baseball games (em. cullen)

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"so what are we doing today?"
y/n smiled and wrapped her arms around emmett's waist,
resting her head on his chest.
he kissed the top of her head and chuckled,
"there's another big storm. perfect timing."
emmett placed his hands on both sides of her face and slowly caressed her cheek with his thumb.
"you're beautiful."
y/n's face flushed beneath his hand,
making him grin.
"thank you."
emmett nodded and placed a quick peck on her lips before being interrupted by the family.
"are we leaving now?"
emmett asked as he faced esme,
though never moving his hands an inch away from y/n.
"yep. you two ready?"
y/n nodded eagerly,
always excited to watch a game of ball played by the cullens.
"y/n, will you be our umpire?"
"with great honor."
she smiled gratefully.
emmett placed a kiss onto her temple then waltzed with her to the car,
letting the echo of her laughter burn itself in his memory.
emmett helped the girl into the passenger seat then quickly shuffled to the other side to drive.
"you excited?"
y/n nodded,
"always. so funny to see you get all worked up."
emmett scoffed playfully and intertwined his fingers with hers,
laying their connected hands in her warm lap.
"yeah, right. but, listen babe, you and me are a team! you can't call me out, even if i really am out. okay?"
y/n let out a laugh that emmett caught on to.
"you know i love you. but cheating? that's against my morals!"
"oh, so, hanging with a bunch of-of soulless vampires who used to kill is okay, but you draw the line at cheating at baseball games?"
the two let the loud laughter echo throughout the car.
the rest of their ride was silent,
but they welcomed it like they had always done.
their smiles were still evident and brighter than they had ever been before.

"and we're here,"
emmett announced and helped y/n out of the car.
once placing her on her feet,
he held her face between his large hands and began kissing all around her face.
she giggled and barely attempted to get away,
leaving emmett to soak in the laughter that pierced the sky graciously.
"alright, i'm done. ready to play some ball?"
"yep. let's go."
the time slipped by y/n quicker than she would've preferred.
but as she leaned over from the intense laughter,
she seemed to forget just how long they had been out there.
"oh, great job jasper! you're on strike three and now our ball is out in the woods!"
y/n turned her head to the nearest path and saw the little glimmer of white in the trees,
"i can go get it. i can see it from here."
emmett, always anxious to leave y/n by herself, raised an eyebrow.
"you're gonna go get the ball?"
"yeah! i don't mind. you guys continue playing!"
she smiled and began to walk away.
"but wait!"
emmett called,
furrowing his eyebrows,
"who's gonna be ump?"
"bella can, can't you?"
bella removed her hands from her jacket pockets and nodded,
y/n gave emmett a quick wink and a reassuring smile,
"you worry too much! i'll be just over there, okay?"
he nodded and released a breath full of worries,
then turned his attention back to the game.

y/n trailed into the woods and began to jog toward the ball.
she continued and continued,
then after a while started to realize it was moving further away.
she whispered to herself,
trying to run faster.
but it was no use.
the baseball seemed to be way out of her distance.
then as she looked around,
she realized how far out into the forest she had strayed away.
and before she could exhale another breath,
a figure quickly jumped from behind her and sank his piercing teeth into her skin.
she gasped,
though it was hoarse and barely audible,
and felt the venom begin to sink into her bloodstream.
and as she fell to her knees,
the figure was nowhere to be found.
at least not to her human eyes.
there the burning began.
y/n's body twitched violently and let out the bloodcurdling shriek that swayed the trees around her.
this is the end.
she thought as she laid motionless from the pain.
the life emmett had tried so hard to keep her from was hurdling towards her quicker than she would've ever imagined.
she blinked once.
and the world around her began to fade out.
the pain was becoming unbearable.
she couldn't stop herself from whimpering and letting the continuous screams escape her lips.
and once she opened her eyes again,
she was face to face with emmett whose face was coated in worry.
"either the change can happen..."
carlisle began,
titling y/n's throbbing neck to the side.
but emmett quickly dismissed this thought,
"no! no...not her too. i won't let it happen."
"then you'll have to get the venom out, son."
y/n mustered enough strength in her body to use her thumb and wipe away the stray tear on emmett's translucent cheek.
then the world faded out.
when she woke again,
y/n was surrounded by beeping machines and wrapped in hospital clothing.
she turned her head to the side,
although it was sore and tender,
and laid eyes on emmett.
his head was buried in his hands,
his body rocking back and forth as though he was blaming himself.
she whispered,
watching his head shoot up.
his lips curved into a smile,
showcasing those dimples y/n adored to no end.
"are you okay? y/n i'm so sorry i-"
she placed a finger to his lips to shush him,
then giggled.
emmett felt the wave of relief crash into him at the sound of her euphoric laugh.
"are you okay? i know it must have been hard know..."
emmett shrugged and laid his lips to rest against her forehead,
letting them lay there for just another minute.
he relished in her continuous warmth and listened to the beating of her heart.
"i'm fine if you are."
y/n nodded her hand and brought emmett's hand to her lips,
kissing all around his palm and then his knuckles.
once he sat back down,
y/n could see the love swimming in his light golden  eyes.
but she could also see the guilt tucking itself away in the corner.
"don't feel bad. it's my fault. i'm like a-like a magnet for danger."
emmett let out a dry chuckle and nodded,
folding y/n's little hand in between both of his hands.
"you got that right."
y/n smiled and leaned her head back against the pillow,
listening to emmett retell the story of how it happened, who it was, and what happened after.
she wasn't surprised to hear the ending.
after all,
anger fueled emmett when it mattered most.
"y/n, from now on can you just...stick by my side?"
the girl snickered and nodded her head,
"only if you won't get annoyed."
"me? annoyed? with you? never."
their smiles matched as he leaned closer and let his cool lips brush against hers,
then closed the space.
the boy reveled in the pulsating of her heart at the connection,
and let the tip of his tongue catch a quick taste that ran his thoughts wild.
then the monitor began to beep rapidly,
making the both of them erupt into the loud laughter  they were always used to.
"sorry for ruining your ball game,"
y/n whispered and laid her thumb against his chin.
he shrugged,
"not a problem. as soon as i was about to get struck out, we heard you. so...perfect timing."
he winked and let out a loose laugh,
a laugh she could mimic.
"i'm so glad my near death experience saved you from a horrible loss!"
emmett ignored her sarcasm and nodded,
"me too. seems like maybe you wanted to help me cheat after all!"
the rest of the night,
the hospital could be heard with loud laughter and inappropriate jokes,
and sometimes even the quick beeping of her monitors.

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