basketball games. (em. cullen)

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y/n let out out the loud laugh that reverberated against the gym walls as she doubled over,
gripping onto bella's shoulder for support.
"oh my god, bella!"
she exclaimed before standing up to calm herself.
"are you okay?"
"yeah, fine. are you?"
y/n looked at her knee that was now scraped up from the gym floor due to bella's incoordination that sent them both the ground.
"yeah, of course. used to it by now,"
y/n smiled and shrugged the pain away.
bella pursed her lips and sighed,
"really, bella. it's fine. it's just a silly little gym game. nothing to be embarrassed of."
y/n soon felt the breath become knocked out of her as the basketball rolled beside her.
she fell to the ground and tried to gasp for air,
a boy,
his body rugged and strong with a worrisome face,
now hovered over her.
she soon felt the pain ebb away in her body at the sight of his pale but ethereal face.
his eyes were brown and somehow managed to warm up her body.
"are you okay?"
he asked,
finally bringing her back to reality.
she gasped the cool gym air and felt it collect in her now burning lungs again.
"yeah. yeah, i'm fine."
the boy helped y/n up to her feet and steadied her.
"i'm so sorry. i got a bit carried away."
"it's fine,"
she smiled with the wave of her hand,
dismissing the situation.
"you're sure?"
y/n turned to regroup with bella,
"hey, are you okay?"
"yeah. who is that?"
"emmett cullen. edward's brother."
"i can introduce you if you'd like."
y/n nodded and turned to catch a quick glance at emmett over her shoulder.
she watched him carefully pass the basketball around his friends,
bringing a quick smile to her face.

y/n and bella walked out of the gymnasiums door together,
but they were soon separated by edward cullen.
"hey, edward. bye, bella."
y/n waved and watched the pair walk off without her.
she soon felt the cool fingers latch around her wrist carefully,
forcing her to turn around and face emmett.
she muttered,
so distracted by his beauty.
"hey. are you sure you're okay?"
"yes, i'm fine. i'm much stronger than you think,"
y/n laughed with a smile as emmett's cool fingers remained wrapped around her wrist.
"yeah, looks like it."
emmett and y/n stared into each other's eyes for a bit longer,
before the overwhelming feeling of butterflies in her stomach and his strong cologne made her head spin.
"i've got to get to class. but, thank you for the apology!"
she yelled as she ran towards her class,
leaving emmett to stand still in shock.
he had never met a girl who was so genuine and so...
"i'm nervous,"
y/n admitted as she looked towards the house of the cullens.
"don't be. they're super nice, y/n. you'll love them."
the two of them climbed out of the car and headed to the front door where bella knocked lightly.
edward greeted then turned to y/n,
"nice to see you again. i assume you're here for emmett."
y/n's smiled sheepishly and pinched bella for telling edward about her small crush.
although bella never told,
edward was just able to see her intentions.
"come in."
introductions were in order and y/n was soon familiar with the whole family.
then emmett stepped into the room,
"look who it is!"
y/n laughed and felt the nerves take over her body.
"it's me."
"it is. nice to see you again, y/n."
she was surprised to see he knew her name,
"nice to see you again too, emmett."
"can i make you something to eat? you know, to make up for gym class?"
y/n followed the boy to the kitchen with a giggle,
"are you ever going to let that go?"
"not until i know you're completely okay."
"i'm fine!"
emmett smiled and began looking around the kitchen,
"anything you would like to eat?"
"no, i'm not hungry. are you?"
emmett let out a chuckle,
then quickly shook his head.
"so, how else are you going to make up almost killing me with a basketball?"
emmett let out a dry chuckle before he answered,
"anything you can think of?"
"i know just the thing."

emmett and y/n took themselves outside and began their playful basketball game.
although emmett was much too fast for her to keep up,
she persisted and did all she could to win.
emmett admired her determination and the way her laugh rang throughout the air.
"you're cheating!"
y/n exclaimed as she put her hands on her knees,
trying to steady her breathing.
emmett looked like he hadn't broken a sweat yet.
"a cheater? i've never been a cheater,"
he laughed and adjusted the hat on his head.
y/n got up and ran after him,
but tripped on her own foot and was headed for the ground.
until emmett caught her.
y/n smiled up at him as they remained just a few inches from each other.
emmett hesitated to lean in,
but gained control of himself and let his lips place themselves on hers.
y/n's body went rampant with nerves.
she raked her fingers through his hair before he broke apart,
his eyes pooling with lust.
she sank her teeth into her now swollen bottom lip,
waiting for him to speak.
she watched his adam's apple sink as he swallowed,
"i think you and i are going to get along great."
"think so?"
she snickered with a sheepish smile.
"oh, yeah. definitely."

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