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The airport was loud and noisy as I made my way through the crowds. I got off my plane from Canada a few minutes ago. I already grabbed my luggage and was on my way to gate 4 to wait for Elijah to come pick me up. All of the pals have decided to stay at Elijah and Ethan’s house since their roommates were out of the house for summer.

    I sat down on a bench looking for Elijah’s car. A sudden ping made me jump. I opened my phone and saw a message from Elijah.

traffic suks

I chuckled to myself and leaned back on the bench. I was able to get some sleep on the plane, but I still need to adjust to the new timezone.
After staring at the sky for a while, I heard another ping from my phone. To no surprise there was another message from Elijah.

Here :)

I stood up and looked around. I saw a figure standing next to a white car looking around as well. They had on a bright orange sweatshirt, jeans, and a backwards hat on. I assumed that was Elijah and started making my way over to him.

As I was getting closer, he took out his phone and I heard another ping from my phone. He didn’t seem to notice me coming up to him so I took the opportunity to scare him. I ran up to him and almost tackled him.

“AHH! What the- Denis! Don’t scare me like that!” He whined, punching my arm. I bursted out laughing.

"You should’ve seen the look on your face!” I giggled. Elijah let out a sigh and unlocked the car.

“Hurry up. My house is an hour away and I’m hungry,” Elijah said opening the car door. I went around to the other side of the car, put my luggage in the back of the car and got in the passenger seat.

The ride to the house wasn’t really that interesting. We talked about what was going on in our lives, our channels, and things like that. 

Once we finally got to the house, Elijah immediately swung the door open and ran to the front door. I opened the door and got my bags. I looked at the house. It was pretty big.

As I made my way to the front door, I saw that Elijah was already in the house. I opened the door and glanced at the entrance. The house seemed bigger on the inside. A familiar smell came from, what I’m assuming is the kitchen. I walked towards the smell. Sub and Elijah were both sitting around the counter fighting over a slice of pizza.

“Thanks for helping me Eli,” I mumbled. 

“Your welcome,” Elijah said while trying to push Sub off the stool.

“Guess I just stare to death then.”

“Huh?” Sub gave me a confused look.

“Lactose intolerant,” I sighed. They both mouthed ‘O’. Elijah pointed to a smaller pizza box on the counter. I opened it to find a few slices of pizza that looked different than the one Sub and Elijah are eating.

“The pizza place had lactose intolerant pizza so we got a few slices for you,” Elijah explained. I shrugged and pulled a stool over to me. 

“Where’s Alex?” I asked.

“He got here this morning, he’s asleep upstairs.” Sub said. I nodded and took a bit on the pizza.

After we all ate, Elijah helped me bring my stuff to my room. Apparently, Sub was sleeping on the couch in Elijah’s room, I was sleeping in the guest room, and Alex was sleeping in the other guest room. 

“Where’s Ethan?” I asked, putting my suitcase in the closet.

“He said he was going to the grocery store, but he’s been gone for about an hour and a half,” Elijah seemed worried.

“Did you text him?”

“Yeah. He hasn’t replied to a lot of them though.” 

He glanced out the window then back at me. I walked over to him and patted him on the back.

“I’m sure he’s fine. If he’s still not back tomorrow we can call the police. Okay?” Elijah nodded.   

I woke up at 5:00 am. It was pitch black out. I turned on the light and stretched.

‘Dang I need to get used to this timezone,’ I thought.

I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. I noticed a light coming downstairs. I walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen, where the light was coming from. There was no one in the kitchen. I thought that maybe someone just forgot to turn it off before going to bed.

I turned it off and went to go back upstairs, but saw that the basement door was open. I walked over to shut it, but the light was on as well. I went down the stairs to find the light switch. Instead I found Elijah curled up on the couch and Alex sitting next to him.

834 words
You would not believe how close I was to screaming oh my god
Wattpad. I hate you and love you
Anyways heres the first chapter ;)
Next chapter should be out in like 2 seconds

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