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~@ school, Midas point of view~

I walk into the classroom and the silence falls around me like a blanket. I put a smile on my face and greet the class. I turn the computer on and tell everyone to take their books where we left off the previous lesson. When I notice everyone is completely silent, wich is very rare for this fun and talkative class, I face the teenagers. They are all looking at the student sitting in the middle of the first row. ''What is going on here?'' I ask. Addison puts her hand in the air. I nod that she may talk. ''Sir, we had a question for Mason, but when I asked it, he sat down and just didn't say anything, so now we, or at least I am worried about him. He is such a nice person and I didn't mean to hurt him or anything.'' She explains. I crouch in front of Mason's desk and look him in the eyes while whispering:''Do you want to talk about it? Maybe just to me?'' He nods. I stand up, give the rest an assignment to do and walk with Mason to an empty classroom.

The conversation: (-Midas AND •Mason)

-So, what did she ask you?
•Well, she asked me if I knew something more about my biological family than their names. It was unexpected and I just blocked.
-I get it. It's not something that's easy to talk about. I do think there's a reason that Addison asked you that. Maybe you should talk to her, because I'm sure she didn't mean to upset you!
•Yes, now you said that! I wonder why she asked it! It really sounded like she thought she knew something and hoped I could verify that or something. It was really weird. I'll ask her outside in the break.
-Good idea, Mason. You can stay here for this class and play on the computer or listen to music or something, but the next period, you just come back to your classroom for the next class.
•Thank you sir.
-You can call me Midas, I really like to be closer with my students. Now, I need to go and entertain your classmates. Are you good?
•Yes, thank you so much Midas!
-You're very welcome!

With those words, I stand up and go back to the rest of the class. When I enter the classroom and expect to see chaos, the students are sitting at their desks, bended over their books with their pens in their hands. I like this class. It's a respectful, fun class to teach. I wake up from my thoughts, walk to the computer and open the electronic version of the work book. I turn on the beamer and look at the sudden appearance of the work book on the white wall. I turn around to face the students and smile if I see their shocked faces. I always project the less interesting part of the book, to make them think we are looking at boring grammar in the class, even if we're doing something else... Like today. ''No, no, no, don't take your books!'' I say quickly when I see some students dive into their bag to take their books. Oh, I love those confused faces. ''I do this little trick a lot to check if you are paying attention to the subject of the class. You actually understood what this class was going to be about. And that's good, but don't act too fast. We aren't actually doing grammar today! So you have 2 minutes to stand up and put your desks in a circle.'' I say with a smile. I haven't finished my sentence or the desks are in a perfect circle. I smile and take a huge bag from underneath my desk (there's a partition, that prevents the students from seeing what is behind it). I open the zipper of the bag. I took a lot of old people-hats with me, because it fits perfectly with what we're doing today.

The hats 👇🏻

I give everyone a hat and enjoy the fact they have no idea what is happening right now

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I give everyone a hat and enjoy the fact they have no idea what is happening right now. I smile and put a hat on. I turn the beamer and computer off, take a chair and sit down next to Addison in the circle. Then, I start explaining:''We are learning some vocabulary today. Since I always try to make the vocabulary lessons as fun as possible and the grammar lessons as clear as possible, you'll be doing the exercises I give you online at home. Now, we are all old people and we are talking about the weather today, but not in the way you would do that. No, in the old-school old people way. So let's listen to each other and try to empathize in your role.'' ''So, Addison, what do you think about the weather today?'' I say in an elderly voice. She giggles and says:''Well, sir Midas, I think it's endearingly enjoyable today. Don't you think Jay?'' Her old women-voice is so good! ''Well, my love, I think you are right, but it was still a little bit cold this morning due to the cold breeze, wasn't it mister Emmanuel?'' Jay says, looking in Addison's eyes. They are litterally the best couple ever! Emmanuel smiles and answers Jay and so on. Sometimes, I interrupt someone to add some new vocabulary. Before I know it, the class is over and the annoying sound we all know interrupts us and tells us the next class is starting. I quickly collect the funny hats, take my backpack and walk to my next class...

~Addison's point of view~

I take my math book (yuk) and look up when I hear the door open. It's Mason. I stand up and walk towards him. ''Are you okay?'' He nods and smiles a little. ''Oh God, I'm so sorry for upsetting you!'' He gives me a little hug and whispers:''Can I talk to you in the break?'' I nod and he lets go and sits down. I walk back to my desk too and look at the teacher, who comes in and is about to start class. I can't really concentrate though. What has Mason to tell me? I guess I just need to wait until break...


Hope you liked this chapter! I worked on it for two weeks and this is the final result! I hope the other chapters will be a little easier too write! Next chapter will be a little sad again, but who knows what happens...
All the love ❤️

xxx Dieuwke

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