in sickness and in health (j. black)

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jacob knocked rhythmically against the front door of the y/l household,
crossing his fingers in hopes y/n would be the one answering this time.
but he soon came face to face with her mother,
making him sigh heavily.
"she's not feeling any better, is she?"
"afraid not,"
her mother answered with pursed lips.
"is it okay if i see her?"
"she's going to kill me jacob,"
her mother smiled before letting the boy in.
"thank you. i'll be quick."
"no worries. just don't get yourself sick."
"right... yes ma'am."
jacob found the door to y/n's room and turned the doorknob slowly,
then opened it to reveal a dark room and a lump on the bed covered in blankets.
due to his heightened senses,
jacob could smell the cough syrup she had been digesting and heard the light hum of a humidifier near her bed.
"please, mom, i'm not taking anymore,"
y/n croaked,
not turning her head to see her visitor.
jacob smiled and closed the door behind him,
"well it's your lucky day. i don't have any medicine for you to take."
y/n hurried to eye the boy in her room although it was much too dark for her to.
"jake! no! go away!"
"that's not quite the welcoming i was expecting."
"jacob, i look hideous."
the boy scoffed and inched closer to her bed,
seeing the light shadows on her face from the moonlight that poured through her window.
"give it a rest. i just wanted to see you, make sure you're okay."
"i look...gross!"
"y/n, shut up,"
he laughed and watched her eyes roll.
"i tried to keep you out. but my mother has a soft spot for you. knew it was only a matter of time before you showed up in here."
"i just wanted to make sure you didn't die by like...choking on some medication. but, i see now that you're okay. and i'll be on my way."
he turned on his feet to leave but felt y/n's clammy fingers wrap themselves around his wrist.
"you're already here. don't leave."
he smiled and turned back to face her,
taking that same hand from his wrist and placing it against his lips.
"you sure?"
"yes! i don't mean to be...hostile. i just look and feel gross. don't want to scare you away."
she edged herself closer to the other end of the bed to make room for him.
he crawled in and wrapped an arm around y/n,
"scare me away? don't be silly."
she let out a light laugh and rested her head on him,
"i missed you."
"i missed you too."
y/n smiled and placed a quick kiss on his chin.
"so whats been up with you? anything interesting going on?"
"not really. did you know sam and emily's wedding is soon?"
y/n let out a quick gasp,
"truly? oh that's amazing! how''s leah handling it?"
"at best she can."
"poor thing,"
y/n's voice was soft but heavy with empathy.
"but, i got invited to the wedding and all. if you're feeling up for it, would you like to come with me? as my plus one?"
the girl turned her head to look up at him and nodded rather eagerly,
"of course! i love weddings."
"great. then we'll be there. and maybe we can steal a few ideas from theirs for our own wedding, of course."
y/n let out a giggle and shook her head,
"you'd wanna marry me?"
"are you crazy? of course, y/n."
"maybe someday in the far future."
she adjusted her position against his chest and left a quick kiss there.
"are your brothers going to need you tonight?"
"doubt it. why? are you okay?"
y/n nodded and left jacob to watch her eyes flutter close,
"mhm. just want you here,"
she mumbled before falling asleep quickly due to the cough medicine she had taken minutes prior to jacob's arrival.
he nodded and began letting his fingertips trace small circles against the lower part of her back,
listening to the sounds of her slow breathing that soon sent him under too.
jacob woke up with the birds outside chirping rather loudly,
though y/n laid restless in his arms still.
neither of them had moved an inch,
although he was quite oblivious to how many hours had passed.
he let his eyes travel back down to y/n and felt the instant smile.
her lips, barely parted open, sent slow breaths out due to her congested nose.
"you're adorable,"
he whispered beneath his breath and laid a quick kiss on the top of her head.
y/n's mother quietly creeped into the room,
bearing a tray of soup and more medicine.
"hey jake,"
her mother smiled cheerfully.
"hey, mrs l/n."
"if i leave this here, will you make sure she gets it?"
"i'll try my hardest,"
he whispered with a quiet chuckle.
her mother let out a laugh then trailed back outside,
leaving them alone again.
jacob muttered and shook y/n's body carefully.
"what's wrong?"
she answered with the same nasally tone.
"nothing. time for you to eat."
"uh-uh. i'm not hungry."
"please? for me?"
jacob heard her loud sigh and knew he had won the argument.
y/n focused on the deep exhales of jacob black,
who laid fast asleep next to her,
and began to smile soft.
leave it to jacob to spend his time with me asleep.
she thought lovingly.
although their backs were turned to one another,
she could so clearly see his peaceful face as he rested.
she finally turned her lethargic body to rest her frontside against his back,
and kissed the tattoo that rested against his shoulder.
she admired the way he stayed with her even while she slept the day away.
he greeted as he stirred awake,
bringing a hand to her cheek and holding it.
"you must be feeling better."
"i am,"
she laughed and rested her lips against his bicep again.
"thank you for staying. you're the best."
"i know,"
he grinned playfully and adjusted himself to kiss her cheek.
"well today's your lucky day, black."
"oh, yeah? why's that?"
"you and i are going dress shopping!"
"oh, man, y/n no!"
he groaned dramatically,
sending a laugh through y/n's lips.
"i'll make it up to you."
"yeah? well...looks like we're getting married!"
he exclaimed happily and threw his arms around her waist,
basking in the sounds of their loud laughter.
jacob knew this is where he wanted to be for the rest of his life.
in sickness and in health,
no matter what y/n thought about herself.
now sinking into the mattress as jacob hovered over her,
let her hands run down his shoulders.
"you're so kind, jake. i don't deserve you."
"think that cough medicine might be turning your brain into mush, my love. all you've done is talk nonsense tonight."
she giggled and pulled him down by his neck to place a sincere but loving kiss on his lips.
and though jacob had thought it through plenty of times,
it was final.
yep. this is the girl i'm going to marry.

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