Chapter 16: Home

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Hermione and Draco had begrudgingly gotten up from their comfortable position on the library couch to move back to their work table. Hermione found herself summarizing notes and putting books away as the sun set, which made her laugh to herself. The sun going down never used to signal the end of a work day for her, but now she longed to get back to the dormitories with Draco.

He had watched her work for most of the day after they had sex. Seemingly every time Hermione looked up at him, she found Draco's eyes on her. His long fingers would be tapping at the edge of a book page and his eyes would be scanning up and down her body hungrily. Multiple times she felt the need to get up and go over to "ask him his opinion" on something she read. She would lean down to put the book in front of him, her hand hungrily rubbing at his shoulder as she'd sit down onto his lap. His heavy exhales when she would always made her smile.

"Let's go get our dinners and go back to Ravenclaw Tower," Hermione finally said as she closed the last of her opened books. "I'm done here for now."

Draco smirked and stood up instantly, walking over to her and pulling her up by her hand as his other hand waved his wand, lifting her bag and books into the hair to hover beside them and follow as they moved. He was ready go too.


Hermione opened the door to a heavenly smell. Garlic and rosemary...fresh dinner rolls...vanilla simmering somewhere...

"Roast dinners are right there on that table, Miss.!" Tally the house elf smiled and waved as she walked around the stoves at the far end of the kitchen.

"Thank you!" Hermione shouted as she picked up 2 of the 6 the bags on the table. She counted in her head- her, Draco, McGonagall, Harry, Hagrid...whose was the 6th bag?

"Hello," Ron's voice made Hermione jump.

"Hello," Draco's voice was tense beside Hermione.

"Ron, are you...glad you're here...why didn't you say..." Hermione was flustered, unprepared for him to be here.

Harry was beside Ron in the doorway, glancing awkwardly between them.

"Harry and I were just working on something with Hagrid earlier. Thought I'd get dinner here." Ron looked cooly at Hermione.

"Oh- wonderful. Maybe we could-" Hermione wasn't sure what to offer and Ron mercifully cut her off before she could try to think of something.

"I just want to get to bed. Maybe tomorrow. Harry asked McGonagall if everyone could come down for a night so just come then."

"Everyone?" Hermione stepped forward and felt Draco wince as she moved away from him.

"Luna...Fred and George...Ginny and everyone too since they're between games..." Ron shrugged.

"Great, where should we meet?" Hermione smiled, actually excited at the idea.

Ron looked displeased at her joy, "Everyone is coming at different times- just come meet us in the afternoon in the common room."

Ron glanced at Draco.

Harry finally spoke up, "I got Butterbeer barrels from Padma and Parvati for it..."

The room was still with awkwardness.

"Well done, Potter," Draco's voice seemed genuine.

"You're coming?" Ron looked annoyed.

"Is that a problem?" Draco's eyebrow raised as they stared at each other.

Ron shrugged and turned to the dinners on the table to pick up his, "I guess not."

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