Chapter 53: Joys

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Draco pulled out a maroon velvet box, placing it gently into Hermione's outstretched hands.

"But Christmas isn't until tomorrow," she smiled, sliding her fingertips across the soft velvet.

"This is for tonight- to go with the dress," Draco smirked. Hermione laughed, remembering his wide-eyed excitement at the flowing forest green dress he saw her packing for their Christmas trip.

Hermione slowly clicked the box open, inhaling sharply as she saw the necklace inside. A thin, slinky gold chain held a sparkling charm at the end- a small cat with a serpentining tail.

"It's beautiful," she whispered with a smile, examining it closer.

Draco's fingers found the cat charm, rubbing it over softly in his fingertips. "And with the right touch...," he whispered with a smile.

Hermione watched as he pulled his hand away, revealing a new small, golden charm- a snake. She smiled, hand immediately reaching for it. As her fingers turned the charm over in her hands, she felt a warmth spreading up her arm. Pulling her hand back, she again saw the golden cat charm. With a laugh she reached for it again, rubbing at it quickly and watching the cat transform back into the snake.

"Draco," she breathed as her fingers ran over it softly. "Thank you."

"May I?" he nodded back to her, hands reaching for the box. Hermione nodded quickly as he lifted the necklace from the box and stepped behind her.

Draco brushed aside her hair, his cold fingertips grazing her neck. The sudden chill sent goosebumps over her body, her shoulders shimmying in adjustment. He chuckled, swiping her out of his way again before his arms lifted around her, enveloping her as she swayed back into him. The necklace tapped against the skin of her collarbones as Draco's breathed softly at her ear. After a moment, he stepped back with a satisfied exhale- dropping her hair back across her shoulders and turning her to face him.

Hermione tensed as Draco's finger slid down her chest, his touch featherlight against the necklace as he grinned.

"Thank you, Draco," she breathed, her hand reaching up to graze along the thin gold chain. Draco's eyes darkened, staring into her eyes with intensity..

"Hermione?! Draco!" Fred and George's voices rang out from somewhere below in the house. 

Draco rolled his eyes, brow furrowing with an exhaling chuckle.

"We should go," Hermione offered despite not moving from her position, eyes on the closed door that muffled the twins' yelling voices.

"In a moment," he whispered against her ear as he pressed into her. His hand weaved through her hair, pulling her into a deep kiss.


Draco and Fred squatted in the tall grass, haunched over a firework with their wands- preparing to light it. Hermione laughed beside Ginny and Blaise as George ran past them holding another one, Ron and Harry following loudly behind him. 

With a soft crackle and pop, the fireworks launched into the night sky. Draco ran back over to collect Hermione in his arms as bright red explosions fizzed and snaked across the stars, collecting into a dragon that roared before scattering into nothingness. 

"Merry Christmas!" Fred and George yelled out loudly as everyone cheered, running around throwing small, snapping miniature fireworks into the air- each sparkling in red or green.

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