Chapter 4

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It was the night of the game and Lucy and I were so excited

Lucy drove us there herself

We sang at the top of our lungs singing throwing our fists up in the air out the window

As we arrived at the game we bought our tickets and walked through the gates to see the seats packed and full of loud teenagers,parents,kids excited like ourselves

We found a few seats in the middle of crowd were people sat a few seats away from us we waited for the game to start

Once it was time for the kickoff Lucy elbowed me and I screamed a little people shooting me dirty looks to shut up

Once it was half time the hornets were beating the bulldogs by 2 my eyes wide as the hooter rang for the second quarter

I watched as they played an awesome game their plays were amazing and fast I saw the quarterback running fast up the field as he slipped it to his team mates running down the line it had gotten to the end the player dodged them and ran up the middle getting a try which put them on top the hooter rang

I yelled and clapped as they won with hornets supporters sighing and scolding in disappointment

We walked out of the stadium and talked as they had won

The wind started to pick up and and the cold air had gotten to my skin I put my jacket on and hoped it would make a difference

As we am walked towards the car if heard someone whistle at me I turned my face and shot them a scowling look

It was a young boy who looked at least our age brownish blondish hair with dark blue eyes he smirked at me and started to quickly walk towards us

He leant his air up against Lucy's car and gave me a smile I looked back at Lucy

Lucy walked towards him

"Firstly get your grubby hands off my car" Lucy pushed his arms away

"Secondly stop trying to make a move on friend your game is weak so leave you asshole"

I smiled and smirked at Lucy but when I looked at the guy he was still standing their I went to punch him but as I lunged towards him I felt arms wrap around my waist pulling me back

I snapped my head around and saw weakly holding me I pushed his arms off but he quickly arranged his arms around me as I struggled to get this guy that was still standing there!

Weasly picked me up and carried me into the car I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes at him

Once Lucy and I made our way back lucy turned left going out onto a dirt road going off campus

I looked at her and she smirked

"Just wait and see"

"I looked ahead and saw that there was a large house and lights shinning infront of us

As we pulled up the driveway Lucy turned off the car and got out

"Follow me" Lucy said

I did as she asked and she led me into the house their was nothing

That's when I saw people jump out behind cuppord and corners


Everyone shouted

I looked around and put my hands over my mouth gasping

The guys and Lucy wrapped me into their arms

"Happy birthday"

"Omg thank you so much"

"Wait so you were planning a suprise birthday party as Lucy and I were watching the game?!"

"Yes" they all replied

I thanked them once more and joined everyone as they dance to the music and drank and eat

I smiled knowing that I won't have friends like these once I go home the smile on my face grew sadder and I felt myself think

What will happen to you when you leave?





Did you like that chapter I'm not sure if I did

Sorry it's so short

Teaser:is it all going to turn out the way Jessica planned is she going to leave and never see them again? Read more to find out

Hope your enjoying this story! 😊

Update is coming soon

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