promises (e. cullen)

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y/n shrugged her shoulders and avoided edward's eye,
focusing on an unimportant word on the menu.
"what are you thinking?"
edward asked from across the table with clenched fists.
"trying to figure out why you're so upset."
"you know why."
she got to her feet and began to make her way towards the door,
before edward appeared at her side without a single noise.
"you're leaving? you haven't even eaten yet."
"not hungry."
"at least let me drive."
"no. i'm fine. go home, i'll see you later."
she piled into the front seat and listened to the engine rise to a light hum.
edward breathed out with a building growl deep within his chest.
she ignored it him and closed her door,
taking a quick glance at his angry eyes.
"leave me alone."
"you're being unreasonable."
she scoffed and rolled her eyes at him.
edward began to feel his temper rising at the expense of y/n's stubbornness.
y/n then heard a loud bang come from the side of her car,
making her flinch.
she stared at the boy in shock,
realizing he had put a dent in the side of her car with only his fists.
she scoffed and pressed down on the gas pedal,
making her slide way ahead of him.
millions of thoughts were crossing her mind.
beginning and ending with edward; per usual.
when she finally arrived home,
she slammed the car door behind her and examined the fist size dent in her backseat door.
she had never known edward to be particularly aggressive,
especially not towards her.
she let out a loud sigh at the realization and sulked herself in inside,
quickly greeting the family to excuse herself to her bedroom.
she sat in the bed with a throbbing head and felt the anger quickly dissipate into guilt.
you should've just apologized instead of storming out.
she thought bitterly with an eye roll.
she then laid herself on the bed after changing and quickly fell asleep,
slipping into a world where nothing harmful or hurtful existed.
just her own peaceful imagination.

until she woke up with a start.
her body went cold as her eyes adjusted to the dark.
someone was in the room with her.
her mind was quick to dismiss edward,
due to their recent argument,
then he spoke.
"did i wake you?"
y/n let the breath she had been holding loose and shrugged,
"no. what's wrong?"
"what do you mean?"
"i mean you must be here for a reason."
"i need a reason to see you? the light of my life?"
y/n shrugged,
"considering our argument a few hours ago. i didn't think you'd want to see me right now."
"well... i do."
"well, i don't want to see you,"
she spoke bitterly,
although they both knew how much of a lie that was.
"that pride of yours is going to be the death of you,"
edward teased before sliding into the bed with her.
she gave into his embrace and sighed,
"don't be mad at me,"
his voice was silk and smooth,
leaving y/n no choice but to forgive him.
"you punched a dent in my car, asshole."
edward chuckled and let his cold fingertips graze up and down her arm.
"i fixed it already."
"doesn't matter. you still did it. what if the next thing you bash is my skull? hm?"
edward frowned at her harsh words and listened to her loud sigh,
"i'm sorry. i didn't mean that."
"you know i would never hurt you, right?"
"i know..."
"i wouldn't be able to live with myself if i ever hurt you, y/n."
"i'm sorry. i'm just frustrated. i know you wouldn't."
edward let his hands guide their way to the small of her back,
"can you promise me something?"
y/n answered rather sleepily,
"promise me that no matter what happens, you'll love me."
"now and forever, love. i promise."
"thank you. i don't know what i would do if i lost your love."
y/n turned her head to look up at him,
her round and sleepy eyes locking with his warm golden eyes.
"you don't ever have to worry about that. i'm yours."
edward grazed his cool lips against her own then closed the distance.
the kiss, quick but sweet, sealed their promise forever.

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