Chapter 19: Committment

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Hermione watched as Draco's eyes scanned the page of his book quickly. His eyebrows furrowed in focus, making her lose focus on own book entirely. She stared at his long fingers that pressed around the book cover after he readjusted his grip.

"We don't have much time this morning to work," Draco's deep voice startled Hermione. His eyes  remained on his page as he spoke.

"I know," Hermione tried to sound like she was in agreement but her tone didn't mask her displeasure as she exhaled deeply.

"You're the one who said we should focus-" Draco's eyes lifted to meet hers.

"-and we will!" Hermione half-shouted, lifting her book back into her line of sight- blocking Draco's long fingers and slight smirk from her view.

Hermione had insisted on working for most of the last few days. She knew the one-on-one meetings with McGonagall were approaching and wanted to make sure she had a plan that would impress her. Draco had been working mostly in the Potions classroom, leaving Hermione with mixed emotions. On one hand she loved her alone time in the library and the free time to go visit Harry or Hagrid, but on the other- she missed having Draco around all the time. She liked when they could work alongside each other the most. Finally she understood the use for study breaks.

"It's snowing," Draco's voice nearly whispered. Hermione's eyes shot up from her book to him and then to the window beside their book and parchment-covered work table. 

Hermione smiled widely at the window as a small trickle of snowflakes fell. She turned back to see Draco standing up and setting the book he was holding down onto the table. Her eyes widened in anticipation as he stepped closer.

Draco approached Hermione, reaching out his hand for hers. She quickly pushed her chair back and stood, hand now in his.

"I'll need to get boots for the walk into Hogsmeade," she muttered in thought as they stepped to stand in front of the window to watch the snow fall. Draco wordlessly wrapped her into his arms, nodding in agreement at her words.

Hermione leaned back against Draco's chest, hands holding onto his strong arms that crossed over her body. She could feel his warm breath on her ear, tickling her slightly. The sensation made her smile and readjust in his arms to face him.

"I'll go up and get them now," she was still a bit preoccupied with the weather change.

"I'll go with you," Draco's voice smiled as his lips brushed against her forehead.

Hermione chuckled, "I'm not sure if that's a good idea. We were meant to leave soon and we tend to get...distracted up there."

Draco's voice vibrated against Hermione as he reached down to kiss her jaw as he spoke, "You distract me everywhere."

"I'll just go now quickly and be right back," she huffed- a bit displeased with her own decision. Her gaze danced across Draco's face, neck and shoulder- committing them to visceral memory for the walk upstairs. He seemed to notice and smirked, pulling her in close before releasing her from his hold. 

"I'll be right back," Hermione spoke quickly as she willed her body to move away from him. Her quick footsteps pattered lightly as she moved past their table towards the library entrance. 

"Just meet me at your tree in the courtyard and we'll walk over," Draco's voice called out after her.

Hermione paused and turned back, "My tree?"

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