Chapter 34: Status

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Draco and Hermione drank their tea lazily, sat nestled in a cushioned alcove as they watched the Hogsmeade streets begin to fill with the bustle of the day outside the window. They had apparated back to Diagon Alley that morning, collecting sweets from Honeydukes and books from Borgin & Burke's before using floo powder to leave London for The Quibbler. Luna had requested Draco and Hermione use her fireplace to return so Draco could be given his birthday gift. 

"Here Draco, happy birthday," Luna smiled, handing Draco a small, green velvet box as she sat down across from them. 

"Thank you, Luna," Draco nodded as he took it from her, opening the lid slowly.

A large black, jagged edged crystal rested in the green satin. Hermione glanced over it's features, trying to identify it.

"It's black tourmaline," Luna's musical voice sang, "for protection."

Draco smiled and nodded, his voice ringing with excitement as he thanked her. Hermione was a bit surprised at how genuinely pleased he seamed at the gift.

"Luna?" a deep voice called from upstairs. Hermione froze, listening closer.

Loud stomps clamored down the stairs suddenly, making the trio look up just as Ron came into view. Hermione's eyes widened as she took in Ron, naked except for his pants, who stood frozen in realization at the bottom of the staircase. His hands sprang up across his bare chest as he seemed to contemplate whether or not to run away.

"Ron?" Hermione gaped, unable to contain her surprise. She glanced at Luna who sat smiling, unfazed with what was going on. 

"I- Uh- bloody hell...uh...good morning," Ron fumbled out, eyes darting around for something. He caught sight of a fluffy, light blue robe- Luna's by the looks of the small flowers and rabbits that covered it- and pulled it around him quickly. 

"Good Morning, Weasley," Draco smirked as Ron angrily tied the robe closed.

"Good Morning," Hermione's voice squeaked as she processed what was happening. 

"Would you like some tea, Ron?" Luna smiled standing to walk over to him. Ron's eyes darted to Hermione when Luna's hand reached out a touched his arm tenderly.

"Um. Sure," Ron muttered, turning to walk into the kitchen with her. 

Hermione turned to Draco, eyes wide. Draco smirked, cocking his head with a shrug. His hand slid onto her knee, rubbing it as Luna and Ron returned to sit in the alcove with them. The room was silent except for the clinking of their teacups clattering onto the table and Ron's deep, awkward breaths.

"So..." Ron started, eyes glued to his tea.

"We should get back to Hogwarts," Hermione burst, "We've been gone for a few days to be done." 

"Thank you for my gift and the tea, two have a nice day," Draco nodded. Hermione exhaled in relief- pleased Draco was the type to allow for a quick exit.

"Thanks for coming. Maybe come down to Felix for drinks a night this week?" Luna hugged Hermione, pleading. 

"Sure," Hermione nodded, tapping Ron on the shoulder awkwardly before turning to leave. Draco was already at the door. "Bye," she shouted as she passed through the threshold.

The door slammed close behind them. Draco and Hermione turned and looked at each other, eyes wide. 

"Well then," Draco shook his head with a chuckle, taking her arm in his and beginning to walk towards Hogwarts.

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