...but I'm not gonna' tell you yet...

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*Read this chapter for choice 4: the text is from Asad*

Here are the choices again:
- [ __________________ ] Choice 1: It's from Mason who wants to talk with her about his feelings for Addison.
-[ ...Yes, baby, that is true... ] Choice 2: It's from Jay who wants to talk with her about his feelings for Addison.
-[ ...I truly love you so... ] Choice 3: It's from Roy who wants to talk with her about his feelings for Addison.
-[ ...but I'm not gonna' tell you yet... ] Choice 4: It's from Asad who wants to talk with her about his feelings for Addison.
-[ ...'Cause I can't let you go... ] Choice 5: Stop exaggerating 😆😁! It's just a text from Diego who wants to talk about their mom's birthday. They want to have a surprise party for her.

So this chapter is the end if you chose choice 4. Enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading the story, since this will be the last chapter you'll read normally except from the thank you chapter (unless you decide you're too curious and you cheat and read all the endings or a few of them, did I catch you? No worries, I would've done the same thing!) . Enjoy reading!


~Addison's point of view~

The audacity that this boy has to text me after what he's done! First, he becomes a friend, then he becomes my boyfriend who I completely trusted, then he tells me that I'm too close with my family and when I break up with him for being so ridiculous, he never contacts me again! And here he is, mister 'We need to talk.' I certainly don't think so! I don't have anything left to say to him; I'm not going to fight for a relationship when I'm fighting alone! At first, I thought he didn't contact me because he needed space and time to reflect on what he did, but when that lasted for over 3 months and we just didn't even see each other or text or anything, it was over for me. I stopped caring about it, which sounds very cruel, but it is true. I got the feeling he was too stubborn to admit that he was in the wrong, like he didn't care about how I felt. He's a coward for not trying to fix what we had just because he didn't want to admit he was wrong and I'm not planning on fixing us alone. I sigh and put my phone away. I didn't even open the message, but read the notification, so he doesn't know wether I read it or not. I decide to block him and delete his number off my phone, I don't want to see him any more. I decide being mad and raging and scolding won't help me, so I text Jay if I can take Casper on a walk and put my phone away after he answered that's okay. I walk to Jay's and see him standing in front of his porch with Casper beside him on the leash, happily wagling his tail when he sees me. Jay hugs me and asks:''Are you okay?'' He knows I need a walk every now and then to just breath and vent off. I nod and give him a small smile:''Asad has texted me that he wants to talk, I'm still mad at him for everything hems done and his ridiculous behaviour, so I blocked him and deleted his number. Being mad won't help, so I think a walk can do no wrong to help me to be calm again. You know how my parents and Diego think about me walking alone, but Casper looks tough enough to protect me.'' I chuckle the last part and Jay pets Casper, who immetiately leans his head against Jay's leg. He may look like a really dangerous dog, he's the biggest softie I can imagine. He's also great at comforting and making people smile again by randomly doing funny things I can't describe. ''Do you want me to walk with you?'' Jay asks. I look at him and smile at his thoughtfulness. ''Only if you want to,'' I decide to let him come if he wants to. He's my best friend after all. He hands me Cqsper's leash and we start walking the usual way we always do when walking Casper. Jay swings his hand around my shoulder and pulls me close, kissing my head in the process. It's a little he always does when he knows I'm upset or angry or just not feeling good. It's not meant to be a romantic gesture, he just uses it to tell me ''I'm here for you, whatever happened and whatever you need. It's going to be okay.'' I always believed him and it always turned out to be the truth. Faith seems to have it's way to sort things out after it turned your life upside-down.

After a 15-minute walk, we enter the park and sit down by the little lake at our usual spot. Casper must've felt I'm not feeling great, since he prefers lying down on my legs over lying next to his boss. I pet him and he puts his paw on my wrist; I once read an article that said that's a way for a dog to pet you. I find it a really nice gesture and it calms me down a lot. I lean my head on Jay's shoulder and feel his head on top of mine. We're sitting against this really big and old oak tree. We used to sit here for hours on when we were younger, mostly in spring and fall; in the spring, nature seems to come alive and with fall it slowly dies again, but in the most beautiful way with a huge variety of colours. Now it's summer and that gives this park a whole different vibe: alive, in the peak of the hear. Children playing and eating ice cream and theor mothers in the shadow, hoping their kids are protected against the sun well enough. I don't really like summer that much though; I prefer spring and fall. ''What are you thinking about?'' A voice asks, interrupting my random thoughts. ''Nothing, thqnk you for coming with me, Jay,'' I answer. ''No problem, anything for my best friend,'' he says. ''Wasn't Asad a really good friend too?'' I ask. It feels unfair to make him pick a side. ''Yes, exactly, he used to be my friend, but I don't remember him as the person he turned out to be with you. Apparently, he became a little egocentric. It's just not right what he did to you and you did good with telling him what he said hurt you. I never thought he would be such a coward that he doesn't even dare to admit he was wrong. I mean, what you and Diego have, is a sibling-relationship not a lot of people have. All I hear about siblings, is that they throw things at each other and argue when they aren't treated equal. That last thing going as far as leveling the drinks and measuring to be sure no ine gets a bigger piece of food than the other (this is at least what my sibling-relationship is like 😆🤣). You and Diego do argue now and then, but you are also really close and that's something you need to cherish. It was wrong from Asad to think he could just isolate you from your family like that! You did everything right, he was in the wrong. Ithink you try to keep people at a distance so they don't hurt you, but when they leave, you stress about it too much. You need to learn to let things go.'' I kiss his cheek and tell him he's right and thank him for being there for me. ''I think I'm going to focus on school more and maybe even get a job to do in my free time. I think it's only smart to save money as much as possible.'' I break the comfortable silence. Jay nods:''That's smart. I was thinking about it too. We can search together, if you want?'' I nod.

~3 years later, narrator's point of view~

Addison and Jay are both still studying at university, they have to more years to go! Addison started working three weeks after their little walk with Casper and it really helped her to focus on her goals and to not trail of for boys or anything. Her and Jay are still so close together, they tell each other everything. Jay has just started a relationship with Livia, since he discovered she had feelings for him all along and eventually, he fell for her. Addison wants to graduate first before she starts letting her life being shaken up by a boy again. And Asad? She ran into him a few weeks after the walk wi thJay and Casper and she made it clear she didn't want to talk to him any more. She appreciates the fact Asad knows what he did was very wring, but that's it, really. They haven't spoken since. 2 years after this, she will be graduated and cross paths with Roy again, who will turn out to be her mister right. Their relationship will be vert strong and Addison will finally feel happy about herself. Addison will finally have her days filled with joy, friendship and love and she deserves it so much!
The void she always carried with her will be finally filled up with joy, love and happiness.

.•*"*•The end•*"*•.


This is the end (at least if you're not planning on cheating and reading the other endings too 😁)! Next week, I'll post another chapter, just to say thank you and all that and to announce something 😯🤭🤐
Anyways, have a nice day!
All the love ❤️


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