always right (e. cullen)

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y/n was typically right more than half the time.
if you excuse the missed and wrong questions marked on her tests papers,
her intuition was rather top scale.
which, much to her demise, wasn't always a good thing.
especially in her current situation.
here she was,
finally cracked the enigma and face to face with a vampire.
a vampire she knew could crush her and have no remorse for it.
his since angry eyes flickered hopefully for just a fraction of a second and y/n's gut grew solid.
"you wouldn't hurt me."
she spoke matter of factly.
"how do you know?"
he growled in response.
she shrugged,
"because i'm never wrong."
edward stood still at her response,
his fists closed with frustration.
"your instincts are awful."
y/n let out an airy laugh that whistled in the wind,
then stepped half an inch closer to edward.
"perhaps to you."
"y/n, stop! this isn't a joke!"
the girl cocked her head to the side to catch a better look at him,
"edward? did you ever think maybe you're..too serious? that i don't care because i have nothing to fear?"
his frustration was becoming evident by the seconds.
with his fists clenched and his teeth grinding together,
y/n took that as a sign to step back.
"well you should!"
he roared,
making her flinch from being caught off guard,
"i'm a monster, y/n!"
through the crack in his voice,
she could hear the despair.
she searched her mind for the right words to explain her certainty in his humanity.
she began to wring her fingers together,
leaving him to stand in worry.
his mind was clouded with thoughts,
ranging from the disgust in himself to the sheer terror of losing y/n when he had just gotten her.
he was selfish,
he was quick to admit,
bringing in y/n like he did.
but he had never known peace,
never had hope for the next day,
never felt truly content with the life he lead
until he met y/n.
but yet here she was,
practically flirting with death.
and what was edward to do?
leave her to her own demise or hold her hand along the way?
edward's eyes shifted to those silk smooth hands of hers and watched as her fingers remained relaxed at her side.
"i just...know. i believe that you aren't as bad as you make yourself out to be. it's about time you start seeing that, too."
edward had many words to say but felt them become no more once they tried to leave his lips.
he had been left speechless.
"i'll leave my window open for you tonight. come by if you'd like."
and with that,
she left edward to gather his own thoughts and imagine their future ahead.
our future.
he thought lovingly,
imagining y/n by his side with a glistening ring on her finger.
but what then?
after their long nights of laughter and loving one another,
she would grow old and wish for someone older.
that's how mortal love worked,
he was so sure of it!
a twinge of jealousy and bitterness sprang within his chest and caused him to bite his tongue.
y/n was his.
and he was y/n's.
stop being selfish.
he reminded himself.
but he couldn't imagine y/n laughing the way she did with another boy who couldn't possibly live up to edward.
he couldn't imagine someone else admiring her eyes that sparkled even in the dimmest of lights like he did.
or being able to love the sounds of her peaceful breathing when she was captivated by her work or a good book.

the thoughts consumed him until the night fell upon him.
and he reminded himself y/n's window would lay open all night in hopes of him coming.
that would leave her vulnerable to the scum that stalked the streets.
truth be told,
he wanted to see her.
wanted to hold her and feel her skin chill beneath his touch.
though he despised it,
he would chuckle at her many attempts to brush it off in hopes of staying connected longer.
he ushered himself into her bedroom and took a seat on the edge of her bed,
the springs moaning beneath his weight.
her scent welcomed him,
though setting his throat on fire,
it was somewhat pleasurable.
y/n waltzed in,
leaving edward to watch as her bored expression melt into one of happiness.
and he loved the little glimmer in her eyes when she caught sight of him.
"you came."
"are you surprised?"
"hm, a bit. thought you were a bit upset with me."
he sighed quietly and watched her close the window shut,
then turn her attention to him.
"can we just forget about it, edward? you can't possibly try and push me away now or-or run away when it gets tough."
she sat next to him and took his chilling hand into her own,
"i love you...and that's never going to change."
so he accepted his fate.
y/n was just as bound to their relationship.
she nodded and laid herself in her bed,
prompting edward to snake his way behind her and support her body.
he draped her body with the thick blanket he recently gifted her and listened to the soft hum of her tv.
"what do you plan to do when i'm still seventeen and you're thirty-seven?"
"who knows. maybe i'll be able to live forever too."
she giggled,
leaving edward horror struck.
the thought of damming y/n was sickening!
cruel even!
"i won't turn you,"
he spoke sternly with clenched teeth.
she looked up at him and caressed his jaw,
then his throat,
then left her fingers to trace circles on his collarbone.
"who said anything about you turning me? maybe i'll find a magical flower or a fountain of youth. you're not the only real folklore out there, you know?"
the possibilities made the two of them collapse into laughter,
though the question was still unanswered.
y/n noticed his eagerness for her answer and pressed a lingering kiss to his neck,
"we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. right now, let's enjoy the time we have together."
that answer was more than good enough for him.
he laid still under her weight and continued the night with her as though nothing in the world was wrong.
"so you're always right, hm?"
y/n agreed with a cheerful smile.
"says the guy who can read minds."
they stifled their giggles in fear of being caught by her family,
leaving her to bury her face in edward's chest.
she inhaled deeply and let his cologne burn itself in the back of her mind,
then gently kissed the corner of his lips.
edward relished in the constant euphoria he felt with y/n,
leaving his mind blank and empty with worries as her gentle, soft lips brushed against his skin.
edward knew a life without y/n was a life he was not willing to lead.
he needed her and craved her with each passing second they were apart.
and now his decision was sealed for good.
he was there until the end of their time.
and y/n had been right after all,
he would never hurt her or let anyone else for that matter.
and as she laid to sleep in his sculpted arms,
he kissed her forehead goodnight and leaned back.
"maybe you are always right, love. just maybe."

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