Chapter 9

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I woke up in the hospital the fan going the air was cold I groaned as I realized I was in hospital

"Get me out of this damn place!" I yelled not knowing there was a doctor next to me

"Actually your mother is coming to pick you up right now Jessica so please do not yell"

"And who are you?"

"My name is Suzie but call me nurse Suzie"

"Okay nurse Suzie when will my mother be here?"


"I need her now" I moaned

I heard the doors fly open and mum came in

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah fantastic"

"She's been acting like this all morning" nurse Suzie said

"Mum lets go!"

"Not yet I have to speak with the doctors first"

I saw the nurse hand her medicine bottles

"Great drugs yippie"

They looked at me

"You can go now"

Mum helped me to my wheel chair and I plopped down into it the cast was a pain like always

"Here's your phone" mum said handing me my phone

"Oh people and text messages"

"What is wrong with you?"

"I really don't know"

I turned on my phone it had millions of missed text/phone calls I started to text Lucy she had asked me what was happening

I replied back

"You know drugs and sleeping"

"Are you okay?"


"What medicine are you on woman!"

"I don't know but it makes me very happy"

"Okay than"

I then texted the guys sending this to all of them

Hey guys coming home today can't wait to see you :)

They texted back

Wesley: awesome <3

Jack: are you feeling alright?

Trent: getting in there Wes ;)

Dainel: haha

Ryan: can't wait to see you too

Jamie: I'll be over at your house

Wesley: shut up Jamie!

I looked at the screen wondering it was very suspicious of them

I'll be over at you house that could only mean one thing that they were at my house?!

I texted them back

Are you at my house?

Chester: great you ruined the surprise Jamie

Weasly: yeah now she knows

Jack: Jamie!

Jamie: sorry guys excited I guess :/

I put my phone in my pocket enjoying the ride home

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