better than okay (e. call)

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y/n buried her feet in the sand and looked out over the water,
relishing in the warm wind that kissed her skin.
the tranquility that settled within her at this current moment had been everything she missed in her recently hectic life.
after another hard day of trudging through life,
y/n needed peace.
so here she sat,
letting the rising and crashing waves lull her to serenity.
and just when she thought this moment couldn't be anymore perfect,
the dulcet voice of embry call hummed next to her.
"thought i'd find you out here."
"mm, you do know me pretty well,"
y/n laughed and opened her eyes to reveal his glowing skin.
"i miss you, you know."
he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close,
"i know. i miss you too."
y/n looked out towards the water again,
and began to miss the days full of free time.
only now,
embry's schedule was full with duty,
while y/n was helping her own family to stay afloat.
this moment here,
where the two remained on the beach as one,
had been the only alone time they'd had in weeks.
embry laid a kiss to the top of her head,
"are you busy tonight?"
y/n shook her head,
"not that i'm aware of. you?"
"nope, i'm free. let's do something!"
y/n looked back up at him with a wide smile,
"yeah! come on, y/n."
"alright, alright. let's do it."
y/n soon skipped home to prepare for their evening,
and found herself with a wide smile that she hadn't worn in a long time.

y/n checked her watch again hoping she read it wrong.
but the numbers were clearer than ever;
embry was over two hours late.
she sighed and got to her feet,
trailing back inside into the warmth and comfort of her own home.
she changed quickly,
but not without curses leaving her tongue,
and soon slipped into the bed to wallow away.
and as her churning, angry thoughts slowly faded,
she slipped into a slumber.
"wake up."
y/n was slipping away from her dream,
only to soon open her eyes to meet with embry.
her first thoughts were nothing but sweet,
and she began to raise her hand to hold him,
but was soon reminded of the earlier events.
she turned away from him,
"go away. i'm sleeping."
"oh, come on, y/n. please don't be mad at me."
"i'm not."
"yes, you are."
"okay, well, you should have at least called me."
embry sighed and sat himself on the edge of her bed,
"i'm sorry, y/n...there are just.."
"what? more important things?"
she asked curtly,
sitting up to face him,
"i get it, embry, i do. but don't sit there and lie about it."
"l-lie? i didn't lie about anything."
y/n laughed mockingly then nodded,
"right. you just didn't call. and that's better, right?"
with an eye roll she laid her head down to her pillow,
and left her back to face him.
the silence swallowed them unpleasantly,
and soon y/n's eyes were brimmed with hot tears.
"maybe..maybe we should just end things, embry,"
she spoke just barely above a whisper.
"what? n-no, y/n, why would you even suggest that?"
"because...we're, like, two different people now."
"so? y/n, look at me."
y/n remained still and swallowed the lump in her throat.
embry laid a gentle hand to her shoulder,
"y/n...please look at me."
she sat up and turned her body to face him,
and for the first time,
saw the pain lingering in his once warm eyes.
she felt her heart pull with guilt.
"i know things have been...hard. but, y/n, i've never doubted you or us."
"i don't doubt you, it's just...different now."
"because we're older. be honest, y/n, do you really want this to end?"
she stared at him for a while and noticed the lines gathering around his eyes;
the deepening in them from his habitual smile.
his skin was sun kissed and warm;
y/n could feel it from where she sat.
y/n could remember laying her head to his chest and rising with the even breaths he took,
then falling back down along with them.
she remembered days where their laughs would echo throughout the streets.
days in school where they'd be separated across the classroom for being "too distracting."
but they always found a way to communicate again.
no matter the amount of space between them,
their love never wavered.
so here she sat,
staring at the boy she'd spent all of her life loving.
there was no doubt in her answer.
her voice was defiant when she spoke,
", i don't."
"then work with me, y/n. because i don't want to lose you. i'm sorry for not calling you and telling you, really i am. i'm going to do better, okay? for you."
"okay..i forgive you."
embry placed his hands on both sides of y/n's face,
then brought her close.
she mollified into his touch where any bit of anger was soon whisked away.
her head laid to his,
showing y/n the slightest smile to his face.
"we're going to be okay, right?"
y/n asked with innocent ringing in her tone.
"yeah, of course. better than okay."
embry brought her in and let their lips fall together as one,
where the reassurance filled y/n to the brim.
embry was left to drink the sweet taste that was y/n,
and let the love heighten between them.
warmth rushed through her body from head to toe.
when he pulled back,
the cold air pricked at her skin and left her to shiver.
his eyes were fiery,
but still soft enough to remind her of his pure love.
y/n couldn't help but smile,
then nodded her head with a whisper,
"we're better than okay."

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