future colleges (a. cullen)

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y/n laid out the college applications before her with a bored expression plastered against her face.
"okay. so tell me which one i should commit to. do that future thing you do,"
y/n smiled up at alice.
alice rolled her eyes and laughed,
"where do you think you'd be most successful at?"
"i don't know."
"still don't know, alice, that's why i'm asking you."
the two girls laughed as one,
though alice's laugh was lighter and way more beautiful.
"okay, y/n. choose,"
alice suggested when their laughter died down.
y/n hesitated,
took in a deep breath,
then placed an index finger on the pamphlet of the school she desired most.
alice smiled largely then nodded,
"great choice."
"thank you, thank you."
y/n mirrored alice's twinkling smile.
y/n began,
wringing her fingers together nervously.
"you're gonna ask about me going to college with you?"
alice reached for y/n's hand and laced it with her own fingers,
making y/n's heart stutter.
"can i think about it some?"
y/n knew of alice's ability and wondered why know,
she needed to think.
she thought maybe it was some excuse.
but she pushed away the slight bitterness and nodded her head,
caressing alice's thumb with her own.
"of course. take all the time you need."
alice smiled gratefully before elegantly rising to her feet,
reminding y/n of her work shift.
the girl groaned at the reminder,
"i don't wanna go."
alice rolled her eyes playfully and engulfed y/n in her arms,
letting her head rest against alice's chest.
"it'll be a good day. you'll make great tips."
"mhm. and then when you come home, we can go shopping with those tips."
y/n reluctantly removed her head from alice's chest to look her in the eye,
"i have to save that money,"
they spoke synchronically,
though alice's tone was mocking.
y/n stuck her tongue out jokingly,
then pressed a gentle, quick kiss to alice's lips.
"i'll see you after work, love,"
alice whispered,
sending heat through y/n's body.
"i'll be here."
y/n laid down in her bed,
the smell of her shampoo settling in her lungs and making her rather tired.
the long day was beginning to catch up to her but,
hey. alice was right. i got a bunch of tips.
she smiled to herself at the thought of alice,
and let her mind relax while she drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

alice waltzed into y/n's bedroom and found her fast asleep,
as predicted,
but still smiled large at the sight.
she was serene and in the comfort of her own mind.
alice pressed her frontside to y/n's backside and wrapped an arm around her waist,
inhaling the sweet fragrance of y/n's shampoo.
her throat began to pulsate,
but alice ignored it and buried her face in the crook of y/n's neck.
she was forced to begin thinking about college with y/n.
the idea alone sounded wonderful.
it was something alice would love to venture into.
she could see y/n and her laying together in the dorm room,
their stereo humming ahead in view while they tried to study for their upcoming tests.
but like always,
they failed and began embracing one another and letting their laughs ring loose through the halls.
they'd eat all day and stay up all night cramming.
they'd quiz one another.
alice sighed.
college with y/n was practically a dream.
but could she do it?
could she leave her family for that long?
alice was needed in that coven.
her visions were something they could count on.
i suppose i could just call if i have a vision.
she thought hopefully.
but what if i'm in the middle of an exam?
it'll be too late.
she ran a frustrated hand through her hair,
careful not to mess it up.
alice didn't know what to do.
her heart sought after living a normal life with y/n,
as best she could,
and continuing their relationship through the years.
but how could i leave them behind like that?
i just need a sign!
the mental battle continued until y/n began to stir in alice's arms,
her face coated in worry.
alice examined y/n and her expression.
until she spoke,
alice felt her still heart begin to flutter.
but her guilt began to grow as well.
"come with me."
alice laid still,
holding her breath in shock.
how did i not see this coming!
she laughed to herself darkly.
the sign she had needed was presenting itself right before her.
alice was sure carlisle would encourage her to go and study abroad with y/n.
alice kissed y/n's temple gratefully,
then began grinning.
when y/n woke up,
she felt alice's cold but loving hands snaked around her waist.
she turned her head to face alice,
whose grin was wide.
"good morning,"
y/n spoke through the sleep in her voice.
"it is a good morning!"
"i've decided...you and i are going to college together."
y/n felt the excitement pump within her veins and echo throughout her ears.
she wrapped her arms around alice's neck and squealed,
"i'm so excited!"
"me too!"
y/n pulled back to leave a quick peck on her lips in celebration,
before resting her head against alice's chest.
"what were you dreaming about last night?"
alice asked once their excitement had calmed some.
"oh...uh, you and i."
"what happened?"
"i was leaving. and i couldn't get you to come with me. you were like...frozen to the spot you were in. and i kept calling and begging but you just wouldn't move."
alice's smile faltered a bit,
"did it end that way?"
"no. you eventually came with."
it was almost as if y/n had an intuition of her own where, she too, could see in the future and saw alice make her decision.
even if she was unconscious.
alice felt a flicker of hope within her.
she caressed y/n's arm slowly,
"well, lucky for you, i'll be here for as long as humanly possible."
y/n giggled and kissed alice's sharp collarbone.
"sounds good."
alice closed her eyes and allowed herself to wallow in the enamor that pulsated through her body.
it rang in her ears and blinded her,
making her oblivious to everything around her everything besides y/n.
it was euphoric to finally be free of all burdens.
to finally be loved and loved back.
y/n kissed alice's closed eyelids and watched as they fluttered open,
their smiles flashy and happy.
"i think you and i are due for a little college shopping spree, hm?"
y/n suggested,
making alice giggle with pure bliss.
"yes! finally!"

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