two different worlds (s. clearwater)

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y/n exited the car she arrived in and instantly felt the strong arms of jacob black wrap around her,
suffocating her as he squeezed.
"i can't breathe,"
she wheezed into his ear before the ground touched her feet.
"sorry 'bout that. i missed you! it's been a while."
"i know,"
y/n laughed and nudged jacob in his ribs.
"turned into a werewolf and forgot all about your human friend."
"hey, i'm still human."
"really? i've always seen you as more of a mutant of some sort. werewolf stuff aside, your head has always been abnormally large my friend."
y/n let out a loud laugh as jacob charged for her,
his goofy grin growing with each step towards her.
y/n playfully yelled for help and looked back to her best friend jacob to see how much distance was put between them,
before she collided with the body in front of her.
she groaned and rubbed her now aching head that took quite the hit on the rock hard and sweltering body in front of her.
"are you alright?"
y/n looked up to lock eyes with a boy who towered over her,
his brown eyes inviting her and sending a sense of serenity throughout her body.
seth felt something within him click as he held y/n's gaze,
and he realized how truly beautiful she was.
he had always known of y/n,
thanks to jake,
but nothing could've prepared him for this moment.
the way her sweet perfume wafted around him and settled in his lungs almost as if it belonged there;
the way her skin absorbed the sun around them and heightened the glimmer in her eyes.
she was perfect.
"you're y/n."
y/n nodded with a shy smile,
"that's me. and you are?"
"seth. seth clearwater."

jacob watched with a sour expression on his face as y/n and seth stood in such a close proximity,
realizing just exactly what was going on.
"woah. they look pretty close,"
paul snickered as he joined jacobs side.
"yeah...seth just imprinted on her."
y/n and seth's laughs could be heard from down the beach as he finished his joke.
y/n had never known someone's company to be so relaxing.
the girl doubled over and held his shoulder for support,
squeezing her eyes shut as the laugh escaped past her lips and carried itself with the wind.
seth laughed just as hard with her before their moods were darkened as jacob joined them.
"well don't you just look chipper,"
y/n smiled and punched his shoulder playfully.
but he didn't laugh or smile,
only stood there with his arms crossed.
"so what are you two up to?"
"you're looking at it, man. just taking a stroll down the beach."
seth informed while y/n nodded her head.
"yeah, well... your mom needs you."
"hm? for what?"
"hell if i know."
seth turned to look at y/n and gave her a quick smile,
"i'll be back soon, okay?"
y/n returned the smile and felt his feverish lips place themselves on her cheek before he took off.
it was now just jacob and y/n.
she began walking down the beach with him at her side before she asked,
"so what's up with you? i haven't seen you this upset since you lost that hundred dollar bet with quil."
"i'm still upset about that."
he grinned,
making y/n laugh with relief.
"just missed my best friend is all. you and seth seem...close."
"yeah, he's good company."
jacob nodded.
"oh, don't tell me you're jealous,"
she teased and bumped into him jokingly although he didn't move.
"you know he's imprinted on you, right?"
"i figured as much."
"but you do know you're not like...bound to him, right? you're allowed to explore other options."
y/n let out a laugh that sent chills down his spine.
"i know."
"so i guess now would be a good time to list out these options for you?"
y/n stood still and turned her body to face him,
trying to calm her hair that whipped itself around in the wind.
"well the only important one would"
y/n began to pull the skin off her bottom lip in a rather nervous habit before she spoke again,
"that makes things a bit awkward, doesn't it?"
"you can imagine. all seth does is talk about you or think about you."
"and you?"
"pretty much the same."
y/n nodded and shrugged her shoulders as her two worlds were now colliding.
the boy practically destined for her.
without even realizing it she would find herself craving his company,
missing his touch,
and remembering the rich tune of his laugh.
and then there was jacob;
the boy she knew better than she knew herself.
the one person who knew her inside and out-like the back of his hand.
"you don't have to decide now. i just think it'd be something to think about."
"jake...don't do this to me. to us."
jacob's smile faltered and he looked down at their feet.
"i love you. you know i do. but us, together as a couple? i think i'd kill you before our one hour hits."
she heard the exhale of his chuckle,
then he lifted his head.
"guess you're right."
"don't be upset with me."
"i'm fine. just a lot to think over now."
"i'm sorry."
jacob shrugged and began to tense up,
causing confusion to wash over y/n.
"what's wrong?"
but her question was answered as the all too familiar voice called,
she turned to see seth and felt the smile ground itself across her lips.
she turned back to find jacob,
only to find empty air and a pair of shredded pants where he once was.
"what's up with him?"
"just jacob being jacob."
y/n leaned herself back between seth's legs as the fire in front of her warmed her once frozen cheeks.
it was peaceful out there with seth,
y/n thought.
there was no need for awkward small talk,
no need to constantly laugh or banter,
just the presence of each other was enough to satisfy them.
"hey, seth?"
she spoke after moments of quiet.
"so now that you've...imprinted on me, does that mean you'll never be able to move on?"
seth chuckled and let his fingers massage y/n's scalp,
"i don't think so, y/n. not that i can't, just won't want to. you're the one meant for me."
y/n nodded and closed her eyes as his fingers relaxed her once tense body.
"i've got to get going seth. jacob's waiting for me."
"alright. i'll take you."
the pair set off to the black household,
where y/n would hang around and joke with jacob like they had always done well before the hormones of their teenage years hit.

"do you want me to pick you up later?"
seth asked as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
the boy smiled and placed one of his adoring farewell kisses on her forehead,
then trailed away.
y/n walked inside and greeted billy,
then found jacob on the couch.
"there you are,"
she smiled and collapsed next to him,
feeling his arm drape itself over her shoulder.
"so you're back!"
"i'm here, i'm here."
y/n shivered as the wind nipped at her exposed skin,
looking around for where seth may be.
"so have you given any thought to-"
"jacob, you're practically my brother. seth is who i plan to be with."
jacob grabbed y/n's face with his huge hands,
pinning her to his lips.
this feels wrong.
y/n thought to herself,
trying with everything in her to tear herself away.
but jacob didn't budge.
she pushed and fought back,
feeling not only guilty but gross with herself.
"what the hell!"
seth's silky voice traveled through the air and instantly broke y/n and jacob apart.
y/n stuttered,
trying to find the right words to explain the betrayal she felt.
"you didn't feel anything, huh?"
he asked rather dejected.
but y/n was too riled up for his pity party and began cursing him all too quickly for him to understand the words flying out of her mouth.
seth drew closer,
making y/n stand still.
she could feel the anger radiating off his skin,
and as their eyes connected,
she could tell he was jealous.
she rushed to seth's side and intertwined her fingers with his,
not glancing in jacob's direction.
"take me home, please."
y/n's soft voice was enough to extinguish the anger piling within him-for now at least- and he helped her in the car.
"are you okay?"
y/n shrugged and looked out of the window,
feeling sick with embarrassment.
seth sighed and held her hand close to him,
reminding her that he was here to stay.
no matter what.
y/n sat herself on the edge of her bed and sighed heavily,
the only source of comfort coming from the hums of the cd playing.
until she heard the faint tap at her window that nearly caused her to fall over in panic.
she pulled the blinds back and relaxed at the sight of seth,
his body barely wrapped in clothing but that same tender smile across his lips.
"hey. come in. it's cold,"
she invited as the gust of wind chilled her body.
seth hopped in and chuckled,
"not for me. one-oh-eight, remember?"
y/n let her eyes roll then shut the window.
"it always seems to slip my mind, believe it or not. anyways, to what do i owe this lovely visit?"
seth sat himself on the bed before he spoke,
"just wanted to stop by and let you know i finally have the blessing of mr jacob black."
y/n snickered and sat next to seth,
laying her head on his shoulder.
"did you now? that's pretty big."
"i'll say. was worth the fight though."
y/n jumped to her feet with worry clouding her eyes.
"you two fought?!"
"he deserved it, y/n. kissing you like that. and he needed to air out his frustrations. and what better way to do it?"
he grinned.
but y/n was fuming.
seth placed a hand on either side of her face,
forcing her to look into his deep eyes.
"he's fine, i'm okay. all that matters is you. and now, it's just you and me. if you'll have me, of course."
y/n's bottom lip poked out in a pout,
making his smile lessen but never drop.
"what's wrong?"
"you're sure he's okay?"
"more than positive. i think he started to realize what a pain you are so he dropped it."
y/n snickered and buried herself into seth's chest where she could hear the faint beating of his heart.
"and you're okay?"
"never been better, y/n."
she nodded and placed a gentle kiss on his collar bone then felt the acceleration of his heartbeat.
"it's just you and me, love. nothing left to keep you away."
y/n looked up at him and felt her defenses come piling down at the catch of his eyes.
seth slowly leaned in then placed his soft lips against y/n's,
the fervor pulsing through her veins.
this was right,
she realized.
she was right where she belonged in seth's arms.
and as her hands raked through his hair,
she felt her stomach bubble with enamor.
he pulled back and the rush of cold wind took possession of where his warmth once was.
"so, you'll be mine then?"
"yes, seth, i'm yours."

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