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Elijah’s POV

The others left my room. I stared up at the ceiling for a little bit, admiring the glow in the dark stars. I don’t remember this house. The others keep saying ‘my new room’. Did I have a different room? I don’t remember. I asked Sub what happened that made me not remember a lot of things. He said I got into an accident and hurt my head really bad. He also said that was why my legs are paralyized. 

I have scars on my arms. Sub didn’t tell me where they came from. I also haven’t seen Ethan. I wonder where he is. I’ll have to ask the others. I started to feel tired, so I decided to go to sleep. When I fell asleep, it wasn’t a dream.

It was a nightmare.

I was holding a knife standing in front of Alex. There was a pool behind him. Someone or something pushed me into the pool. The water started turning red. My arms were stinging. For some reason I didn’t go back up to the surface. Then I suddenly jumped up, grabbed Alex’s arm, and pulled him into the pool. He fought against me trying to get me away from him. I don’t know why. I quickly found out. I moved the knife and stabbed him in his side. I started feeling light headed and the nightmare ended.

I shot up from the bed, sweating and crying. I gripped onto the stuffed animals for comfort.

“A-Alex!” I yelled. He came running into my room. He probably thought I fell or something and couldn’t get back up. When he saw me sitting on my bed he relaxed a little.

“What happened?” Alex asked, walking over to the bed and sitting next to me.

“I-I had a nightm-mare!” I whined. Alex gave me a sad expression then gave me a hug. 

“What was it about?” He said calmly.

“I had a kn-nife and I fell into a pool!. The water turned all red and my a-arms hurt really bad! I pulled you into the p-pool and hurt you!” I cried. Alex started rubbing my back and telling me to take a deep breath. I did what he said and calmed down. The nightmare felt so real. Did I hurt Alex? Alex pulled away from the hug and smiled at me. I smiled back and handed him the dragon stuffed animal, which I named Frank. I named the kangaroo Bandi. Alex hugged Frank then gave him back to me. He got me some water, helped me get comfortable, and turned on a soothing song to help me fall asleep again.

“Thank you Alex…” I yawned and fell asleep again. This time I had a nice dream.

Alex’s POV

I closed Elijah’s door and went back into the kitchen. I sighed and lifted up my shirt. On my side, I had a scar. I lowered my shirt and looked back at Elijah’s room. His brian is remembering things through dreams. I just hope he doesn’t remember the mental hospital, Ethan’s death, what Denis did to him, him trying to end his life. Actually I think it's better he doesn’t remember anything from the last 6 years.

Elijah seems to not remember what happened to Ethan. Sub explained to us that the man Elijah tortured was Ethan’s kidnapper and murderer. Denis felt terrible and moved out. I’m still a little suspicious of Denis.

I grabbed my bowl of chips I had gotten out before Elijah called me and went into the living room. 

569 words
sad bean ;(

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