...Peaking through the dark sky...

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*By the way, the day this chapter is published, the first February, is the birthday of my favorite person in the world harrystyles_offic . I wish him the best 27th birthday, I hope he has the best day ever! I love his music and just the person he is! Anyways,enjoy this chapter!*

 I wish him the best 27th birthday, I hope he has the best day ever! I love his music and just the person he is! Anyways,enjoy this chapter!*

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~Roy Causing point of view, after the break up~

''She's gone,'' is the first thing peeking through my mind the moment I hear the front door close. She never really felt electric shocks through her body when I held her hand. She never felt an explosion of butterflies when we kissed or gazed into each other's eyes. Somebody else does give her those things, but I couldn't give it to the love of my life. And now she's gone. I sit down on the couch and stare to the television. It's not even on, but I don't care right now. Just to be clear: I'm not mad at Addison. She can't do anything about this situation. She didn't choose to fall in love with someone else. Who even is that other person?! Seriously, if it is that Jay-guy, I'm going to beat a whole in the wall!

~Jay point of view, Addi is in the hospital and Jay+ Diego and parents are getting ready to go there~

We just had dinner. It doesn't feel the same without my other half next to me. I locked myself up in my room the whole day, until Diego knocked on the door to tell me Addi may come home tonight. I put my fork and knife down on my plate and want to stand up to go to my room for my shoes, but a voice asks me to stay. ''Jay, we need to talk to you about something. Can you sit down again please?'' Mom says. I sit sown and look at them. I recognize their looks from the moment they told me about my mother, this can't be good. Then, dad starts talking:''I'll get straight to the point. Your father is clean for 6 months and isn't agressive anymore. He's free from tommorow. You need to make a choice: are you ready to go back to your father and live with him?'' I think about it for a second. I notice the fear for my father, so I shake my head:''I want him to live alone at first, without contact. After a while, I will seek contact and if that goes well I'll live with him again. I want to be very careful, because if I live there again, Addi will come by a lot so I need to protect me and her too.'' They both nod and I stand up, go to my room and put on my shoes. I'm wearing my Harry Styles shirt that Addi wore the first day to school as a couple. I look in the mirror and smile. I go downstairs, put on my jacket and sit in the car with Diego and Addi's parents.

~skip! They arrive at the hospital, Addison point of view~

I'm so mad at myself! I'm so weak! The moment I woke up and the nurse pushed that inhaler in my hands and said she was glad that I was awake with a fake smile, I was dissappointed in myself. All that effort I put in running to make the endurance of my lungs larger has all fallen apart. I went to the bathroom and did something I hadn't done in a long time: I made a few scratches in my arm. Okay, in other words, I cut myself! I know I shouldn't be doing it, but it feels so painful and good! Only Diego knows about it! He would be so dissappointed if he found out! But he will not! I will make sure Jay and Diego know nothing and my parents will not notice it either! I clean the wounds and the knife, put the knife away, dry my tears and open the bathroom-door. I want to walk to my bed, where I put my clothes on, but Jay and my family are just coming in. I smile at them and put my hands slightly behind my back. If they want to hug me, I take a step back. ''What's wrong, Addi?'' I smile at them and answer:''Nothing! Can you give me my clothes? I'll put on my clothes and then, we can go home. I really want to go away here!'' Diego looks at me like he doesn't trust me. I can't tell him wrong, I'm a bad liar! He takes my clothes and turns around to give them to me. I already turned around and stand in the shower, to have an excuse to not show my wrists. WHY DID I CUT BOTH MY WRISTS?! THAT'S SO STUPID! Diego walks in and sees that I'm ''in the shower''. He closes the door, after he put the clothes on the little chair next to the shower. I go out of the shower and put on my clothes, while I let the shower run. They really can't know why I'm acting so weird! I make my hair a little wet, to make it kind of believable. I take my stuff and go back into the room, after I checked if my sleeves cover my wrists. I take the hairdryer out of the bag my family brought for me. I also take a bunch of bracelets to cover my cuts 100%. I start drying my hair, then I comb my hair and take my stuff. This is my outfit:

We go home and the last thing I know, is how I lay down in my warm bed and feel a warm body next to me

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We go home and the last thing I know, is how I lay down in my warm bed and feel a warm body next to me.

~Roy's point of view~

I take a deep breath and ring the doorbell. I have been so unhappy these 3 weeks without Addison! I judt need to talk to her! She was at school, but she ignored me and was with that Jay-guy! The door opens and I see her mother. ''Hi, Roy! Long time no see! How are you?'' She greets me. I smile:''I'm okay! Thanks for asking! Is Addison home?'' She nods:''I need to tell you to be careful and calm, okay? She's just back from the hospital.'' My eyes widen:''Is she okay? What happened?'' I felt my heart racing when I heared her answer:''She had her first asthma attack in years. Physically whe's fine, but emotionally she's bruised.'' (That's a thing Harry Styles said when he fell on stage once, you can look it up! It just fitted in the story, I know I'm random 🤣). I walk inside behind her. At the bottom of the stairs, she turns around and says she's upstairs. I nod, thank her and go upstairs. Normally, Addison is always listening to her favorite music, so I was surprised it was totally silent upstairs. I knock on her door and walk in. I see her, laying in her bed, sleeping in the arms of that Jay-guy. The sight of them feels like a knife stabbing through my heart. I feel my knees get weak and my eyes start to tear up. I clench my fists, turn around and walk away. I go downstairs, say Addison's mother goodbye and go home.


This was the next chapter, hope you liked to read it! I'm really working very hard for this story and I'm so thankful! When I'm writing this (2 January) the ranking of this story is already like this:

This was the next chapter, hope you liked to read it! I'm really working very hard for this story and I'm so thankful! When I'm writing this (2 January) the ranking of this story is already like this:

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This is amazayn! I'm so thankful for this, I can't thank you enough!
See you next chapter!
All the love ❤️

xxx Dieuwke

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