...To this rule called positivity...

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''Angel! Are you ready? We really need to go to school! Emmanuel is waiting and he doesn't like that!'' Jay shouts at the bottom of the stairs. Suddenly, Addison walks downstairs. Jay always saw how beautiful she is, but now he can call her his girlfriend and her beauty sticks out even more to Jay. Their outfits (the shirt of Jay is a Niall Horan shirt, you can look it up):

''Angel, you really look STUNNING in that outfit!'' Addison blushes at Jay's compliment and smiles:''This is litterally just a shirt of yours and a skinny jeans and, yeah, those shoes are my favorites, but nothing unusual, silly

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''Angel, you really look STUNNING in that outfit!'' Addison blushes at Jay's compliment and smiles:''This is litterally just a shirt of yours and a skinny jeans and, yeah, those shoes are my favorites, but nothing unusual, silly. How can I look stunning in this?!'' Addison asks. Jay frowns:''Didn't I tell you yet?'' Meanwhile, Addison is downstairs. Jay stands right in front of her and whispers:''You always look stunning, no matter what you wear. Even in a garbage bag.'' Then he kisses Addison. They both feel the butterflies flying around in their stomach. When they pull away, their eyes widen and shout:''Oh no! Emmanuel is waiting!'' in unison. They take their school bags and go to the meeting spot, where they find an impatient Emmanual. They both greet Emmanuel and want to go to school, when they notice the big smirk on his face. They frown. Then Emmanuel says:''You guys don't need to hide it! I can see it in your faces that you are more than friends. That's not unusual since you are made for each other, but I feel that you are OFFICIALLY more than friends!'' The new couple blushes and Addison hides her face in Jay's chest again. Emmanuel yells that he knew it all along and that it has finally happened! They go to school and are just on time, the bell rings the moment they step on the playground. They go inside the huge building with all the other students and start their schoolday...

~skip school because it's borrrring! 😁~

We open the front door and walk inside hand-in-hand. While Addison goes to her room, I take something to drink for both of us and run to Addison's room. We sit down and talk a little. It's friday, so we don't have homework. At the moment, I feel like our relationship makes us stronger. Addison doesn't seem heart-broken any more. She told me that is because she broke up with Roy because she wasn't sure for her feelings for him any more. She said she had feelings for me for a few weeks already.

~flashback to 3 weeks earlier~

Dear diary,

I'm so confused! I don't really know what to do! I am happy with Roy. At least, I was. I'm doubting my feelings for him. I think I'm in love with someone else. I feel something weird when I'm around that person, an explosion of butterflies in my stomach, I feel electric shocks going through my body the moment we touch. I know him since I was born and we are best friends. Now you probably know who it is, don't you? Yes, it's Jay. I think I have feelings for him. I don't know what to do about this situation. First, I thought I was in love with Roy, but I never felt it physically. With Jay, I feel it in my veins, I always thought love couldn't be felt in your body, I thought it was something in your heart and you could only know it when you are in love with someone. Guess I was wrong! Anyways, what should I do now? It's definitely not fair towards Roy to stay with him, because he would get hurt way more than when I would tell him right away and I don't want to play a game with his heart! That's a horrible thing to do! Besides, it would hurt me too if I should stay with Roy and pretend to be in love with him! I think that's what I'm going to do: I'm going to be honest to Roy and break up with him! Hopefully, he will take it not too bad and will not be mad at me! I'll figure out what I want after that and no one will get hurt, except for that poor Roy! I hope I don't break his heart too much! I will be honest and to the point, but in the Harry-way, the kindness way! Yes diary, I still live in the TPWK way or, in other words, I still treat people with kindness! It's still so important to me! But anyways, I'm going to call Roy right now, before I can change my mind, and I will tell him the truth! Then, I'll figure out what I feel exactly and do something with it!
See you later, diary!

Love, Addison

Addison puts her pencil and diary away and takes her phone. She puts it on, smiles at her Harry Styles-lockscreen, opens her phone and goes to her contacts. She takes a deep breath, grabs all her courage and taps on the green phone next to his contact name: Roy Causing aka lovely bf. What does bf actually mean? Best friend? Or boyfriend? What did she think of when she typed that? She wakes up from her thoughts when she hears Roy's voice.

(•Addison AND ~Roy)

~Heyy, baby! What's up?
•I'm sorry to bother you, but I really need to talk to you about something and it's too important to talk about it over the phone, do you mind if we meet?
~Of course I don't mind, bae! It sounds serious, is everything okay?
•It depends. But when will we meet and where? Is it okay if I come to yours?
~That's okay, sweetheart. So you'll be here in 20?
•Yes, as usual! See you then!
~Bye, princess!

Addison puts away her phone, puts her shoes and jacket on and takes her phone. She takes her bike ans rides to Roy's house. She tries to act normal and rings the doorbell. Roy opens the door and looks concerned:''Are you okey, baby?'' Addison nods and walks to the living room. They both sit down and Addison takes his hand. She takes a deep breath and starts telling the truth:''First, you need to promise me that you will hear me out before you say anything, okay?'' Roy nods and Addison proceeds:''I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to pretend to love you. I always thought love was something you couldn't actually feel physically. I always thought you'd just know when you're in love with someone. It felt like that with you, I felt and knew I was in love with you, but now I actually think I am developing feelings for someone else. Although I didn't mean to. These feelings are different, I feel my feelings for him in every centimeter of my body! I can't help it! I'm so sorry, Roy! I really saw a future with you, but I don't want to hurt you or me or anybody else, that's why I break up with you. Just know you have a special place in my heart and if you need anything, I'll be there for you, okay?'' If Addison's voice fades away, they're both in tears. Roy clears his troath and whispers:''I understand you didn't mean to hurt me, Addison. You are such a good person. It just hurts me that you never really felt like you loved me. I will always keep loving you and it's the same for you, if you ever need someone to talk to or anything I'll be there for you too! Thank you for your honesty, Addison. Can I ask you one more thing?'' Addison nods. ''Can I have one last kiss?'' Addison looks at her feet and nods. Roy puts his hand on her cheeck and leans in. The moment they lock lips, Addison notices something. She absolutely feels nothing. That moment, she knows she made the right choice. She wipes away her tears, hugs Roy and goes home.


I really hope you liked this chapter! What will happen next? Put it in the comments!
I have 2 shipnames for Addison and Jay, but I can't choose! Put your thoughts in the comments!
Option 1: Jaddison or for short Jaddi
Option 2: Adday
All the love!

xxx Dieuwke

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