Chapter 44: Joint Ventures

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Hermione laughed as Draco carried her across the room over his shoulder. The party boomed loudly, glasses clinking and thunderous footsteps stomping. A large white banner hung above them, with sparkling and fizzling gold letters spelling Happy Birthday Neville & Harry!

"Now stay right there," Draco huffed, dropping her onto a couch. She bounced onto the cushions with a giggle, arms reaching out for him to join her. Hermione had been chasing him down again and again- stopping him from leaving to go get something from Luna's Quibbler office with Neville.

"We'll be quick," he smiled, leaning down and kissing her quickly before he turned to leave.

Hermione huffed loudly, pouting as he left. Ginny tumbled down into a chair beside her, breathing heavily from running around the room with Fred and George as they set off miniature snapping fireworks.

"You know what we need?" Ginny turned to Hermione.

"What?" Hermione laughed at Ginny's bubbling excitement.

"Sweets," she moaned, yanking her by the hand to stumbled towards the door. "To the kitchens!" she roared as they clattered into the stone corridor.


Ginny and Hermione giggled furiously, their conversations muffled as they chewed on mouthfuls of chocolate muffins. They had ransacked the kitchens, collecting greedy piles of baked goods- most of which were prepared for the group's breakfast the next morning.

"So...Hermione..." Ginny waved her eyebrows with a sway, "...what is...Draco like with you?"

"What do you mean?" Hermione laughed, knowing what she meant.

"I mean we all heard about him back at school," Ginny deadpanned. "What is he really like?" she pleaded, leaning on her elbows and propping her chin onto her hands as she waited expectantly.

"I guess he's...he's how he is normally," Hermione pondered, feeling the alcohol loosen her tongue. "He's direct...strong...takes charge and doesn't stop until..."

"...'until' what?" Ginny slapped her hands onto the table dramatically, eyes wide with a wide smile.

"Let's just say I've slept exceptionally well since February," Hermione sighed, swiping her a finger across the icing of a cupcake- sucking it off as he mind wandered off in thought.

"There you are!" Draco's voice boomed as he bound into the room.

"Hi, Draco!" Ginny shouted back through a mouthful of vanilla scone.

Hermione's jaw dropped, her tongue frozen on her finger as it hesitated on it's final lick. She smiled as his serious face dropped to something else upon seeing her. Licking her finger one last time, she stepped forward slowly. "We came for sweets," she giggled, hands draping over his shoulders as he rolled his eyes at her. He arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her to him despite his look of disapproval.

"I found a basket!" Ginny yelled, catching a falling basket from the top of a nearby cupboard and immediately stacking the baked goods into it.

Draco leaned down, sliding his lips against Hermione's hair as he whispered into her ear. "I told you to stay where I left you," Draco growled softly, his fingers tightening on her.

"Don't be cross," Hermione pouted, nudging him with her whole body as she broke into a sly smile. She gave him her most innocent look, eyelashes flickering as she looked up at him.

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