Chapter 5: Pleasure

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Capricorn Rising

Gemini Sun (6th House)

Scorpio Moon (11th House)


Harry and Hermione had stayed up late with Hagrid after dinner before returning to the Gryffindor common room together. They fell asleep mid-sleepy conversation on two separate couches by the roaring fireplace as they reminisced about their childhood. Hermione had always thought of Harry like a brother and it was most evident on nights they spent alone together. No sexual tension- no tension at all. Just being able to talk to a person...and be silent with them.

Hermione woke up early the next day to Harry's roaring snore from across the room. She grumbled and rubbed her eyes, adjusting her body that had grown sore from the position she had slept in on the couch. She picked up her wand from the floor on top of her jacket and whispered "accio kettle" softly. A box nearby burst open and Hermione jolted as it flew over to her hand.

Harry woke when the tea was brewed. He grumbled something about it being too early and then had gone to the kitchens to see if there was food. Hermione decided to move up to Ravenclaw Tower instead of joining him, mentioning the Ravenclaw library renovation and reorganization. Harry rolled his eyes at that and nodded in agreement.

Hermione walked up the familiar staircase with a smile as her belongings floated along behind her. She passed by some of her favorite portraits, saying hello and reintroducing herself. She noticed some of the portraits her torn and empty and she made a mental note to fix and fill them later. Finally reaching Ravenclaw Tower, she noticed the entryway way entirely blasted open- no password needed. Hermione flashed back to the war. The pain. She flinched and her bags dropped suddenly at her distraction.


Hermione froze. Draco.

"Hello?" the deep voice spoke again.

"Yes, Um...Malfoy it's me." Hermione lifted her her wand and her bags lifted once again and followed her into the common room. Hermione's eyes widened as she looked up in awe at the ceiling- charmed to mimic deep space, stars and planets and moons glowing. A shooting star shot across the part of the ceiling Hermione was examining and she smiled widely in excitement.

Returning her eyes to Draco, she set her bags down with a flick of her wand and walked towards him. He sat on a tall armchair across the common room, book in hand, with a kettle steaming softly on the side table beside him. Mint. Mint tea. It's smell swept around Hermione as she stepped closer.

"I was going to stay here and renovate. McGonagall said you'd be doing Slytherin's dormitory."

Draco shrugged, "I thought you'd stay in Gryffindor with Potter. I was going to handle the library here. I've only just started though...did the ceiling first..." and he motioned upwards towards the glowing planets hovering above them.

"I like it," Hermione smiled, looking up- making Draco's brow furrow and posture stiffen.

"But I'm going to stay here. Sorry. I'd like my own space and seeing as we each can have an entire dormitory to ourselves I see no reason to share with Harry just because I'm a Gryffindor."

"You could stay in Hufflepuff, by the kitchens?" Draco offered lazily.


Draco smirked. "And why is that?'

"I want. The library. It's mine." Hermione's eyes narrowed on him as she towered above him, standing a meter away.

Their eye contact made Hermione's stomach flip and she felt herself getting wet.

Professor GrangerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon