come back (s. clearwater)

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"with the pack on patrol.
i'll be back to you soon, love.
food in the fridge for you
-xx seth"
y/n stretched greatly with the note still in her hand,
taking in the world around her.
the sunlight poured through the curtains and made the room warmer,
though her current temperature was more than warm at this point.
she laid her head back on the pillow and felt her eyes grow heavy again despite the hours of sleep she just had.
y/n blinked once,
then twice,
and drifted off back to sleep.

seth entered the house quietly in hopes of being able to scare y/n.
he chuckled as he pulled the fridge door open and noticed the food left for y/n hadn't moved since he put it there.
he mumbled to himself,
pulling the food out to eat it himself.
seth then showered in a hurry to get back to y/n and enjoy their night together,
but when he walked in all he could see was y/n passed out on his bed.
he chuckled and climbed in slowly,
careful not to wake her,
then wrapped an arm around her.
she was still and seth noticed her abnormal breathing.
"hey, y/n, love?"
he whispered and shook her limp body.
only to receive no response.
the girl remained asleep,
even through all seth's attempts to wake her.
fear settled within him the longer her eyes continued to remain closed.
he jumped from the bed and rushed to the phone,
dialing carlisle's number.
"carlisle! it's-it's y/n!"
seth could barely speak the words he was so afraid to even think.
but carlisle was quick,
and tended to y/n.
"it...seems as if she's in some sort of comatose state. do you know what could've caused this?"
seth shook his head quickly,
unable to speak the words for the knot in his throat was much too thick.
"i'll take her to the hospital. would you prefer to stay here?"
"no! please...let me go."
seth's voice faltered.
the ride to the hospital was quick but never eased the worry out of seth's poor body.
he watched y/n remain still underneath the faint hospital lights and listened to the beeps of the machines hooked around her.
"seth! what happened?"
leah asked as soon as he appeared into vision.
"i don't know! leah, i don't know! she just wouldn't wake up!"
he explained with the hysteria evident in his tone.
"i should've been there...if i hadn't left-"
"cut it out! freaking out isn't going to wake her up, seth. there's nothing you could have done, okay?"
seth nodded,
though the tears were rising quickly.
leah quickly wrapped her little brother in her arms and supported him when his legs were quick to give out.
"it's fine, seth. she'll wake up."
seth nodded in hopes that it was true.
because without y/n,
seth knew he would be nothing.
weeks passed and y/n remained in the hospital,
with seth at her side.
"seth...kid, you've got to go home,"
jacob reminded the boy whose eyes were darkening by the second.
"no, jake. i can't leave her."
"she wouldn't want you here like this. starving yourself, not sleeping. i can hear her now, 'jacob! why didn't you make seth go home and eat!'"
seth lowered his head with a chuckle at the thought of y/n yelling in the way jacob demonstrated.
"yeah...she would."
"go home. eat, take a shower, and get some sleep. i'll stay here with her and make sure nothing happens. okay?"
seth nodded and got to his feet that were numb.
" sam mad? i know i haven't-"
"he's not mad at all, kid. he understands."
seth nodded and began to make his way out of the hospital,
the crisp air of the fall settling within his lungs.
it hurt to breathe with the knowledge y/n relied on a machine to do so.
it hurt to sleep knowing y/n was alone.
it hurt to eat when y/n couldn't enjoy it like she should.
everything hurt.
seth arrived home and moped through the house,
barely eating,
taking a long shower,
and finally laying in the bed with nothing but worries on his mind.
he wanted to think positive.
needed to think positive.
for her.
"you got this, y/n. please don't leave me."
the days slipped past seth as he began to catch up on sleep,
but the moment his eyes fluttered open he was up and ready to go back.
"going to the hospital?"
leah asked her brother,
smoothing out his hair.
"yeah. you coming?"
"yeah...yeah, i'll come."

seth sat by y/n's bed with her cold hand into his,
listening to the machines around her body hum.
"seth...if she doesn't wake up soon..."
carlisle began,
looking at y/n's lifeless body.
"what? what's gonna happen?"
"...we're going to have to take her off life support."
seth swallowed hard and began to feel his heart slamming against his ribcage.
"! you can't! you can't take her!"
he cried out.

y/n began to hear seth's cries deep in her unconscious,
making her search around for him.
what a strange dream,
she thought.
she called out,
only no noise left her lips.
seth's painful grievance continued to grow louder.
but as she looked around,
she couldn't find him.
she panicked and tried to reach for him;
to find his voice.
y/n reached her hand out.

the room went still as y/n's hand twitched beside her and her lips began to move.
she was mumbling,
though it was too incoherent.
"y/n! come back to me, please!"
seth pleaded and laid a gentle hand to her cheek.

y/n felt the heat spread through her body.
beginning with her cheek.
"seth? where are you?"

"open your eyes, y/n. come on.."

y/n listened to his smooth voice that instructed her.
her eyelids were heavy.
way too heavy.
but the sorrow in seth's voice was urgent.
she knew something was wrong.
she tried time and time again to open them,
because she needed seth.

"seth...i think she might be waking up."
carlisle smiled happily as y/n's body began to move as one.
then her eyes shot open.
seth could feel his knees buckling at the sight of her bright eyes that glimmered under the dimmest of lights.
she turned her groggy head to face him and slowly brought a hand to his face,
where she caressed it slowly.
"what happened?"
she tried to ask through the insanely dry throat.
"y/n? don't try to talk right now, okay? drink this water and relax,"
carlisle instructed with a smile so bright y/n couldn't help but to squint.
she swallowed the water and felt the ache slowly fade away.
seth's eyes pooled over at the sight,
leaving y/n to wipe his tears away.
"why are you crying, my love?"
she whispered just audible enough for him to hear.
"i thought i lost you.."
she shook her head carefully and wiped another tear away,
he let out a chuckle and buried his head in y/n's hands,
relishing in the silky skin against his own.
he promised he would never take advantage of this again.
"leave it to y/n to fall asleep with a concussion,"
jacob teased,
setting eyes upon a well healed y/n and seth.
"ha ha,"
y/n mocked and playfully punched jacob's shoulder,
though it did no good.
"glad to see you're back, sis,"
leah smiled and wrapped y/n in a hug.
"thank you. i missed you."
"we all did. kept our seth away for a while,"
the deep voice joked from behind leah.
y/n pulled back to see sam,
smiling with his arms crossed like always.
"sorry about that. wont happen again."
"better not,"
seth muttered in her ear then placed a quick kiss on her cheek.
"i love you, y/n,"
the boy continued,
his tone soft and quiet.
"i love you,"
y/n returned,
planting a quick kiss on his cheeks then turning back to jacob.
"so, what's this i hear about you mocking me, hm?"
everyone erupted into loud laughs and soaked it in,
just glad to have y/n back.
especially seth.

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