...Yes, call that negativity...

13 1 2

~Addison's point of view~

I sigh and put my pencils down, then close my workbook and stand up to take a stretch. Tommorow, I have my first exam. Math, ugh! I decide to call it a night, since it's 9 pm and I'm planning on waking up earlier to repeat all the theory and make some little exercises to prepare myself for the exam. I go to the bathroom to put on my pajamas and brush my teeth. I put my hair in a sided braid over my left shoulder. I take my toothpaste and toothbrush and brush my teeth.

The pajamas (since I found a nice one 😂) 👇🏻

The pajamas (since I found a nice one 😂) 👇🏻

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I walk to my bed and tuck myself in. I sigh and close my eyes, feeling myself drift off to sleep.

~The next morning, Jay's point of view~

I take my schoolbag and walk out the door to go to school. I have my math exam today and I'm quite nervous.

Jay's outfit 👇🏻

When I arrive at school and put my bike away, I walk to the bench we usually sit

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When I arrive at school and put my bike away, I walk to the bench we usually sit. I take my math summary and look at the theory. When I look up and see Addison, I feel my lips grow into a smile at the sight of her. She walks towards me, not even looking up from her math summary. Even if she's concentrating, she looks pretty.

Addison's outfit 👇🏻

I sigh and put my summary back in my bag

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I sigh and put my summary back in my bag. I think I'll get a black out if I don't stop rereading it. Addison is sitting next to me. She didn't even notice me, since she was so concentrated on her summary. ''I think you studied enough for now,'' I say, taking her summary away. ''Hey! Give me that back! I don't want to fail!'' Addison says frustrated. ''That's exactly why I took it from you. You know how fast you get a black out, Addi!'' I answer her, both knowing I'm right.

~Addison's point of view~

Why is he so caring? I litterally broke him not so long ago, why does he even care? I let him put my summary back in my bag, since I know how fast I get black outs! I get snapped out of my thoughts when Jay starts talking:''Would you like to come and study at my house today?'' I look at him and nod:''Of course! Are we going directly after school?'' Jay nods:''We both need to study for our next exam tommorow, so we can do that together?'' I smile and accept his offer. We used to study together all the time! It was fun and we learned a lot more when we studied together. We have our English exam then, so that won't be that hard. We're both pretty good at it, so I don't expect to study the whole day! The bell rings and we go inside to start our first exam.

~After the exam, Addison's point of view~

Pfjew! That was hard! I'm glad that's over! If you didn't know already, I am passionate about hating math! I get why it is important to know, but I'll still try to avoid any math-related situations. It just ruins my day! I walk over to the entrance of the bike storage, since I know that's the place Jay and I always meet after school. After only a few seconds I see Jay walking towards me. We greet each other and tell how the exam went. We both did good enough. We take out bikes and ride to Jay's. Let's go!

~At Jay's house, Jay's point of view~

We step inside and I ask her if she wants to drink something. She tells me she just wants some water and I grab her drink in the kitchen. I also take something to drink for myself and then go to the living room, where I meet with Addison's eyes. She smiles and thanks me for the drink. I sit down next to her and we drink in silence. When we're finished, we go upstairs and start studying.

~3 hours of boring studying in silence later~

I sigh and stand up:''Let's take a break. It's been 3 hours.'' Addison sighs:''I'd love too. I'm SO tired!'' We go downstairs and take some drinks and snacks in the kitchen. I follow her to the garden, where we sit down in the grass. ''Are you almost done with studying? Maybe we can ask each other questions about the grammar we needed to know for the exam tommorow?'' I ask Addison. I know she studies the longest out of us two. She thinks about it for a second but eventually answers:''That's okay. I'm almost done. I only need to revise the vocabulary and grammar of the last chapter we saw. I think I need like half an hour?'' I nod. I can see she's really stressed out. I think she needs a bath or a shower. I think I still have some clothes for her to wear, so that's what I'll do. I go upstairs and get everything ready for when Addi is done studying.

~30 minutes later, Addison's point of view~

I sigh and stand up. I'm finally done studying! I stretch every muscle in my body and want to look for Jay, when I feel two hands on my shoulders. This schoulder massage feels so good and I only know one person who is that good at massaging. I smile and close my eyes as I feel my muscles relax. ''I filled the bath, since I noticed you're so stressed,'' Jay says. I open my eyes. I don't like baths, because everything gets silent, which gives my mind a perfect opportunity to make me go crazy. Jay notices something's off, and since he knows me so well, he knows what's going on. ''Don't worry, I'll sit right outside the door to keep you company without awkardness,'' he says. I smile at him and we go upstairs. I go into the bathroom and can't help nut notice the satisfying warmth in the room embracing me like a blanket. I lock the door, take my clothes off and get into the bathtub. Jay and I talk the whole time and I can't help but feel so blessed with an amazing friend like Jay!


This was just a really chill chapter, but that's just whqt the next chapter needs. Sometimes, you just need a moment of silence and peace in between the storm of drama! Hope you enjoyed reading and I'm sorry for making you wait another week, my final exams are coming up and I have a thousand things to do, so that's why. I'm sorry again!
See you next chapter!
All the love ❤️

xxx Dieuwke

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