimper of pain and I stood their so annoyed i know it was only one word that shouldn't mean anything to me but it got to me and if I let her get away with it she sure would do it again, her friends gathered around her as she cried and the guys rushed over "damn girl what did she do?" Jamie started "don't worry" I said and walked away to the football fields sitting on the seats that were high above and I just kicked the seat infront of me how could I be so careless? To let myself get enraged over one word? Ugh what have I done? A million questions floating in the back of my mind that's when I ft the wrath of someone's warm arms tangle me into a hug and I knew it was Wesley "thank you" I said "for what?" He answered "for always coming when I need someone" I said and he kissed my forehead lightly and smiled "anything for you" he said and I weakly smiled back that's when I heard a clatter of feet like a stampede coming towards me I looked up to see the guys "holy shit I can't believe you did that!" Ryan said "I know right Kelly's going off her nut about it she's crying and her friends are trying to tell her it's okay" I slightly felt a glad god coluor on my cheeks and grinned "she deserved it" I said but I'm not sure if I meant it


"Getting into a fight with someone is just not acceptable" Started the principal "but it was from pure anger and rage she drove me to do it!" "Miss miller you can only blame yourself" she said and I started to get annoyed "she wrote whore on the mirror with lipstick!" I yelled "she deserved it!" The principal sat in her seat "I'm sorry Jessica but you hit Kelly it's only fair" I slammed my hands onto her desk "she bullied me and your kicking me off the team! How is that fair!" I yelled at her "please calm down" she said "no I'm not going to" I said "maybe there's a way we can sort this out" she said calmly "what if you two just get suspended no one gets kicked off the team" and she smiled and I felt relief fly over me and I shouted "where's my suspension note!"


It was Monday and I had gotten a few days of suspension and so had Kelly mum raged at me when she first heard about it of course but I just kinda brushed it off I don't see how this is any of my fault she was the one that started it but you know no one listens to me like always, half way through the day I was making my lunch when I got a bunch of Facebook notifications from different people saying I started the stupid fight then I saw the comments

"She's just jealous of her"

"What a bitch!"

"I thought she was better then that"

"Ew what an idiot"

This filled me up with rage and sadness both at the same time I was angry because no one believed me about the whole thing that I hit her for no reason yet sad for some of the comments I turned off my phone and contained with making lunch geez people can be so rude and have to say stuff behind a screen I bet they couldn't even tell it to my face that's when u heard the sound of Rachel's voice which calmed me down she was always so loving to me "so I saw those comments on Facebook she said and sat with me she then hugged me "none if that's true your not any of those stupid comments say you are your amazing and I believe it was Kelly that started it all" she said and I looked up at her "thank you" she said but she hadn't had the same response as Wesley did she knew why I was thankful Rachel had been there for me just as much as him she simply smiled and answered "your welcome"


After my suspension was over I walked into the school and I hung my head low hoping no one would notice me but that did I always stood out as mum always told me and I heard people whispering talking about me that's when I sawKelly bruised and beaten she had a black eye covered with make up but I could still tell she did and a busted lip she started to walk towards me with her friends beside her she stopped me dead In her tracks and started "how dare you have the guts to hit me and say I was the one who started it you know who low that is?" She said "you know how low it is?" I said "as low as face" I said and pushed away from her walking to the guys "so hey" Jamie started "how was your suspension days?" Daniel added "you know a lot of lecturing and boringness" I said "so it was defiantly Kelly who started this?" Natt started "of course it was would I just hit her out of the blue?" I asked well..." His voice trailed off "you've got to be kidding me? You don't believe me either!" I said and felt betrayed at an instant how could he? She thought how could he not believe me I meant betrayed was no evidence wrote it but I know she did I just can't believe my own friends don't trust me we I know that only Natt is not believing me






Hey guys there's a lot of drama in this chapter I thought it spiced things up but be ready for a hell of a lot of sadness,betrayal,anger and emotions everywhere

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

Teaser: why doesn't Natt believe Jess? Comment what you think

Sorry I havnt been including Daniel,Ryan andChester in it as much I'll try to as much as possible but for now I hope you guys are loving it remember your beautiful and I love you all my supporters and readers espically 😊💕

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