mortal enemies (em. cullen.)

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{request for: juptersmoons <33!}

i had never quite understood the attraction to forks, washington.
there were beautiful views,
high mountains to scour,
somewhat friendly people.
but the boringness of it all trumped any of these things and made it unbearable to live in.
all i had were the cloudy days and simple family to keep me sane.
though it should be noted my family isn't quite simple in the terms the townsfolk would think.
we're all pale-skinned, intoxicating figures to leer at.
when we walk past,
everybody drinks in our invigorating statures and imagines what might unfold if they just took step closer to us;
prey falling for the predators.
it was almost fun to indulge myself in;
purposefully bumping into the girls in the hallways to watch their cheeks become covered in rushing, crimson blood,
stumbling over their words in apology,
giggling whenever i said something remotely comedic.
but it got old quick and soon enough,
forks had become lonesome.
until y/n l/n had come into town.
i remember hearing whispers of her name in the hallway and asking myself,
i wondered if it was a girl i had overlooked.
though that seemed rather impossible.
everyone knew everyone in this town.
when i finally found out she was new,
i quickly sought out to find her.
and it wasn't hard to.
lunch began and there she was,
surrounded by a herd of people who begged to hear tales from the new girl.
she looked shy and uncomfortable with such attention,
but i watched in a fixed admiration as she slowly mollified beneath their stares.
she was born for the spotlight.
i watched her hands fly through the air as she told stories of her life back home.
i laughed when i saw she did.
i smiled when her beautiful smile appeared.
y/n reminded me much of the greek goddesses we'd studied in history class.
she was a muse for many,
she was beautiful in ways words could not express,
she was heavenly.
as i sat there all lunch period,
staring from across the way and wishing that i could gently caress such marbled, wondrous skin,
i found that edward was eyeing me with a look of inquiry.

it's nothing.
she's new and i'm curious.
that's all.

i told him without ever opening my mouth.
he nodded in understanding and turned his head away from me.
i tried my hardest to keep my thoughts away from her,
just until i was out of edward's vicinity,
but my eyes always ended up right back to her being.
i was mesmerized.
how could one, so simple and human, be the epitome of unearthly beauty?
that's when i realized she wasn't.
my next class,
fortunately for me,
had y/n l/n in it.
and despite all the rushing people begging to have her set next to them,
she took the only empty seat next to me.
i smelled the wolf on her and nearly jumped straight out of my own skin.
"surprise, blood sucker,"
she whispered beneath her breath with a smirk,
resting her chin in the palm of her hand.
my eyes widened until i realized she could smell the supernatural on me as well.
"great. of course i got stuck with clifford the dog."
"what's the matter? sad that i'm not some puny human you can trap? i'm sure it must be a huge blow for you."
y/n feigned a frown then quickly snickered to herself.
i couldn't explain the grin growing against my lips.
"didn't expect you to be so sarcastic."
"then don't expect anything next time."
y/n tossed me a wink after her sentence was finished.
before i could reply,
the class had started and i was left speechless.
i couldn't figure out why the usual, burly and overall sickening smell of the werewolves wasn't so prominent in the girl beside me.
it was there,
that much was true,
but it was tolerable.
i hated to admit it,
but it only drew me deeper into the mystery that was y/n l/n.
was i finally falling prey?
this was the kind of forbidden romance books were written about.
i could only see our stories ending in tragedy.
but no matter how irrational my thoughts were,
as long as i was thinking of y/n,
i deemed it okay.
"so, did your wolfie friends send you here to spy on us?"
"believe me, they've got better things to do than worry about your stillhearted kind."
i mocked with a laugh.
"not afraid to hit me where it hurts, are you?"
"can you feel pain? figured you lost all sense of feeling when you transformed."
i couldn't tell if her question was serious or as sarcastic as the previous ones had been.
if i were a betting man,
i'd say she were being indifferent again.
"i'm serious. can you feel?"
"yeah, i can feel."
y/n drummed her fingers against the table then turned her attention back to the front,
but both of our smiles were visible to one another.
"make me a deal. you'll be my guard dog and-"
"ugh, shut up."
y/n rolled her eyes and waved her hand through the air to dismiss my joke before i could completely finish.
i couldn't help but laugh at this.
"what? come on, it's a good offer."
"you're intolerable."
"you'll learn to enjoy it. everyone does."
y/n tried to hide her smile with the back of her hand then looked down at her lap to avoid my eye.
i noticed a smile of my own growing at this simple sight.
i found it rather enchanting how these past few weeks with y/n had given us,
two opposites,
a chance to grow together.
after she found a group of friends to settle in with,
she still made good on conversation with me.
despite half of our words being passive aggressive insults and sarcastic comments about our nature,
hearing her voice say my name was fulfilling enough to last.
"so, tell me, what's down here for you? figured all you wolves stuck together up in the reservation."
"well, surprise, we don't."
i threw my hands up in mock surrender to her harsh tone then nodded.
"alright, sorry i asked."
she didn't reply.
y/n kept her eyes forward on the teacher,
making me hurry to backtrack.
"well, guess that makes things easier."
"yeah. easier for me to pick you up tonight."
the words left my mouth before i could truly register them.
i felt panic settle inside of me at this;
if she were to laugh at me i might fall apart in embarrassment.
y/n turned to me with raised eyebrows and a steady smile.
"what makes you think i'm willing to go out with you?"
i shrugged and just before the bell rang to dismiss us for class,
i let my thumb trail down her chin and felt the blood rush to her cheeks in a moment of winded shock.
"you look plenty eager to me. i'll see you tonight."
and with that,
i left the class in a hurry and wondered if my phantom heart decided to start up again.
"you asked her out?"
i felt the tight grip of edward's hand to my shoulder followed by his warned words.
i shrugged him off.
"you just worry about keeping bella safe, yeah?"
edward straightened up at this and our fight was over before it could truly begin.

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