Chapter 24

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The weeks past by we were playing, practicing and mainly just waiting for the regionals to arrive which they will soon and I wasn't sure if u was going to lead the team to victory or lead them to shame but that wasn't what I needed to focus on next week was homecoming night and I had the homecoming game which bit I wasn't planning on shoeing up in a dress with a cake face wearing heels I just couldn't I mean I'm not like that but Rachel and mum were begging me to go I'm not really sure why but that's how things were going for me right now, and with Natt I have no idea what's going on with us I think he just needs to get over himself and move in with life, "hey Jess" I heard Wesley's voice fill my ears I turned on my heel to see him standing there I started to stride towards him my eyes locked with his and he grinned not a grin of 'hey what's up' more of 'you know I love you right?' Kinda grin but it made me smile I now stood in front of him his fingers lacing into mine and we embraced into a hug his warmth against my body but as I pushed back I heard his voice crack slightly but he was whispering "do you and..." His voice trailed off "do what do me and what?" I said almost desperate to know and I was he puffed slightly and spoke what he said next left a deep pit in my stomach it felt empty inside like he didn't trust me anymore his could he think that? He just asked me if Jamie and I had a thing I felt my heart race and I answered "why would you think that?" He pulled out his phone from his pocket and started to scroll through something messages I presumed, as I read through the message that he had received from Jamie I couldn't speak my mouth was dry I felt nothing come out I tried to push back the emotions to give him an explanation but I was empty for words, he dug his phone back into his pocket and walked off again I now felt the tears well up in my eyes and I held it back trying my hardest I ran ran to my car started the engine and drove, I drove fast maybe even to fast but it was hard to concentrate on the road when all I wanted to do was scream and cry as I looked out onto the road I felt a single tear fall from my eye then all at once I broke down I felt my hands grip the steering wheel harder my eyes felt like they were drowning in tears my mind was a blur and I just wanted to sleep through this my pain right now, as I got home I ran to my room my face puffy and red mum was chasing after me but I didn't want to talk to her right now I ran inside my room locked my door and fell against the back of the door the palms of my hands falling onto my face my hands now wet with tears my mum pounding her fist at the door telling me to let her in but I didn't I then rose to my feet falling into the warmth if my bed my blankets cuddling my sides the pillow holding my tears but soon I stopped my nose sniffling my cheeks red as I walked out of my room I felt my mums arms around me at an instant "what happened?!" She asked sounding panicked almost scared "mum I can't do this right now" I said and went to push past her but she grabbed my arm and dragged me back "Jessica please tell me maybe I can help" I felt like an idiot for not saying anything but eventually I spoke I told her everything about what has been happening she hugged me tightly and said "you can't have everything in life friends come and go but love it's a whole different thing a woman never forgets her first love no matter how badly it ended"


"So Jess are you going to homecoming?" Rachel asked "I'm not sure" I answered "but you have to" she answers "why?" I paused "no no one would ask me anyway" I said quietly "what are you talking about?" She said "its a long story" I answered "you and Wesley your still together right?" She asked and I huffed "well yes, no, I'm not sure" I said and looked towards Rachel who was staring at me like I was lying "what?" I said "I just can't picture you and Wesley not together" this made me smile weakly my head returning to Rachel "thank you" I said quietly

That night I texted Wesley
Hey Wes I was just wondering if we were still together... like after what happened today you made me feel like it was over I felt empty when you walked away I just need to know if were over

I sent the message turned my phone off and waited for a replie that never came


That morning I checked my phone but it had no notifications so I unlocked my phone onto the messages and saw that he had read it and not replied I guess I got my answer I thought to myself was it really over? Did we just break up?

"So Jessica are you joining the soccer team" asked Mr fits "I'm not sure yet" I answered "week you need to give me answer by the end of the well okay?" He said and raised an eyebrow "okay then" I said to him turning in my heel and leaving. In Science today I sat by myself I felt pairs of eyes on me and I shuttered so I looked up to see a few people looking at me with disgusted looks what was there problem? I asked myself they looked away and my head returned to the page







So guys how are you liking it? This is a short chapter but has a lot of sadness 😰 please tell me what you think

Teaser: Jessica and Wesley? Comment what you think

Please tell me what you think I need to know what I can improve and I what is good :)

Thank you all my beautiful readers 💕

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