Chapter 26: Belongings

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Hermione woke up with a headache. Her arm reached to the other side of the bed instinctually, only to find cold bedsheets. She rolled over onto her back, hands rubbing her eyes as her body squirmed awake. Draco hadn't said he was going to come back until morning, but Hermione had hoped that he would want to tell her how his meeting went with McGonagall and decide to come back early. She stayed up late into the night, jolting in bed at any creak or noise that could potentially be Draco.

The air was cold, making Hermione pull at her quilt to cover her more. Flipping onto her other side, Hermione heard the crinkle of parchment beside her head. On the pillow beside her was a small note in what appeared to be Draco's handwriting. Hermione shot up in bed, pulling the note to her eyes.

Blaise invited our old Slytherin group to come for a match- I'll be back in a few days. Sorry I didn't say goodbye but I thought I'd let you sleep. If you need to send an owl, I'm at Pansy's parent's vacation home- the address is written on the back.


Hermione felt her heartbeat thunder. He had left- without even saying goodbye- to go stay with Pansy and his old Slytherin party friends. Hermione groaned, falling back onto her pillows. Her mind raced with nightmares of Pansy and other faceless girls pawing at Draco. 

Hermione yanked her body out of bed in frustration . She had already packed most of her things and was determine to move into her professor suite today, regardless of Draco. 


(1. YouTube: "Thunderstorm with Heavy rain sounds for Sleep, Study, and Relaxation- The Hideout Ambiance -YT channel name: New Bliss... that specific title is a 3 hour version but there's also a live 24/7 feed on the same channel of the same place. It's a wooden room, but still very much the vibe of Hermione's suite.)

(2. YouTube: "Rain, Thunderstorm & Fireplace Sounds for 12 hours in this Cozy Place | Sleep, Study, Meditation -YT channel name: White Noise Tranquility... stone room with a bed and fireplace-another close vibe to the suite but less detailed than the first video.)


Rain pattered down the window as Hermione reorganized her bookshelf. Instead of alphabetical order, she decided to change the sorting to topics. Her fireplace roared, fending off the cold outside. The day passed quickly as she moved, although her mind swung back to Draco often.

The wind gusted outside and Hermione's eyes lifted from the books in her hand to the window. The rain was getting heavier now, turning the sky a dark grey. She tried to focus on the relaxing sounds of the storm as she continued working on her bookshelf. When an especially intense shiver crossed her body, Hermione's eyes searched around the room for her wand.

The stone room was small but cozy- now filled with drawers of Hermione's clothes, a large desk, rows of bookshelves lining the stone walls, and a large telescope place strategically by the window. Her wand lay on the large blue quilt on her four poster bed. She stumbled through the still-unfamiliar terrain of the room, reaching for her wand.

"Focillo," Hermione muttered as she flicked her wand, warming the bed before she ripped up the covers to get inside. 

Hermione lay bundled under her quilt as the storm thundered outside. She rolled around as if to get comfortable, but couldn't despite the soft, warm sheets. All her mind could do was wonder about Draco- what he was doing, who he was with, and if he was thinking of her. The constant noise in her mind made Hermione groan.

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