...unlike me...

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~Diego's point of view~

Addison came home three hours ago and I can see she is still studying at her desk. We both have our doors open and our bedrooms are opposite each other, so I can directly see her desk and beginning of the window in her room. I shake my head. I just know something happened, but I want to let her study for a little longer, because I know she'd stress out if I let her take a break. I go back to my desk and start to draw. I draw my view when I look at the hallway. Addison's doorway and her, studying at her desk with a snippet from the view out of her window. I keep it black and white, since I ruin a lot of my drawings by coloring it. After 30 minutes of sketching, I put my pencils down and go to Addi's room. I smile when she doesn't even notice and keeps looking at her papers with a concentrated look only my little sister has. ''Come' on, let's go outside! The sun is shining and the fresh air will do you good! You've studied for three hours and a half. That's enough for today!'' I say, making her look up in confusion since she didn't hear me come in. When it sank in what I said, she sighs, looks at her paper, back to me, stands up and smiles at me:''Thanks, Diego, I think I can use a break.'' I laugh:''I'm always there to grab you out of your study sessions, little sis.'' She giggles and takes me outside.

Diego's drawing (I drew it in like 20 minutes, so don't judge me please)👇🏻

Diego's drawing (I drew it in like 20 minutes, so don't judge me please)👇🏻

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~Addison's point of view~

We start to walk, without having an idea where we're going. I breath in the air and smell the spring. We walk out of our street and the city view is replaced with fields and some trees in the distance. As far as I can see, I see fields, trees and a clear blue sky. I enjoy the pleasant silence between Diego and me. He probably noticed something's off, since I can't keep anything from him! ''We're on a break. I said our relationship needs a break,'' I break the silence. Diego looks at me:''What happened that made you make that decision?'' I sigh:''He said I am distant and that he thinks it's not right that I talk more about my feelings with you then with him. I told him that was so mean to say, since he should be happy that I have a good bond with my family. I said we should take a break, so that he could learn to accept my family and I could think.'' Diego frowns:''What do you have to think about? Aren't you in love with him?'' I close my eyes for a second:''I don't know anymore! I've been so confused! I was just happy with Roy! Nothing special. We were just happy. Then my heart started questioning everything! My heart has been playing me ever since! It made me fall in love with Jay and yeah, we both know how everything went then! Roy keeps coming back too! I am scared to hurt people, but my heart seems to make me do nothing else! I don't know who or what to believe anymore, Diego! I'm so confused and done with my feelings!'' I try not to raise my voice, but I still raise it a little out of frustration. I look at Diego, to see his reaction and wait for him to start talking.

''I know how complicated love can be, Addsion. Look, I am glad that I studied humane sciences, because I think I know what you have. It's hard to explain, but I know you good enough to know you will say yes to the first question and no to the other: 1. Are you afraid of the other one leaving you? 2. Do you think you deserve to be loved?'' Addison frowns and thinks about it. No matter how badly she wants to tell her brother wrong, she couldn't deny the truth. ''Yes to number 1. I'm so scared the other one will leave me! I feel like I need a lot of affirmation. And to the second question, I just think I made so many mistakes and I feel very bad about myself and how I look. I do think I deserve a little bit of love, but when people come to close, I reject them. It feels like I need people to tell me I look good and to tell me they will never leave me and to hug me and give me love, but when they come to close, I'm afraid of getting hurt or hurting someone else and I reject them. It's so confusing! When I was with Jay, I felt so close to him. I love him so much, but when we were so close, what I needed, I got scared and started avoiding contact and then I tried to get someone else closer to me to conpensate pushing Jay away and now we're here.'' Addison explained. Diego only nodded. ''That's exactly what I thought. Look, there are 4 ways to attach yourself to others. You tend to be more dissmissive-avoidant. That means you are tend to want affection and push people who come to close away at the same time. The positive thing is that you can change your attachment style. I think you need someone who gives you affection and space. Someone who knows that you will try to push them away and won't leave you. Instead, they let you shout at them and push them away, but they won't leave you, yet they give you enough space. After a while, you will trust them even more and you won't feel the urge to push them away anymore. This doesn't work with everyone, but I know you way too well to know that's exactly what you need. I would suggest you take some time away from boys and love and everything and focus on yourself. Especially with your final exams coming up! The person that keeps popping up in your head because you genuinly miss them, is the person you really need in your life,'' Diego answered, leaving Addsion deep in her thoughts. They both know that there's only one name popping up inside both of their heads...


Ooh, who do you think that person is? Leave your thoughts in the comments! I study humane sciences myself and really think it's interesting, sorry for the long explanation of Diego! The ending is near and I'm so excited for it, since I have this crazy idea to make this story end with a bang! Thank you for reading all the way here and I hope you also enjoy the rest of the story!
See you next chapter!
All the love ❤️

xxx Dieuwke

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