Chapter 73: Restless

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It'd been a week since everything had happened and I was feeling a lot better. My face was still a little bruised, but not that noticeable. Vince was right though... I did end up having a black eye.

I was wiping the make up I'd been using to cover its faded purple and yellow tones off, as I got ready to climb into bed. I glanced at the phone on my bedside table before turning my lamp off and sliding under the covers.

I'd actually ended up staying that night last week at Heather and Tommy's place, in a bedroom on the other end of the house away from all the commotion. I'd been too scared to go home alone and Heather, being the touch dramatic that she always was, had freaked out when she saw my face, screaming that we had to put ice on it and monitor the swelling to make sure it wouldn't ruin my modeling career.

Nikki surprised me the most actually. I mean, we'd always had almost like a brother and sister friendship- joking around with each other, drinking together, making fun of people... but we really hadn't spoken much since Vince and I broke things off.

He'd stayed at Heather's too in one of their other 7 bedrooms and was the first to check on me the next morning. He rode in the taxi home with me and walked me up to my apartment before we said our goodbyes. I was thankful that he did because honestly I was having trouble shaking the terrified feeling that was still looming over me.

I hadn't talked to Vince since that night either. Well I guess, technically the next morning. He'd called my home phone that night like 6 times, leaving frantic voicemails asking if I was alright. I called him back that morning as soon as I was back in my apartment and the phone picked up within the first ring. He sounded relieved to hear my voice... but the conversation was a little awkward.

It started off sincere, I thanked him again and he asked how I was feeling... but then, I heard someone talking in the background and I knew it was Holly. I didn't want to keep him, so I'd told him I was tired and that I'd call him if I needed him and rushed off the phone. I wasn't even sure that I'd waited to hear him say goodbye... and I hadn't talked to him since. I was sure he was keeping tabs on me through Heather, Tommy or Nikki who'd called me a few times throughout the week to make sure I was alright home alone.

I'd heard through the grapevine that Chase had ended up in the hospital that night... a terrible motorcycle accident put him in there, they said. As if he'd have the balls to ride a motorcycle...

He apparently had broken his wrist, cheekbone, nose and eye socket and dislocated a shoulder and knee. Oh, and the best part... had to make an emergency dental appointment to get fitted for two new, fake front teeth to replace the ones he was missing now.

The whole experience had been traumatic as fuck, but I couldn't help but laugh at that part.

I found myself tossing and turning in bed. I'd been having trouble sleeping lately and I had an extra reason for my insomnia tonight... I'd heard Chase would be getting out of the hospital any day now and I was feeling kinda uneasy about it.

I tried to push the thought out of my mind... reminding myself of the three times that I'd checked the lock on my front door before climbing into bed and then drifting off to sleep...

. . .

I was woken up by loud knocks coming from my front door and ringing through my entire apartment.



I shot out of bed and ran to the first place of shelter I could think of: my closet, shutting myself in and listening intently for any more noise...



The knocks were louder and more aggressive this time.... I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate, but somehow got the courage to open the closet door, jump over the bed and grab the phone from my bedside table. I dialed the number and put it to my ear, but my heart sank as I didn't hear a dial tone coming from the phone.

I slammed it down on the receiver and picked it up again, frantically putting it to my ear only to hear no sound yet again.

"Vince???!" I yelled into the silent phone.

"Vince, help me!!" I screamed again helplessly.

Suddenly, my bedroom door swung open and Chase stood in the doorway menacingly.

I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. I was frozen in fear, sitting on my bed with the lifeless phone laying in my hand.

He stormed over to my bed, grabbing me by the throat and pushing me down on my back, putting all of his weight on top of me as he closed his grip around my throat tighter.

I felt myself trying to open my mouth and scream for Vince, but I couldn't move... or breathe. I almost felt like I was sinking further and further into the bed as he squeezed my neck harder with each breath I tried to take.

He let go of my neck as I gasped for breath, only to reach his hand back into a fist and bring it full force toward my face. I tried to brace myself, flinching... and just before it connected with my face-

"Aughhhhh!" I gasped as I shot out of bed, my hands immediately flying up to my throat and my eyes searching the dark room in a panic. Oh my god, it was just a dream...

I could feel my heart pounding and I was drenched in sweat as I struggled to slow down my rapid breathing.

You're fine, everything's fine. Just breathe. I said, trying to calm myself down. I looked over at the phone on my nightstand and slowly picked it up, letting out a sigh of relief as I heard the dial tone loudly.

I put it back on the receiver and decided to get myself a glass of water before going back to bed. I walked into the kitchen, flipping the light on and clinking a glass onto the counter.

Just as I'd started back to my room and was reaching for the light switch, I noticed something... on my floor over by the front door...

I felt my heart practically jump out of my chest and I immediately got lightheaded... I hardly even noticed when the cup of water slid from my hand and hit the floor, sending shards of glass scattering in every direction.

I blinked a few times, staring in disbelief... this had to be a dream... I was still dreaming, right???

I took a step forward, using all of the courage I had in my body to inch closer to the door.

"Ow... fuck," I exclaimed as I looked down and realized I'd stepped on a piece of glass, a drop of blood falling from my foot into the floor.

Oh my god, I'm not fucking dreaming... I thought as I winced in pain.

I looked back up from my foot, not even the least bit concerned about it.... the only thing I was concerned with...




....Was the little white envelope that had been slid under my door.

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