Chapter 23

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(This is Chester is he what you imaged?)
"So how's life?" Rachel asked "you know Lifey" I said and chuckled "well then" she paused for a moment "how's school?" Rachel asked I had so much to say about school but If I started I knew I wouldn't be able to stop so I just replied "schooly" "nice" she said and walked from the kitchen to the dining table with a bowl of cereal in her hands as she sat down at the mahogany table so I sat with her my hand trailing down the wooden edges of it it's texture was quite nice I always loved the way wood felt I don't know why I just do, i sat there starring off into space as she ate I was also slightly watching her out of the corner of my eyes my blonde hair falling from its pony tail flinging into my face "how's jack aye?" I said and wriggled my eyebrows at her and moved my shoulders slightly "alright" she said and took another bite of her cereal

Monday rolled around and I was in bed the bed covers covering my body with warmth as I rolled over lifting the blanket with a yawn sitting straight in the bed my eyes still half asleep I looked around and then scratched the back of my neck as I then stood up my feet took me towards my closet and opened the closer door looking at the shirts and pants nearly folded jumpers hanging from the clothes hangers it looked cold outside so I grabbed my jeans, plain singlet and a black wooly jacket and started to get dressed, after I finished getting dressed I walked towards the kitchen seeing mum sitting at the table with Rachel eating breakfast so I joined them I quietly ate my cereal said goodbye and left getting into my car I started to drive, first period was P.E and today we were playing soccer "hey" I heard the voice of Jamie full my ears and I smiled and turned on my heel to see Jamie "hey" I replied to him "so soccer" he said with such drag in tone of voice "I know right" I said and groaned Jamie laughed and I felt myself chuckling "teams of two" s yelled mr Fits the class spilt into two groups and it seemed to be perfect I was on a team with Trent,Jamie,Chester and other people I didn't know bit oh well I sucked at soccer anyway, I felt the ball hit the tip of my shoe and I started dribbling it up the field weaving in and out of people including Natt as I passed him I felt his shoulder hit mine slightly losing my balance I almost tripped on the ball but I kept myself together and moved on as I approached the next person I felt the ball clash with her foot and we started struggling agonist each other for the ball my feet working together to drive it away from her my eyes not moving from the ball I then flung the ball back from the front to the back them stepping side ways and I continued dribbling I then looked up to see the goalie hands up ready for the shot, I ran towards the goal my heart pounding as I then kicked the ball with all my might and I then stood there watching the ball spin in a circling motion the goalies hand hitting the ball just as I thought he had catches it it skipped from his reach and the ball hit the end of the net I heard cheering and I was amazed I had just gotten a goal in soccer I sucked at soccer what was going on with me, "hey Jessica" I heard Mr Fits call "yes" I answered "I just wanted to say there's going to be a girls soccer team being formed soon and I think you'd be perfect for the team" he stated my mouth dropped with shock my eyes wide wondering what was going on "me on a soccer team?" I said "I know you've got football to deal with but you could be on the soccer team too please just think about it" I hesitated "I'll think about it"


"So today after we finished our soccer game Mr Fits asked if I wanted to be apart of the girls soccer team" the guys looked at me in shock "he did what now?" Wesley said and "you heard me" "you can't" he said "why not" I answered "for starters it's soccer and you've got football" I sighed slightly "yeah I know but I'm still thinking" "okay then" he said sounding sort of disappointed, was I really thinking of joining the soccer team? No way I couldn't I had football to think of there's no way I could thinking of joining "Jess, Jessica!" I heard a voice shout it was the Maths teacher "oh sorry" I said and shook my head slightly coming back out of my little thinking session "are you really joining the team?" Jamie asked "yeah maybe I just dont know" "well whatever you choose I hope your happy with the decision" I felt a curve creep it's way into my lips forming a small weak smile my eyes searching for his then I made eye contact "thank you" I said and brushed the hair away from my face and he smiled too







Sorry for the shirt chapter but I hope you enjoyed it

Teaser: she got offered to play in the soccer team what will she do? Comment what you think

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've been busy I hope you guys enjoy what's coming next and do you want Wesley and Jessica or Jamie and Jessica? Please tell me I'm curious to know 💁 I kinda want Jamie and Jessica but I also want Wesley and Jessica ugh 😫

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