tutors (e. cullen)

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y/n's eyes darted around the room as the teacher came close to her,
his sigh heavy with disappointment as he laid the paper on her desk.
"you're failing all my tests, y/n."
y/n sighed,
"just announce it to the whole class, why don't you?"
her history teacher folded his lips together at y/n's response,
"i'm sorry. i'm..trying. i promise."
"might want to consider a tutor, miss l/n, or you won't be graduating."
y/n nodded and waited until he was out of earshot to mumble curses beneath her breath.
"unnecessary history class. stupid,"
she muttered then laid her head on the cool table.
edward leaned over closer to y/n and eyed the test paper marked with a failing grade.
"you know, if you need help, i can tutor you sometime."
y/n turned her head to see the boy with a smile so charming,
she couldn't help but to return it.
"i'm...it's okay, don't worry about it. thank you though."
"you sure? i'd hate to see you repeat the year over. it gets pretty...mundane, believe me."
the two laughed quietly at his comment.
she forced her eyes to her paper and then back to him,
then shrugged.
"alright. i'll take your help."
"sounds good. i'll meet you tomorrow then?"
he nodded and repositioned himself in his seat to face the front again.
y/n folded the test in her book bag and felt a slight sense of hope that maybe this would be her last failing test.
y/n turned her car off and listened as the silence overcame her.
she laid her head on the steering wheel and closed her eyes,
taking in deep breaths to ground herself.
"you got through another day,"
she reminded herself with a deep inhale.
the knock at her window made her flinch,
but relaxed once she saw edward.
she greeted and opened her car door.
"are we doing this here?"
"uh, yeah. that's fine with me."
edward smiled a gentle smile and followed her inside the house.
"you have a lovely home,"
edward spoke while his eyes scanned the room.
"thank you. my rooms over here."
upon entering her room,
edward was engulfed in the smell of her sweet perfume and overall natural aroma.
his eyes danced around the room and examined it with a smile on his face.
"you're the first boy i've brought in here who hasn't bought me dinner yet,"
y/n joked with a nervous laugh,
drawing edward's attention to her.
"sorry..bad joke. really bad joke."
"no, no. it was funny,"
edward chuckled,
rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"thank you...for the vote of confidence."
y/n let out a laugh and shook her head,
"alright. let's finish this."
y/n laid her head back on the floor,
her groans bouncing off the walls and settling within edward.
"you've almost got it, y/n."
she nodded and sat up again,
coming face to face with him.
"okay, okay."
he smiled and read the question aloud to her,
watching her eyes squint while she tried to think.
"the battle of yorktown."
"exactly right."
"knew it,"
she joked,
making edward chuckle softly.
"you're smart, y/n. think you're too hard on yourself."
"yeah, well."
she sighed with a shrug to her shoulders.
edward noticed her change in mood and pressed his lips together,
"how do you feel about the material?"
"then my job here is done."
edward got to his feet with y/n.
"did you walk here?"
the girl asked as she lingered by her front door,
noticing the lack of cars besides her own.
he laughed.
"do you want a ride home?"
"it's fine, i'm sure-"
"i don't mind. really, i owe you one."
edward looked around the darkened street,
then back to y/n.
"okay. let's go."
although edward wouldn't admit it,
he was comfortable with y/n and her company.
he adored her and wanted to keep her around for as long as he could.
"so what's your story?"
edward asked,
listening to the low hum of the tires against the wet road.
"i mean, you're rather interesting. must come from somewhere, right?"
y/n's giggle piqued edward's interest in her even more.
it was sweet but rather dark all at the same time.
"not much to it."
"any reason you sit alone at school?"
"you know how small towns are. one rumor spreads and you're exiled."
she scoffed shook her head as the words left her mouth.
"anyways, what's your story? besides the fact you're oddly educated in history, almost like you were there."
she turned her head to look at him for a split second,
but long enough for edward to see the grin spreading across her lips.
"i'm onto you, edward."
"what-what do you mean?"
"you're a time traveler."
edward let out a laugh of relief while y/n giggled at her own joke,
wildly oblivious to the truth.
"you and i are a lot alike, y/n."
"how so?"
"we're not all everyone thinks us to be."
y/n nodded,
"more than meets the eye?"
the rest of the ride was silent,
leaving the two to soak in the new connection.
y/n was attracted to edward,
but then again,
who wasn't?
she felt somewhat closer to the boy.
after all,
they were alike in some ways.
edward leaned his head against the window,
intently paying attention to the sound of y/n's heartbeat.
"we're here,"
y/n announced with a sense of dismalness to her tone.
"would you like to come in?"
"oh..that's very kind, edward, but i should probably get home."
edward nodded,
"parents expecting you?"
"no, not at all. they're...never home."
"so you'll be alone then?"
y/n nodded slowly and looked at his lovely home.
"come in, please."
y/n locked eyes with his and felt her breathing quicken.
she was wanted,
by none other than edward cullen.
weeks had come and gone by edward and y/n who were significantly closer now.
lunches spent together,
night spent together,
and every waking moment y/n spent was with edward.

y/n smiled and handed edward a report card of hers,
the grades higher than she had ever known them
to be.
"good job, y/n."
"all thanks to you,"
she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek.
he laughed and shook his head,
"you knew it all along, y/n."
"you say my name a lot."
edward shrugged and took her hand from across the table,
"it's a lovely name. i can't help it."
y/n smiled up at him as his cold lips brushed against her knuckles,
then placed a small but lingering kiss there.
"you're making me blush."
she giggled and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.
edward chuckled at the shy smile she wore,
"would it be...crazy of me to ask you to be my girlfriend?"
"would it be crazy to say yes?"
the boy squeezed her small hand between the both of his hands,
letting the smile turn his lips.
"not at all."

and as the day came to an end,
edward and y/n laid together as one and let the time pass by them.
this was where they belonged.
years of longing and waiting had finally come to an end,
because they had finally found their happy endings.

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