Chapter 29: Interests

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Hermione and Draco sat reading beside each other as the morning slowly passed.

"Can we go see it now?" Hermione glanced up from her book, jolting with the thought.

Draco, knowing what she meant, looked up from his page and nodded his head. "If you'd like."

Busied yesterday by each other's bodies, they hadn't made the trip down to his suite.

"Can we go now?" Hermione's eyes were wide, hopeful.

"Alright, come on then," Draco chuckled, setting down his book to stand. Hermione grinned widely, joining him.

They walked beside each other, Draco's hand grazing her hip occasionally as they rounded a corner or stepped from a staircase to guide them along. Hermione felt herself deflating as the minutes wore on, realizing the distance between the suites. She bit her tongue, not wanting to bring it up although she was sure Draco noticed as well.

Just before they made it to the final staircase down to the Slytherin Dungeons, they made a tight turn down a slim corridor. It weaved slightly, leading to a small set of stairs. Hermione stepped up, eyes turning to watch Draco's stoic face as they reached the top of the staircase.

"It's just down here," Draco muttered as Hermione's eyes turned forward to see a large door at the end of the corridor.

Draco's hand swept softly at her lower back as they made it to the large door. His other hand reached out, grasping and pulling at the doorknob.


(1. YouTube: Cozy Castle Room with Rain & Thunder Sounds for 12 Hours -YT channel: White Noise Tranquility)

(2. Youtube: Rain & Fireplace sounds 24/7 | Cozy Castle Room | to Relax, Sleep or Study -YT channel: White Noise Tranquility)

Hermione's eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room. She looked to a window, noticing they were still above ground- but the sky had turned a deep grey, sun obstructed from view. She heard the faint noise of several raindrops tapping outside. Turning her head, she took in the suite's details: his large four poster bed covered in a deep green duvet, the towering bookshelf in the corner overflowing with books, his Firebolt leaning against a nearby set of drawers...

"I like it," she smiled, looking up at him. Draco's expression was hard to read, eyes cold but mouth frozen in a slight, polite smile.

The sound of the raindrops outside grew louder as Hermione walked further into the suite, eyes scanning the room still. She looked to the tables at either side of his large bed, eyeing the tall stacks of books each one held. Stepping closer, she noticed some of the titles of the books sitting on the right side (her side) of the bed were familiar- ones she was currently reading. She smiled widely, looking to Draco. His smile turned more genuine at hers, knowing she had realized they were for her.

Hermione took a surveying glance around again and amended her previous statement, "I love it."

Draco stepped towards her, moving for the first time since they entered the room. His eyes seemed to search hers as he walked.

"I'm glad. I'll obviously add more things...I want you to be comfortable here," Draco's tone was serious as he spoke.

"Draco, you don't need to get anything for me," Hermione reached out for him, concerned with the uneasy expression on his face. "I'm comfortable automatically wherever you are."

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