...that I love you...

8 1 2

~Addison's point of view~

Oh my carrot! The school just called and I made it! I can go to the next year of high school! I hope Jay's also through, but I think he has, since he is the smart one of our group. I fall down on my bed and look at the ceiling. The moment I close my eyes and enjoy the silence, my phone rings. I sigh and take my phone, who laid next to me on my bed. I smile when I see my bestie's name on my screen.

Conversation Jaddison
(-Addison AND •Jay)

•Did you do it?
-Yes!!! You did too, right?
•Ehmmmm....Addi, I...
-You can't fail when I'm through! You're the smart carrot here!
•Two things: I'm not a carrot and I made it too I was just joking.
-You are a carrot, don't even try to change my mind. And YES! You did it!! I'm so happy!
•I'm happy that you are happy! Wanna celabrate?
-Oh yes! I know what you mean! See you in ten!
•See ya!

I sigh and smile. We do this every year after we hear we're through to the next school year. It's this magical open space in the forest just outside the city. The entrance to the forest is at the end of my street (remember Diego and Addi walking a few chapters ago, they were walking that direction, but only Jaddison knows about it). I put on a nice outfit and take my phone and keys and go there. Jay always used to take the snacks and drinks. We always sit there for a long time, only a thunderstorm will get us to leave, which has never happened. When it rained, we sat under a tree and we always had umbrellas with us, just in case.

~A while later~

Jay and I are sitting at the open space, laughing, talking and eating of course. Suddenly, Jay starts the topic 'attic':''I decided to start looking through the attic tommorow. Dad is at work the whole day tommorow, so I'll have plenty of time. I'm actually curious about Mason's story. I mean, what if we're actually brothers? I want to know why my parents got rid of him and not of me or both of us. It would be pretty crazy to discover he actually is my brother.'' I smile:''I know right! And you know what? I'll help you! Four hands work faster than two.'' ''Will you really do that? It's also summer break for you?'' Jay says. I hug him to hide my smile at how sweet he's being. ''Of course I'll help you out! I want to know the truth and I want to save you from walking like a grandpa for a week from carrying all those heavy boxes!'' We both laugh and change the subject to our future, as we have one year of high school left and we both want to do something with people, like teacher or something in the social world, or music. ''Are we throwing a party for our birthday? It's in 2 weeks,'' Jay asks. I think about it for a second:''We should keep it small. Let's invite Emmanuel, Mason, Asad, Livia and me and Roy are on good terms now, I would like to have him too? And then of course your dad, my parents and Diego.'' Jay nods:''I think we have everyone then! I'm glad you and Roy sorted everything out! Would you mind if we go home to walk Casper?'' I smile:''Of course I wouldn't mind! I love that animal! Let's go!''

~The next day, Jay's point of view~

I sigh at the sight of all the old stuff on here. I laugh when I look at Addison and notice she looks afraid. Oooh, she's afraid of spiders! I hug her to comfort her and whisper that the spiders won't bite her. I'm happy that we can get along again. She giggles nervously and then we decide I will take the spiders and she will start looking through the stuff I already made spider-free. That's how we are still working an hour later. We started at the top of the ladder and now, half of the attic looks kind of presentable. Suddenly, Addison screams. It's a short, high-pitched scream filled with surprise. I rush towards her, thinking she probably saw a spider, but I freeze at the sight of the object Addison is holding: a photo album with the inscription "Mason and Jay" in a neat handwriting I recognise immediately from my mother. I was shocked. Addison tries to read my facial expressions and hugs me and whispers it's okay, since we now will know the truth. I nod and take a deep breath. I take the photo album from Addi and open it. Teh pages are filled with photos of two babies that look quite similar. I also find a birth announcement that says:

Mason and Jay Simpson
Twins of Derek and Olivia Simpson
Born on July 3rd
Godmother: Camila Velarde
Godfather: James Evans

I gasp at the sight of me and apparently Mason sitting in the bath and smiling. In another picture, I'm met with me and my brother as 2 year-olds in our backyards. Now I understand the two swings instead of one in our backyard. I also see a lotof pictures with Addison and Mason and me. I feel Addison's warm breath in my neck as she hugs me from behind to comfort me. I close it and tell Addison that we should finish the attic and that we'll confront my dad with it when he comes home this evening, or tommorow when he is too tired tonight.
He's not getting away with this!


It's finally out there! You can't imagine how hard it was keeping it from you guys, since I knew this plott twist from the start! I think this is a great first chapter to publnish after being inactive for several weeks! My exams went pretty well, by the way, I think I got through. How would you react if you discovered you have a lost sibling? I wouldn't know what to do, honestly!
See you next chapter!
All the love ❤️

xxx Dieuwke

Bf means best friend OR boyfriend?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora