...I truly love you so...

3 0 0

*Read this chapter for choice 3: the text is from Roy*

Here are the choices again:
- [ __________________ ] Choice 1: It's from Mason who wants to talk with her about his feelings for Addison.
-[ ...Yes, baby, that is true... ]  Choice 2: It's from Jay who wants to talk with her about his feelings for Addison.
-[ ...I truly love you so... ] Choice 3: It's from Roy who wants to talk with her about his feelings for Addison.
-[ ...but I'm not gonna' tell you yet... ] Choice 4: It's from Asad who wants to talk with her about his feelings for Addison.
-[ ...'Cause I can't let you go... ] Choice 5: Stop exaggerating 😆😁! It's just a text from Diego who wants to talk about their mom's birthday. They want to have a surprise party for her.

So this chapter is the end if you chose choice 3. Enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading the story, since this will be the last chapter you'll read normally except from the thank you chapter (unless you decide you're too curious and you cheat and read all the endings or a few of them, did I catch you? No worries, I would've done the same thing!) . Enjoy reading!


~Addison's point of view~

The text makes me really nervous. What does he want to talk about? I do feel very nervous and a little bit worried, but I tell myself not to think so negatively. I mean, maybe he has some exciting news to tell me or something? I wouldn't know! I decide not to judge and talk to him. ''That's fine. How about meeting in that little cafe at the entrance of the shopping centre? We went there several times!'' I respond. He answers immediately with:''Yes, I remember! Let's meet in three hours, have some chores left 😒''. I agree and put my phone down. If it can wait three hours, it probably isn't that bad either!
If only Addison knew Roy was lying...

~Roy's point of view~

I put my phone down and close my eyes. I lied to Addison about the chores and I really hate lying, but I just need to prepare for this. I mean, I don't know how to say it. Should I make some small talk first and wait for the right moment? No, that would make me too nervous. Should I bring it up immediately? Maybe I should just say hi and take the control over where the conversation goes and tell her what I wanted to talk to her about. I think that's the best thing to do. I really want to avoid getting cold feet and backing out, although I know Addison is way too curious to let it go but still. I decide to listen to music before I meet Asdison to calm me down and go upstairs to my room.

~3 hours later, in the cafe, Roy's point of view~

I sit down at a table close to the door and choose the chair facing the door so I can see when Addison arrives. I think I'm as calm as I can be in this situation and that's good, I hope I don't mess up. Suddenly, I see a set of long blond hair dancing around a very familiar face. Addison walks inside and the moment we make eye contact, we both smile. She sits down and opens her mouth to probably greet me, but a waitress appears at our table and asks us what we want to drink. We tell her what we want to drink and when she's gone, Addison turns to me and speaks.

(-Roy AND •Addison)

•Hi! How've you been?
-I'm good, thank you! And you?
•Same here! What did you want to talk about?
-Right, it's uhm...

''A sparkling water for the young lady and a sprite for the young man,'' the waitress says as she puts our drinks on the table between us. She nods and goes away again.

•What were you saying?
-Yes, uhm...right. I wanted to talk to you about something. So, I gave you a lot of space and time and I apologised several times for that whole misunderstanding with the diary and I just, I just feel like it's starting to hurt me not to be with you and the fact I don't know where I stand is really confusing. I just want you to know I still feel the same butterflies for you as before and I want to know how you feel.
•Wow. Uhm...thank you for being so honest with me. I appreciate the space and time you gave me. I learned a lot about myself and what I need and want in life. That misunderstanding is in the past, we cleared that up, there's no need to apologise! I'm sorry that you're hurting because of me. That's not my intention. Let me think about this for a second, I had a while without boys and I just want to be sure I'm not hurting you or playing
myself again. I do have this different feeling when thinking about you. It's like a mix of excitement and nerves and a little bit of fear to; fear for the unknown. I don't know what this feeling is, but my heart is telling me that I need to give us a chance. I just want you to know that, if I hurt you, I don't mean to. I just seem to have a serious issue when it comes to loving someone.
-Well, if you tell me about it, I will try my best to help you! You don't have to face everything on your own, Addi!
•I know. I know. I attach myself in the wrong way. I let people get close to me and I'm afraid to lose them. When they get too close, though, I'm afraid to get hurt and I push them away. One thing keeps repeating in my mind: ''The people closest to you, have the power to hurt you the most.'' I talked with Diego about how I felt and he told me about this. He also told me what I need in a partner to change attachment style.
-Oh really?! How interesting! Well, now I'm curious. What do you need in a partner?

''And I told him. I told him everything. He said he wanted to try and I agreed. We went on a few dates and took things nice and slow. He seemed to read my mind when it came to giving me enough space and affection. After our fourth date together, he took me to his backyard, where he made a magical scenery. Fairy lights everywhere and a heart of fake candles in the middle. He was afraid of burning everything down when using real ones. He lead me into the heart and gave me this necklace I still wear every day and asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes and the rest is history. We got marrried two years after graduating and only a year later we found out we were getting you on this beautiful earth.'' Addison tells her daughter Evadeen.

''Wow! Your life is like a movie, mum! So many exciting, sad and dramatic things happened.'' Evadeen says.

''That's right, many things did happen! Oh look, your dad is home!'' Addison exclaimes before taking her daughter's hand and leading her to the front door, where Roy is taking off his coat after a long workday.

''Look at my beautiful ladies! Hello, Evadeen! How was school today?'' Roy asks.

''It was fine, dad!'' Evadeen tells him with an eyeroll.

''And hello, darling! How was your day, Addison? And how's our baby in there?'' Roy worryingly asks his wife.

''It was fine, Roy! Don't you worry about our baby boy! He's alive and well, he just kicks a lot.'' Addisoncalms him down, giving him a peck on the lips.

''Does he? He should be nice to his mom! Let's go inside and have dinner together.'' Roy exclaims before they all head to the dining room.

~narrator's point of view~

Roy and Addison turned out to be better together! What a beautiful life they have together! Addison and Jay are still the best friends they always were. Jay found out that Livia had feelings for him all along and eventually, he caught feelings for her too. They have twins, a boy and a girl, and they live not far from Roy and Addison's place. They're all looking at a bright future!

.•*"*•The end•*"*•.


This is the end (at least if you're not planning on cheating and reading the other endings too 😁)! Next week, I'll post another chapter, just to say thank you and all that and to announce something 😯🤭🤐
Anyways, have a nice day!
All the love ❤️


Bf means best friend OR boyfriend?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ