Chapter 1: Identity

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Hermione: Aries Rising, Virgo Sun (6th house), Capricorn Moon (10th house)

Harry: Scorpio Rising, Leo Sun (10th house), Pisces Moon (5th house)

Ron: Leo Rising, Pisces Sun (8th house), Aquarius Moon (7th house)


Hermione and Harry sat on the couch, watching Fred and George debate whether the Pygmy Puffs were coming in on Thursday or Friday. They were talking in circles, reminding Hermoine of Tweedle Dee and Dum's banter. She smiled at the thought of Alice's journey to Wonderland, fully swept away in the memories of the story. It's what she loved about books: her mind could return to a story and remember so much detail, it almost felt real. She didn't just imagine Alice falling down a hole... she would imagine herself tumbling through the air, grasping for something to hold onto, spinning wildly as she plummeted.

Just as Hermione's mind wandered farther, Ron came bounding into the room "If you two don't quit it I swear.... they come in Saturday." Harry groaned and closed his eyes as all three red headed boys collectively began to yell over each other, debating excitedly. Hermoine didn't flinch at the sudden cacophony of voices, but simply looked over distractingly at the Christmas tree in the corner that bathed the room in golden light. She had stayed at the Burrow longer than Harry and had and had grown used to the Weasley chaos.

Harry's travels lasted months longer than Hermione's, who had opted to return back the Burrow for a "quick weekend" months ago. What started as a few projects around the property for Mr. & Ms. Weasley ended in Hermione's instrumental assistance in Fred & George's creation of a second (smaller) Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes in Hogsmeade. Ron, who was long tired of working with his father in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts (a feeling Arthur shared), was elated to accept the role of Store Manager after Hermione prodded the twins to give their brother a bigger role.

Last year, Harry and Hermione had walked out of the ministry together after a drunken pact to leave, go travel and find something that truly mattered to them. They had both had spent the years after the war in various roles for the Ministry, unsure of what other meaning was left for them after Voldemort's defeat. Harry had worked with Aurors and helped alter their training program, rooting out any corruption found. Hermione had worked mostly with Professor McGonagall at the start, helping her set up an exchange program for students to go to other wizarding schools after Hogwarts closed. After that, the projects seemed farther and farther from her core and it all seemed pointless. She found herself wondering if the passion once synonymous with her personhood had become a nothing more than childhood memory.

Hermione tried not to think of the night they learned Hogwarts was closing often, but found that it haunted her no matter how much time passed. Hermione had just stared into her butterbeer, trying to focus of the small noises clattering around the Three Broomsticks to distract from what was being said. McGonagall spoke as if she was underwater- saying something about the time needed to repair major damages to the structure and the PTSD of students who lost friends in the final battle on the grounds. Hermione had just sat and stared at her butterbeer foam, unable to give any of the polite "I understand/Of course/I see" responses Ron and Harry had managed. After some time, she finally burst- hands waving frantically as she tried to change McGonagall's mind- saying anything she could think of to convince her- to no avail. Hermione passed through the stages of grief more times than she could count after that night, unable to determine if Hogwarts closing, even "temporarily," was the worst thing to ever happen, the saddest, the best given the circumstances, or just a nightmare she would soon wake up from.

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