Chapter 49: Personality

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Hermione woke up with a lurch on the first day of classes. Draco lay breathing softly behind her, still deeply asleep. The room was dark, the only light coming from the glow of the moon that leaked through their window.

"Bloody hell," Hermione let out a hushed grunt as she tapped her hand along the nightstand in search of her wand- finally slapping down onto it and waving it quickly to light the candles around the room. With a sigh, she lifted to sit on the bed and pulled a book from her nightstand- settling in to read in the soft candlelight.

As she began to read, Draco rustled quietly in the sheets- letting out a soft mumble. Hermione hesitated, waiting to see if she had woke him.

"Herm-mmff," his muffled voice grumbled. Hermione smiled, wondering if he was dreaming of her. 

She attempted to calm her already racing mind with Transfiguration: Advanced Principles, nestling under the sheets further to ward off the chill of the room. Her leg drifted against Draco's- soaking up his warmth as her thoughts wandered from the page. Everything had gone so well lately- almost too well for Hermione's taste...and anxiety began to settle at the bottom of her stomach, warning her that nothing lasts forever. As she wrestled with her thoughts, the question left haunting her was whether or not the first day of classes would be the thing to break the spell of happiness that had been keeping her in a contented daze with Draco since February.

Working hard had always come naturally to her, she reminded herself- any problem that came up could be solved. Unfortunately, she also knew all too well the unpredictability of public opinion. Teaching at Hogwarts was always her favorite daydream, but the question whether or not reality could match it remained a mystery that gnawed at her.

Draco's body rustled, making her attention snap to him- checking to see if he was awake. In the silence that followed, she tried to return to her book page. Unfortunately, imaginings of the day ahead seemed to overpower her mind.

Professor Granger. Who is that? What would her reputation be? What did her days look like?

Hermione adjusted uncomfortably, closing her book with a sigh in acceptance of her mind's turmoil. She looked to Draco, turned away from her- head nestled against the pillow as he rose and fell softly with his breath. His tousled hair lay across his forehead in a messy nest- hand clawed into the pillow beside his softly parted lips.

I love him, Hermione thought with a deep exhale. Just look at him.

Her hand drifted across his brow, sliding the hair back to expose his face fully to her. His breath seemed to catch, making her pull her fingers away quickly.

"Hermione?" Draco's deep voice cracked as he grumbled her name.

"Sorry...go back to sleep," she tried to whisper as softly as she could, fingers drifting over his arm reassuringly. 

"Come here," he croaked as turned to face her, arm sliding around her waist. Their bodies slid into each other, Hermione's book dropping from off the bed with a loud smack. 

"Just my book," she whispered with a laugh, pulling against him. "Good Morning."

"It's still dark," Draco noticed aloud as his eyes flickered open fully.

"I know- you should sleep more. I just couldn't- nerves."

"You're the brightest witch of our age, Granger. You'll be fucking fantastic today," he smiled as his sleepy voice crackled. 

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