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This chapter is really special and I'm uploading it today because today my account on Wattpad is exactly one year old! It's was a major change in my life, wince I never really felt the need to write books as much as possible, I just did it when the inspiration came around. I actually wanted to know whatmy books could achieve and never thought of this! I remember setting myself a goal that 20 people would tead my full story of Dream Boy. Well, it has almost 600 reads at the moment, it's an achievement I'm so thankful for! It was something I never thought of achieving, and I did it! I want to thank you so much for this amazing year! It has been such a great time for me! Thank you so much! I'll let you read the chapter now 😆 have fun reading! 😁

~the next day, Mason's point of view~

I'm nervous when I read the text I just got from Addison:

Come to Jay's house at 1pm for your answer.
Don't be scared or nervous, everything will be just fine.
X Addi

I put my phone down and get ready as fast as possible when I see the time: 12.09. It was already noon and I had been laying in my bed in my pajamas watching youtube and listening music while reading the whole morning! Oh carrot! What have they found out? Should I be concerned? I haev no idea, I guess I'll have to find out!

~one hour earlier, Addison point of view~

Jay and I worked a long time yesterday, until 11pm to clean the attic. We found a lot of evidence of Jay and Mason being siblings. We dinished the last few things on the attic and put all the things that needed to be thrown away in the car of his dad and hid the evidence in Jay's room. We have neatly cleaned up the other boxes in the attic. It was nearly empty now and there was so much space, Jay wanted to ask his dad if they could turn it into two rooms: a mancave for gaming and stuff and a studio, where Addison and Jay could really start working on music together. We didn't hear Derek come home yesterday, since we were still busy at the attic and we had no idea of the time. When we saw the time, we went to bed and decided we'd tell Derek tommorow morning and then invite Mason over in the early afternoon to tell him too. It's now around 11am and we're sat at the dinner table: me, Jay and Derek. Jay decides to start, holding my hand under the table for reassurance:''Dad, we were cleaning the attic yesterday and found something. I'll start at the beginning of the school year. We had a new classmate named Mason and Addi told me we looked a lot alike. Mason said he was left for adoption by his biological family and he only knew his parents were named Derek and Olivia and he had a twin brother named Jack or Jay or something like that. That was a lot of coincidance, so we told Mason to figure it out. Yesterday at the attic, we found a lot of baby pictures, photo albums and even a birth announcement! So, I wanted to talk to you and Mason's coming over at 1, so you better explain everything, das. I'm not mad, I just want to know why!'' I looked at Jay and gave a reassuring squeeze in his hand. I look at Derek and see he is scratching the back of his neck while the corners of his eyes are tearing up. After a while, he says:''I wanted to tell you on your 18th birthday, because that's what your mom and I agreed to together with Addison's parents and Diego. They were all in on this, to make sure the truth comes out easy without hurting anyone. Considering you discovered it, plan B goes in action: telling it now. When you, Addison and Mason were born, we were all so happy. Olivia and Camila were such good friends, sich as James and me. Olivia died, we all know that, but her wish was to tell you the reason why along with the fact you have a twin on your 18th birthday, unless you discovered sooner. Me and mom knew she was sick when you guys were 2. That year we gave Mason away. Your mom got diagnosed with COPD, an incurable lungdisease. The doctors said she would die in less than 8 years. She only made it 5. She needed that little cart you probably remember. In it, she had her inhalator and also oxygen tubes attached to a machine to give her enough oxygen. She made sure you never saw her wear those, because she didn't want you to remember her like that. It became harder and harder to raise both you and Mason. You were the baby that didn't cry to much and was easily satisfied, which gave your mother time to focus on her health. So we gave Mason away for adoption. When your mother died, I was devastated and you know what happened to me and I don't think it would have been good to have Mason back when I was so bad. Now you know what happened. Is Mason really coming?!'' I saw stars in Derek's eyes from excitement and they blinked even more through the tears in his eyes. Jay and I both nod in unison. Derek's smile grew bigger and he wiped his tears away, making Jay stand up and go to his dad to comfort him. I'm so happy we now know the truth! Now we wait for Mason to come here!

~1pm, Mason's point of view~

I'm standing at the front door of Jay's house and try to keep myself calm. I ring the doorbell and almost immediately the door swings open and a man that looks familiar is standing in the doorway, tears in his eyes and a wide smile. Hold on a second, is this my ...... dad? Seuddenly, Jay squeezes from behind the man to pull me into a bro hug. I hug him back and feel a lot calmer now. When we pull back, they invite me inside. When I closed the front door behind me and turn around, I lso see Addison stand there. I give her a hug too and then we go into the living room, where we all sit down. On the coffee table, I see a big box that is still closed. What is in there? Then, Addison starts talking:''So, we told you to come here to get answers. And we have them! I'm going home now and let you guys talk, because this is your family, Mason. You found them! Congratulations!'' My jaw drops and I feel tears in my eyes. Addison gets up and hugs me, gently rubbing my back to comfort me. I get to know my real dad, what happened withmy mom, we look at the old stuff in the box and I learn about the years after my mother's death, my dad's drinking problem and everything. I go home very late after having dinner with my biological family. The couple that adopted me was so happy for me! I fell asleep that night with a genuine feeling of happiness. I finally knew where I really belong! I finally knew he truth!


Oof! That was an emotional chapter! My grandfather has COPD, so I knew what I was talking about! After all, I can't just take a random disease and ise that! I felt quite comfortable writing this, because I already had everything in mind. It came right out my fingers and I typed this in one go! There are four chapters until tue end, so be prepared!
Have a great day!
All the love ❤️

xxx Dieuwke

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