Chapter 38: Priorities

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Hermione glanced up at Draco who sat in an armchair opposite hers, deeply focused on his book as the afternoon wore on. She watched his eyes quickly scanning across the page, brow furrowed and lips pursed as he read.

"Draco?" she whispered. His eyes snapped up to meet hers- they widened, expectant.

"Did you want to go into Hogsmeade for a drink?" she offered. Draco seemed taken aback, but nodded.

"To Felix?" Draco checked.

She nodded, closing her book with a wide smile when he nodded in acceptance again. 

"I'm going to go get ready," Hermione bubbled excitedly.

"I'll meet you at your suite once I get dressed," Draco chuckled with a shake of his head.

"Give me some extra time though," she added, walking slowly over to Draco. 

"Really?" Draco raised an eyebrow as she leaned in to rest her hands on his shoulder, sliding into his lap. He set is book onto the table beside him as she did, freeing his hands to wrap around her.

"Really," Hermione whispered against his ear, watching as goosebumps flooded his skin.


Hermione stared into the bathroom mirror nervously, examining her dark green lace lingerie set. Taking a deep breath, she reached to slide on the silky dress that hung on the door beside her. The black dress reached down to skim the tops of her knees as she draped it over her body. A slit was cut up one side of it, exposing her thigh when she moved. Stepping into her black heels, she forced herself to take another deep inhale and exhale as she took in the totality of her gift to Draco: the green lingerie, tight black dress and heels, and a delicate silver necklace with a serpentining snake pendant that hung against her cleavage.

She wrung her hands nervously, stepping closer to the mirror to inspect her makeup. She added another coat of red lipstick, then leaning back to examine her black cat eye. Just as she considered adding more eyeliner too, Hermione heard her door creak open and Draco's voice softly calling for her from the bedroom. Taking a last look in the mirror, she turned to rip the door open. 

Draco's eyes bulged when he saw her. He glanced up and down her body, brows pulled tightly together as if he was in pain. Hermione hesitated for a moment, then taking advantage of the wave of confidence Draco's gaze gave her to spin slowly for him. 

"Fuck," Draco whispered. Hermione watched him stare at her thighs as she moved slowly towards his frozen body. Draco was dressed pristinely as usual- a fitted black sweater clinging perfectly to his muscled arms.

Hermione slid her hands up onto his shoulders, smiling at his dazed state. Draco's hand lifted to her snake necklace, his fingers brushing softly over it. She looked down, eyes glancing between and comparing their snakes- his on a large Slytherin crest ring and hers on her necklace. 

"Hermione," Draco growled like a warning.

"Do you like my dress?" Hermione giggled.

"Yes," he breathed, eyes still washing over her as he spoke.

"Good," she chuckled, pulling him by the hands towards the door.


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