Chapter 41: Games

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Adrian: Scorpio Rising, Leo Sun (10th house), Gemini Moon (8th house)

Cassius: Virgo Rising and Sun, Scorpio Moon (3rd house)

Theo: Gemini Rising, Aries Sun (11th house), Capricorn Moon (8th house)

Miles: Scorpio Rising, Cancer Sun (9th house), Aquarius Moon (4th house)


Hermione adjusted on her broom uncomfortably, fingers clenching tightly as she flew in a tight circle around the hoops. Her and Neville had agreed to switch back and forth between playing as Chaser and Seeker since Angelina's sprained wrist had kept her back at home healing. Fred and George demanded to play in their usual roles as Beaters, leaving Ginny as Keeper and Ron and Harry as Chasers. Hermione was playing as a Chaser in the first match- desperately trying to keep up with the turns and dives of Harry and Ron.

Luna was having fun announcing the score, but it was a bit redundant since the only people there were playing in the game and very much aware if someone had scored or not. The sat alone, shouting in her soft musical voice each time someone scored. The mood was relaxed, mostly likely due to everyone's lack of sleep from the night before.

Pansy luckily caught the snitch quickly, ending their first round before Hermione's sweat and pounding heart rate kicked in. 

The second match was less forgiving, lasting much longer than the first as Hermione and Draco looked for the snitch lazily. Draco had made a one-game position switch with Pansy, letter her and Blaise be Beaters together so he could fly with Hermione. Both Adrian and George yelled at them at different points in the match- telling them they couldn't just meander around the field pretending to search for the snitch as they giggled between themselves.

Finally, much to Hermione's joy, Adrian shouted out across the field that they needed to stop, yelling, "We're up 40 points- let's say we won this round so I can go take a piss." Fred and George fought back, but ultimately decided they needed a water break too. 

Hermione and Neville traded hushed fears and complaints as everyone took a break, stood scattered around the field talking amongst themselves. They were both nervous on their brooms, quickly admitting to each other that they much preferred cheering to playing. "Lucky Luna- I'm back to announcing next game." Neville exhaled as they exchanged wide eyed looks upon hearing Theo call the start of the next match.

They all flew into the sky in streaking lines as they got into position. Hermione hovered over the ground for a moment before kicking off, glancing at a smiling Draco who lifted off the ground smoothly- not breaking eye contact. He raised his eyebrows at her playfully before flying quickly up to everyone else. She followed him, her broom coming to hang beside his in the sky as Luna's voice rang out with a countdown to her release of the balls.

"2...1..." Luna sung out.

The bludgers screamed into the air, soaring high and out of view. The snitch paused for a moment above Luna's head before rocketing away, nearly invisible with its speed. Luna's quaffle throw was caught by Cassius, who soared away quickly with it.

The game continued as the sun boiled hotter. Hermione felt her fingers slip with sweat along her broomstick, making her clench down harder as she followed behind Ron and Harry as they passed the quaffle between them.

"Hermione!" Ron shouted when Harry was blocked by Adrian, throwing her the quaffle. She gasped, terrified as she lifted her hands up to catch it quickly- instantly sliding it under an arm so a hand could return to her broom. She soared past a surprised Theo, flying quickly towards Miles at the goalposts.

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