Chapter 27: Processing

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Hermione woke up in her suite for the first time. It was still dark outside, creating a blue glow that filled the room. She rolled around in bed in adjustment before sliding out from under the covers to look out the window beside her bed. She let out a long exhale as bird flew by through the dark, cloudy sky. 

Draco. She glanced down at the bin beside her desk, filled with long bits of crumbled parchment- failed attempts at finding the right words for him. Groaning at the sight, she returned to her bed- sliding once again underneath the warmth of her quilt.

Morning passed as Hermione read, nestled in an armchair under a large blanket beside the burning fireplace. She alternated between fiction and nonfiction, trying anything that she thought would hold her attention. The lanterns around her room were lit, the sky still ominously dark although it wasn't raining. 

A knock came at the door. Hermione bolted up, dropping her book onto the floor as she flew to the door. She swung it open in a flash to see Harry, looking quite surprised at Hermione's wild expression. 

"Oh- Hi Harry," Hermione tried to hide her disappointment.

"Hi Hermione," Harry laughed with wide eyes. "Just wanted to come see your place. Wow- it looks great," Harry's eyes wandered over her suite. 

"Yes, of course!" Hermione nearly shouted. "Come in Harry, you have to tell me all about your meeting with McGonagall."


After spending the afternoon talking, Harry had taken Hermione to see his suite. It was just as she expected- strewn with knick knacks, brooms and books.

"...and look," Harry continued, "Neville gave it to me." He reached a large camera up to his face, turning to look through it as it faced Hermione's interested expression. He took a photo of her, making her eyes blink furiously at the flash of light that echoed around her vision.

When Hermione's eyes resettled, she looked at the small photo in Harry's hands. It was a close up- Hermione's hair softly swishing back and forth across the shoulder of her bulky red sweater. She watched as it moved, strands of hair swaying across the photo.

"That's wonderful, Harry," Hermione smiled. Her mind wandered as he began to explain the details of the camera. An idea struck her, making her smile widely at the thought.

"What?" Harry stopped his meandering explanation to look at her.

"Could I borrow it?" Hermione asked, eyes darting in thought.

"Sure," Harry shrugged, offering it to her.

"Thanks," Hermione grinned, trying to contain the emotion bubbling up inside her.

Hermione tried to politely continue hanging out with Harry, but found her mind was too preoccupied to hear anything he said. She finally gave up, saying something about needing to get back to finish organizing her room before saying goodbye to him.


She sat on her bed, eyes examining the camera. She was still contemplating the idea that struck her earlier when Harry had shown her it. Finally breaking, she set down the camera at the table beside her bed. 

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