...if you also have some imperfections left...

13 1 3

In this chapter, the story will go on without choices, so wether you chose 1 or 2 in the previous chapter, what happens next is the same. I hope you enjoy this chapter, now let's get started!

~three weeks later, Jay point of view~

I put the paint brush down and wipe away the sweat from my forehead. We're done with painting this room in the house! We did every room separately and we saved one room for last: the attic. It's the only room we haven't touched since we came here three weeks a go. I've had a hard time after Addison broke up with me. I still don't know why, but it doesn't matter anymore. Emmanuel felt like he was being torn apart, Addison and I were both his friends, but for some reason, we couldn't be in each other's company. Most of the time, Addison asks Emmanuel to leave her alone. She then listens to some music. I wonder if she listens to our song too sometimes. I can't stop listening to it. I really want to be friends with her again, but I can't break the truth-code. It has always been important to me, because it gave me strength when I had something to tell her or she told me something. It's good to know that people would tell you the truth, even if it's something bad, just because they trust you and want to be open to you. They then show they respect you and your values. It still hurts me to know that Addison lied. It seems like I make it seem so big, but I can't change what I feel! I sigh and go to my room, where I take a new outfit and all the other things I need. I make my way to the bathroom and take a shower. I feel the water pouring down and it really makes me feel calm and peaceful. After the shower, I go back to my room and start doing my homework, it needs to be done anyways, so why not now?

~two hours later, Jay point of view~

I put my pen down and close my french book. It took me long enough, but I finished all my homework for the next week, so that means a lot of free time! I walk downstairs to grab a snack and look at the notifications on my phone. I scroll through Instagram and see a new picture of Addison. She sits in her backyard with a big mug of tea and a snack. She makes a heart with her fingers. The caption says: like a bullet your love hit me to the core, kinda left me wanting more. I was flying 'till you knocked me to the floor. So to all the boys I've loved before: the past is not the present anymore. I shake my head and scroll to the next post. I come across the post of an old friend. It's technically a photo of a heart-shaped cookie with a blurry but very pretty background. The caption is: people come, people go. Since you came into my live colors came in place of black and white. Oh, does he have a girlfriend? I'm so happy for him! I immediately dm him to ask if we can talk again. It has been so long and I would love to catch up! He says he would love that and we decide to meet in the little cafe we always went too when we were younger. We will meet in three hours.

~Addison's point of view~

I had a rough time the last three weeks. I thought it was better for both of us if I stayed away from Jay. It hurts me, because I really want our friendship back! I am now on my way to Asad A Hussain. I have been to school until noon. After that, I went home to drop off my school books and pick up my guitar. I walked to the park and sat on the grass in front of the lake I always sit. I wrote my first song today! I'm very proud and it really gave me a feeling of relief. I turn the corner into the street the little cafe, where we are meeting, is situated. I decided to let it happen and see if I have feelings for him. If yes, I am going to give him a chance and be together with him. This is how I look:

 This is how I look:

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

I am excited to see him again

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

I am excited to see him again. We met a few times the past few weeks and I feel very safe with him. He said he wants to meet close to this cafe he always went to with his former best friend, because he will meet him again after several years. They will meet there in the cafe and he really wants to spend some time with me first. He's so sweet!

~an hour later~

It's official: we're together! I am so happy! I also decided to reply to Roy tonight. I also post something on Instagram and like Asad's post. I love him so much!

~Jay point of view~

I go inside the cafe and look around. Ah, there he is! I walk towards him and give him a bro hug. We start talking a little, when the subject 'girlfriend' comes on:

~So, Jay, single? Taken? Crush? What is it?
- Well, my girlfriend dumped me three weeks a go.
~Sorry to hear that, man! I am officially in a relationship since today!
- Really? Congrats, man! Who is she?
~I met her online. I got a notification asking me to follow her, since I follow you. You probably know her! Wait, I have a picture of us.

He looks through his phone and turns the screen towards me. My mouth falls open. On the picture, you see Addison and my former best friend. Laughing. She's kissing his cheek and he is smiling to the camera. This is a joke! This can't be true! I don't think he knows about Addison and me and I wish them all the happiness, so I say:''What a beautiful couple! I wish you the best! I do know her, she was a good friend, but we lost contact.'' He nods and we change subject, as my thoughts stay with that one girl.


Ooooh, drama! What do you think about the story so far? When I'm writing this, this story has almost reached 200 reads! Thank you so much for that!  That's amazing and I never thought it would go this well! There are still several chapters to go, so get ready!
See you next Monday!
All the love ❤️

xxx Dieuwke

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